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Chapter 4: Concurrent Programming. Distributed Physically separate autonomous processors that interact and collaborate Parallel Processing occurring on more than one processor within the same time frame Concurrent
Chapter 4: Concurrent Programming • Distributed • Physically separate autonomous processors that interact and collaborate • Parallel • Processing occurring on more than one processor within the same time frame • Concurrent • Processing occurring on more than one processor that is synchronized in real-time Distributed Systems
Processes run termination ready block creation Process: A program in execution. • Earlier processes are sequential processes as there is only one control flow in each process. • A process includes its program code, data, resources, and virtual execution environment(CPU, memory). Distributed Systems
Process Creation /* UNIX and C:process_creation.c */ #include <stdlib.h> main(){ int pid; if ((pid = fork()) != 0){ /* father process */ printf(“Father\n”); wait(0); } else if ((pid = fork()) != 0){ /* son process */ printf(“Son\n”); wait(0); } else { /* grandson process */ printf(“Grandson\n”); } exit(0); } Distributed Systems
Memory Space of a Process Stack Heap Program and constant Stack Heap Program and constant Stack Heap Program and constant father son grandson Every process has its own independent memory space Distributed Systems
Process Context Switch Process Context switch: allocate CPU from one process to another. A Process context includes two portions: CPU context and Storage context. • CPU context: program counter, registers, stack/heap pointers and other control registers. Easy to switch. • Storage context: program code, data, address space, memory mapping, (disk) swapping, etc. Hard and time consuming to switch. Distributed Systems
Threads Thread: a (part of a) program in execution. • Maintains only the minimum information to allow a CPU to be shared by several threads. • A thread includes nothing more than the CPU context, and shares program code, data, resources, and virtual execution environment(CPU, memory) with other threads within a process. Distributed Systems
Threads and Processes MPST: Unix SPST: Dos SPMT: JVM MPMT: Win-nt Solaris Distributed Systems
Design problems Two major design problems: • How to schedule threads? (user level vs. system level, preemptive vs. non-preemptive) • How to handle blocking system calls: if a user level thread issues a blocking system call, such as sleep, I/O, etc, it may blocks all threads within the same process. Distributed Systems
User/System Level Threads Heavyweight process Heavyweight process User level thread User level thread LWP LWP LWP LWP System level thread Distributed Systems
Thread implementations /* POSIX */ main(){ … pthread_create(f,arg); … } void *f(void *arg){ … pthread_exit(status); } /* Win32 */ main(){ … CreateThread(f,arg); _beginthread(f,arg); _xbeginthread(f,arg); } DWORM f(DWORD arg){ … ExitThread(status); _endthread(status); _xendthread(status); } /* Java */ main(){ MyThread t; t = new MyThread(); t.start(); } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void run(){ … return; } } Distributed Systems
POSIX Thread /* POSIX thread: thread_creation.c */ /* compile:gcc –o thread_creation thread_creation.c –lpthread */ #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> void *mythread(void); /* thread prototype */ /* ME-lock initialization */ pthread_mutex_t mylock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_IITIALIZER; int x = 0; /* shared variable */ int main(){ pthread_t tids[10]; /* identifier array */ int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ /* create 10 threads */ pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, mythread, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ /* waiting for thread termination */ pthread_join(tids[i], NULL); printf(“Thread id %ld returned\n”, tids[i]); } exit(0); } /* thread function*/ void *mythread(void){ /* add 1 to shared variable */ while (x < 4000){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mylock); /* lock */ x++; /* critical region */ printf(“Thread id %ld: x is now %d\n”, pthread_self(), x); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mylock); /* unlock */ } pthread_exit(NULL); /* thread terminates */ } /* Each thread increases x by 1 in each loop, until x is greater than or equal to 4000 . If we do not use lock/unlock, what happen? */ Distributed Systems
Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization Thread T Thread S Possible execution sequences: (1) t1,t2,t3,s1,s2,s3 (2) t1,t2,s1,t3,s2,s3 (3) t1,t2,s1,s2,t3.s3 (4) t1,t2,s1,s2,s3,t3 (5) t1,s1,t2,t3,s2,s3 (6) t1,s1,t2,s2,t3,s3 (7) t1,s1,t2,s2,s3,t3 (8) t1,s1,s2,t2,t3,s3 (9) t1,s1,s2,t2,t3,s3… T: { x++; } t1: LOD R1, x t2: ADD R1, 1 t3: STO R1, x S: { x++; } s1: LOD R1, x s2: ADD R1, 1 s3: STO R1, x A CR(Critical Region) is an atomic sequence of program segment whose execution must not be interrupted, i.e., must be executed mutual exclusively. Distributed Systems
Mutual Exclusion Mechanisms Requirements: • Should guarantee no more than one entity enters CR • Should prevent interferences from entities outside of CR • Should prevent starvation Commonly used ME mechanisms are: semaphore and P/V operations, lock/unlock primitives, conditional variables, shared variables, monitors, etc. Distributed Systems
Synchronisation Using Shared Memory Semaphore • A semaphore s is a nonnegative integer variable, initially with value 1, • A semaphore can only be changed or tested by one of the following two indivisible access routines: • P(s): [while (s=0) wait; s := s-1] • V(s): [s := s+1] • Semaphores are used for mutual exclusion Distributed Systems
V(s) P(s) Stack k cells d1 d2 d3 d4 ... dn top Mutual Exclusion Using P/V Operations Semaphore s; Example Push and Pop operations on a stack by concurrent processes. Push(x): Repeat If top<k then { top++; stack[top]:=x;} end Pop(y): Repeat If top>0 then { y:=stack[top]; top--; } end Distributed Systems
Mutual Exclusion Example(1): a naïve solution /* POSIX : producer_consumer.c */ #include <pthread.h> void *producer_function(void); /* prototype */ void *consumer_function(void); /* Initialize a ME lock */ pthread_mutex_t mylock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_IITIALIZER; /* shared variables among threads */ int flag = 0; char buffer; struct timespec dealy; main(){ pthread_t consumer; delay.tv_sec = 2; /* set 2 sec delay */ delay.tv_nsec = 0; /* create consumer */ pthread_create(&consumer, NULL, consumer_function, NULL); producer_function(); /* main becomes producer */ } void *producer_function(void){ while (1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mylock); if (flag == 0){ buffer = produce(); /* produce an item */ flag = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mylock); pthread_delay_np(&delay); /* sleep 2 sec */ } } void *consumer_function(void){ while (1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mylock); if (flag == 1){ consume(buffer); /* consume an item */ flag = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mylock); pthread_delay_np(&delay); /* sleep 2 sec */ } } Distributed Systems
Mutual Exclusion Example(2): a better solution /* POSIX : producer_consumer1.c */ #include <pthread.h> /* thread prototypes */ void *producer_function(void); void *consumer_function(void); /* initialize a lock and two conditional variables */ pthread_mutex_t mylock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_IITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t w_consumer = PTHREAD_COND_IITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t w_producer = PTHREAD_COND_IITIALIZER; /* threads shared variables */ int flag = 0; char buffer; struct timespec dealy; main(){ pthread_t consumer; delay.tv_sec = 2; /* set 2 sec time delay*/ delay.tv_nsec = 0; /* create consumer thread */ pthread_create(&consumer, NULL, consumer_function, NULL); producer_function();/* main becomes producer thread */ } void *producer_function(void){ char x; while (1){ x = produce(); pthread_mutex_lock(&mylock); while (flag == 1) /* wait for consumer’s signal */ pthread_cond_wait(&w_consumer, &mylock); buffer = x; flag = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mylock); pthread_cond_signal(&w_producer); pthread_delay_np(&delay);/* sleep 2 sec */ } } void *consumer_function(void){ char x; while (1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mylock); while (flag == 0) /* wait for producer’s signal */ pthread_cond_wait(&w_producer, &mylock); x = buffer; flag = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mylock); pthread_cond_signal(&w_consumer); consume(x); pthread_delay_np(&delay); /* sleep 2 sec */ } } Distributed Systems
Client/Server Concurrent systems Two design issues related with Client software : • How to interact with users: Graphic User Interface • How to interact with remote servers: RPC/message GUI Design: • Understand user’s habits and knowledge about computer • Easy to learn and easy to use • Provide user-friendly hint, help, warning and error report • Be consistency with commonly used conventions, such as menu, icons, color, and terminologies. Distributed Systems
Client GUI Example: Distributed Systems
Design of Concurrent Server D I S P A T C H Thread A Thread A Thread B Thread B Thread C Thread C Thread D Thread D (a) Center distributor (b) Concurrent threads S C H D U L E Q U E U E Thread Thread A Thread Thread B Thread C Thread C (d) Round-robin schedule (c) Center scheduler Distributed Systems
Centralized request dispatcher Consists of a centralized dispatcher and a set of long lived workers. Different workers handle different kinds of requests. Distributed Systems
How a Client contacts a Server: • Client-to-server binding using a daemon as in DCE • Client-to-server binding using a superserver as in UNIX Distributed Systems
Software Agent Paradigm • A software agent is a program in execution, on behalf of its owner to carry out the assigned task. • An agent is autonomous, may react in different environments, may communicate with other agents, may temporally continuously running, may be driven by goals, and may move from host to host. Distributed Systems
What is Mobile Agent? • A self-contained process that can autonomously migrate from host to host in order to perform its task on Internet. • The motto of Mobile Agents is: move the computations to the data rather than the data to the computations Distributed Systems
Client implement transfer information Intelligent Agent buy / sell stocks send agent … Client implement buy / sell stocks Mobile Intelligent Agent dispatch receive agent … Carry the result Why do we need mobile agents? Client Stock market IBM: $20 Microsoft: $21 HP: $22 Customer buy / sell stocks transfer information Stock server Distributed Systems
Examples of Potential Applications • User-level applications • Search and information filtering agents • Personal assistants • Middleware systems • Global file systems • Distributed collaboration and workflow systems • System level tasks • Network status monitoring and control • Intrusion detection • Software distribution, installation, upgrades Distributed Systems
Advantages of Mobile Agents • Simulate human’s concurrent activities. • Various abstractions: task agent, interface agent, information agent, etc. • Occupy less network traffics. • Achieve more flexibility. • Reduce network delay. • Suitable to disconnecting/reconnecting networks. Distributed Systems
Software Agents in Distributed Systems Some important properties by which different types of agents can be distinguished. Distributed Systems
A Comparison of different distributed models D C D RPC Data migration C C (2) Client/server model (1) Remote file access model D D D Data distribution and coordination Program migration C C C C (3) Distributed database model (4) Mobile agent model Distributed Systems
Models for Program Migration program migration: move a program from one host to another and resume its execution. Distributed Systems
What should we move? A running program (any language) consists of: • Code: source code, byte code, or binary code • Data: initial data, intermediate data • Resource: hardware/software, such as printer, communication link/port, file, library, URL, disk, etc. • Execution state: snapshot of execution environment, such as program counter, registers, stack pointers. content in stack, etc. Distributed Systems
Migration model Migration components Continuation point after migration Primeval migration Code, Initial data Start from entry point Weak migration Code, intermediate data Resume execution from beginning, but program follows flags to find move point Strong migration Code, intermediate data, and execution state Continue execution at the instruction immediately following the move point Types of Program Migration Strong migration: move_to(A); Continuation point Weak migration: if (not moved){ moved = true; move_to(A); } else{ Continuation point } Distributed Systems
Process Migration • Process migration allows a partially executed process to be relocated to another node. • Execution state of the process is migrated. • Stack, memory, program counter, state of open files. • Mainly used for load balancing. • In the mid 1980s several mechanisms were investigated and supported in a local area network environments. Distributed Systems
Object Migration • Object migration allows objects to be moved across address spaces at different nodes. • Requires mobility of object’s code and data. • Emeraldsupported object mobility under program control. (Univ. of Washington)(1986) • Chorus distributed system (1988) supported object mobility with autonomous control by the object. • Most of these system supported migration in a homogeneous system. Distributed Systems
Code Migration Remote Programming and Code Mobility: procedure code + data Code transported to the server Server Client results (data) • Remote Evaluationmodel by Stamos and Gifford • (MIT)(1990). • JavaSun Microsystems(1995) allows code • migration across heterogeneous platforms. Distributed Systems
Agent Migration Client Server 1 agent(code+data) Mobile Agent Server 2 Server 3 Distributed Systems
Mobile Agent Programming Systems • Tacoma - Tcl based system developed at Cornell and Tromso University (1994-95) • Agent Tcl - Tcl based system developed at Dartmouth College. (1994-95) D’Agents • Aglets - Java based system from IBM. (1996) • Concordia - Java based system from Mitsubishi Research. (1997) • Voyager - Java based system from ObjectSpace • Odyssey - Java based system from General Magic Distributed Systems
Migration and Local Resources Resource-to machine binding Process-to-resource binding • Actions to be taken with respect to the references to local resources when migrating code to another machine. • GR: establish a global systemwide reference • MV: move the resource • CP: copy the value of the resource • RB: rebind process to locally available resource Distributed Systems