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Report the accident to your employer or the person designated as being in charge of health and safety.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STEPS TO FOLLOW AFTER AN ACCIDENT AT WORK http://accidentspecialistscrawley.co.uk/

  2. REPORT THE ACCIDENT TO YOUR EMPLOYER  • Report the accident to your employer or the person designated as being in charge of health and safety. • Provide all the details and ensure it is recorded in the company accident book.

  3. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION • Depending on the severity of your accident, you may require medical attention urgently and would therefore Immediately go to the local hospital or doctor’ practice or alternatively, may be able to report the facts of the Incident first.

  4. WITNESSES • If there were others who witnessed your accident, get their names and contact details for future reference as your solicitor may contact them to gain evidence and further details regarding what happened.

  5. TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS • Have photographers taken of the location of your accident and any injuries you suffered if they are visible as quickly as possible.

  6. MAKE YOUR OWN WRITTEN RECORD • Whilst the accident is still fresh in your mind, make your own written account of exactly what happened.

  7. KEEP EVERYTHING SAFE • Once you have written records and photographs, keep all these together and in a safe place so they are easily accessible when the time comes to show your evidence to your solicitor.

  8. GAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE • Now is the time to contact a solicitor to provide the details of your accident and gain professional advice on the next steps to take.

  9. Contact Us • Nightingale House,1-3 Brighton RoadCrawleyWest SussexRH10 6AEinfo@accidentspecialist.co.uk • 01293 429 842 • http://accidentspecialistscrawley.co.uk/

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