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Digital Life 101 . Essential Question : What is the place of digital media in our lives?.
Digital Life 101 Essential Question: What is the place of digital media in our lives?
Content Objective: Today I will learn about the 24/7, social nature of digital media and I will explore my own digital life. I will also learn that it is important to act responsibly when carrying out relationships on digital media.Language Objective: Today I will use the literary device of simile to illustrate my own digital life. I will do this through a tool called animoto.
Vocabulary to know: • Media : Communication, including television, radio and newspapers, that often reach and impact a large audience. • Digital Media : Electronic devices and media platforms such as computers, cell phones, the Internet, digital video, social networking sites, video games, and virtual worlds that allow users to create, communicate, and interact with one another or with the devices or application itself. • Simile: a literary device for comparing two seemingly unlike things using the words “Like” or “As” Example: My love is like a red, red rose.
The differences between Media and Digital Media What are some examples of things that you do with one- way media such as TVs or radios? Watch TV Listen to the radio
What are some of the ways that people communicate with or share with others over digital media? Instant message Go on social networks Text Talk in virtual worlds Blog Upload videos and photos Play multiplayer games
Digital Media is a 24/7 part of our culture. • Digital Media is social by nature. It allows people to build friendships, join new communities, and provide amazing opportunities for creation and self-expression. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slb5x5fixk4
Digital LifeAnimoto video Example: http://animoto.com/play/lrZkngTRTWlgALxsfajM3Q Today we are going to use a program called animoto to create simile videos about your digital life. First I want you to think about your life with media. Consider the questions below and use your responses to help you finish the statement, “My media life is like a…..: This statement is a simile, a literary device for comparing two unlike things. For instance, someone who doesn’t use much media might say that My media life is like a desert, becausethere is little life there. Another person might say that My digital life is like a track meet, because I am exhausted at the end of the day. Questions to consider: • Is digital media a small, medium, or large part of your life? • What kind of impact does digital media have on you (a little, some, a lot)? • What are your favorite and least favorite things to do with digital media? • Do you connect with others or create things with digital media?
Finish these statements: My digital life is like a……. because……. My Media life is like a…… because…….
Animoto Activity: If you don’t finish in class today you can finish this at home if you would like to. Directions: Go to one of the computers that have been set up for you. Log in and go to http://animoto.com – You can followthe link on Mrs. Mann’sWeebly page byclickingontheLanguageArtstab. Next, clickontheUnit 2 tab and scrolldownuntilyouseethewords: Friday 11/8 lessonplans. Set up a free accountusingyourschool e-mail (Mr. Nicholsgaveyouthisinformationyesterday. Do not use yourfirst and lastnamewhenyou set this up. Youmay set one up withyourfirstname and lastinitial. Once youhavecreatedanaccount, youshouldbeabletocreate a free animoto video thatisapproximatelyeighttonineslideslong. Thisshouldbeplenty of space. Pleaseincluseyoursimileaboutyour digital life and theexplaination as well as yoursimileaboutyour media life and thatexplaination. Once youhavecreatedyourslidesthenyou can go back and selectmusictogowithit and insertimagesfromtheimagelibrary.