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LEADERSHIP 101 “The Basics”. MYTHS ABOUT LEADERSHIP. “Leaders are born not made” “Good leadership is just common sense” “The only school that teaches leadership is the School of Hard Knocks.?. The Nature of Leadership.
MYTHSABOUT LEADERSHIP • “Leaders are born not made” • “Good leadership is just common sense” • “The only school that teaches leadership is the School of Hard Knocks.?
The Nature of Leadership • A frequent definition: Leadership is about getting things done through people. • It’s not about telling people what to do, measuring performance, rewarding “success” and punishing “failure” • Leadership is the art of influencing people to work enthusiastically and effectively toward goals identified as being for the common good.
“Work Enthusiastically” • People can do everything they are required to by the rules, and your organization will, at best, be mediocre. • People must work with enthusiasm. They must have their heart in it. • You cannot buy enthusiasm, you cannot buy loyalty, you cannot buy devotion of hearts, minds and souls. These must be earned.
“Goals Identified as Being for the Common Good” • This means the leader has: • Thought through the organization’s goals. • Talked with others about these goals. • Achieved buy-in. • This requires a lot more effort than just telling other what to do.
Real Truths for Young Leaders on Nature of Leadership • You manage things; you lead people • Having a “position of leadership” does not mean you are a “leader” • You are not the leader until the group you are leading says so • Leadership requires a great deal of effort. Leaders must make the choice about whether or not they are willing to extend themselves for those they lead.
Truths (cont’d) • Leaders will be called upon to “Sacrifice”: • Their time • Physical and mental energy • Ego • Bad mood days
Truths (cont’d) “People cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way they feel about themselves.”
Truths cont’d… • They are all volunteers! • “You can buy a person’s time. You can even buy their physical place, but you cannot buy enthusiasm, you cannot buy loyalty, you cannot buy devotion of hearts, minds or souls. You must earn these.” - Charles Francis
The Essence of Leadership • Two dynamics involved – the task and the relationship • So… the key to leadership is accomplishing the tasks at hand while building relationships • Task-oriented? Relationship-oriented? Alternative?
Leadership Leadership is the art of influencing people to work enthusiastically and effectively toward goals identified as being for the common good.
Power and Authority • “Power is the ability to force or coerce someone to do you will, even if they would choose not do, because of your position or your might.” (Hunter) • “Authority is the skill of getting people to willingly do your will because of your personal influence.” (Hunter)
How does a Leader Build Authority? • By meeting peoples’ legitimate needs • Through service and sacrifice
Leaders identify and meet their followers legitimate needs • A want is simply a wish or desire without any regard for the physical or psychological consequences. • A need is a legitimate physical or psychological requirement for the well-being of a human being.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Self- actualization Self- esteem Belonging Safety and Security Food, water, shelter
Power • There are times when leaders need power • But…when power must be exercised, the leader should reflect on why resorting to power was necessary. • Leaders must understand that they resort to power because their authority has broken down.
Power (cont’d.) • You can get a few seasons out of power but over time, relationships will deteriorate and so will your influence. • Power erodes relationships.
More on Power… • If you are not committed to people, you will probably fall back on power • And… • “Power” people worry a lot about “authority” people
Leadership Style Your Leadership style is how you behave over time when you’re trying to influence the performance of others.
Four Styles of Leadership: • Directing Style: • The leader clearly tells people what to do, how to do it, when to do it. • Then closely monitors their performance until the task is accomplished.
Directing Style: • Is appropriate when the decision has to be made quickly and the stakes are high. • For people who are inexperienced and lack competence, but enthusiastic and committed.
The need direction and frequent feedback to get them started. • Also appropriate with someone who has the skills required, but is not familiar with the organization and its policies and procedures.
Coaching style: • The leader continues to direct and closely monitor task accomplishment, • But also solicits suggestions, explains decision, and supports subordinates’ progress. • This style is for people who have some competence but lack commitment.
They need direction and feedback because they’re still relatively inexperienced. • They also need: • Support and praise to build their self-esteem. • Involvement in decision-making to foster their commitment to high performance and personal development.
Supporting Style: • The leader facilitates and supports peoples’ efforts toward task accomplishment and shares responsibility for decision-making with them. • For people who have competence but lack confidence or motivation.
Delegating Style : • The leader turns over responsibility for decision-making and problem-solving to people. • For people • Who have both competence and commitment. • Who are able and willing to work on a project by themselves with little supervision or support.
Point • Effective leaders adjust their leadership style based on the person they are working with and the situation. • This is generally referred to as “Situational Leadership.” • Consistency in your leadership: • Is not always using the same leadership style; • It’s using the same leadership style in similar situations.
Effective Leaders Focus on Purpose • Key question: • Why does our organization exist? • What business are we in? • Is everything we are doing contributing to mission accomplishing our purpose? • Staying Focused
EffectiveLeaders Provide Vision • “… a picture of the future that the leader paints for those who follow.” • “… a picture of how things would be if everything were running as planned.” (Blanchard) • “ Providing people an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves and to make a contribution.
Effective Leaders Establish Organizational Values • One of the most important functions of leadership • The leader must: • Identify Core Values (participation & buy-in) • Communicate the Core Values • Align values and practices
About Organizations & Values • The question is not whether an organization is value-based… • Every organization is value-based. • The question is: What are the real values and are these values the ones that will ensure the organization prospers in the long run?
The Importance of Organizational Values “Without a set of operating values that are clearly defined and enforced (people are expected to behave according to them) you’re at the mercy of people’s good intentions.” (Blanchard)
Aligning Values and Behavior • From slogans and wall charts … to the heart • Providing example – The leader must become the living symbol of their organization’s value system.
Effective Leaders Focus on Contribution… What can I do that, if done really well, will make a difference in the organization? “What good shall I do this day?” “What good have I done this day?” Ben Franklin
Effective Leaders Build Trust • Trust • Is the glue that holds relationships together • Is not the result of an organizational imperative or program • Comes … from being trustworthy • Acting inconsistent with our words creates mistrust
Effective Leaders Encourage and Maintain Hope in Followers Tasking Competing demands Individual Working with Academics limitedResources Reports Family Problems “Lists” Concerns about the future
Effective Leaders Legislate Behavior • Leaders are responsible for the environment they create and have been given power to carry out their responsibilities Therefore … they are empowered to legislate behavior • “ Great leaders don’t create optional cultures” (Blanchard, LBTB)
Effective Leaders Hold People to a Standard • One role of the leader is to point out gaps between standards and performance. It doesn’t have to be an emotional event. • Must point out deficiencies while allowing people to keep their dignity. • The goal of any disciplinary action should be to correct or change behavior, to train the person and not to punish the person.
What People Expect from Their Leaders • To feel appreciated and respected • To feel they are accomplishing something worthwhile • To understand the contribution they are making • To feel they are “in” on things • Patience
What People Expect from Their Leaders (cont.) • Encouragement • Hope • To believe their leader understands their personal situation and challenges • To be forgiven when they make mistakes • Standards and boundaries
Seven (7) Basic Characteristics of a Positive Environment • All organization members understand and support the organization’s purpose and the leader’s vision. • The organization’s approach to getting work done are straight forward and simple. • There is certainty about schedules and programs.
Seven (7) Basic Characteristics of a Positive Environment (cont.) • There is mutual trust between the leaders in each class. • There is consistency between stated and actual behavior. • Ethical behavior is supported. • There is frequent untrammeled discussion between members.
A View of Key Leadership Qualities • Patience … Showing self-control • Kindness … Giving attention, praise and encouragement • Humility … Being authentic and without pretense or arrogance • Respectfulness … Treating others as important people • Selflessness …meeting the needs of others
A View of Key Leadership Qualities (cont.) • Forgiveness … Giving up resentment when wronged • Honesty … Being free from deception • Commitment … Sticking to your choices • Service and … Setting aside your own wants and Sacrifice needs while seeking the greatest good for others.