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The ICT4DEVIS International School aims to provide practical, job-oriented education on using ICT for international development. It is a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary course for students and professionals.
IGI Global Online Educational Symposium Series of 2013 Information and Communication Technologies for Development International School ICT4DEVIS A Bridge Between Technology& Development Shaping the Experts of the Future
ICT4DEVIS Rationale (1) There is a widely shared expectation that ICTs can help fostering development in less developed countries (LDC), thus contributing to reduce, if not solve, some of the world’s most severe challenges to human wellbeing and development.
ICT4DEVIS Rationale (2) Harnessing ICTs to achieve this result is not an easy matter; it requires the understanding of a multitude of disciplines varying from moral and ethics, cultural differences, politics, sociology, systems thinking, finance, project management and, of course, the Knowledge Society and Economy and the evolving and converging issues that surround them.
ICT4DEVIS Rationale (3) Students coming out of traditional academic courses, who want to engage in a professional career devoted to ICT for international development, are not likely to possess all the skills required to cope with these complexities. There is a strong tendency towards specialization among most advanced degree schools, which is very effective in turning out students highly skilled in a specific field, but tends to fall short in terms of creating a well-rounded-up professional as is needed to tackle complex development issues.
ICT4DEVIS Rationale (4) In general, formal academic education in this field would benefit from supplementary training aimed at rounding up a student’s education with practical, job-related, additional capacity-building, for the purpose of improving their effectiveness in a development context.
ICT4DEVIS, a Joint Initiative (1) • ICT4DEVIS is a joint initiative of Fondazione Rosselli Americas (FRA), USA; Universita’ dell’Insubria, Italy; Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. Other Universities and Institutions have confirmed their interest in joining ICT4DEVIS, among which: • Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training, Canada. • Centre for E-Governance, Ghana. • Chonnam National University, Korea. • Dongguk University, Korea. • Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, Ghana.
ICT4DEVIS, a Joint Initiative (2) • Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, Germany. • Inter-American Development Bank. Lima, Peru. • Middlesex University, UK. • Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico. • Sao Paulo State Secretariat for the Rights of the Person with Disability, Brazil. • United Nations ICCC, USA. • Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. • Universidad Externado, Colombia. • University of Derby, UK.
ICT4DEVIS Objectives The aim of the ICT for Development International School (ICT4DEVIS) is: To be a hands-on, practice oriented, cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary courseintended for students who want to pursue a professional career in deploying ICT as a means for international development.
ICT4DEVIS Objectives Our challenge: Building capacity to maximize the benefits of ICT as an instrument for international development Our purpose: Improving students’ effectiveness in a development context Our objective: Providing a practical, job-oriented, supplementary education on ICT applications in development work
The Target of ICT4DEVIS The School is reserved to graduate students who want to pursue a professional career in international development by deploying ICT as a means not an end (ICT4DEV), and to professionals who want to improve their skills in the field of ICT4DEV. Particular attention is devoted to ensure a link between the students and the International Organizations that need professionals in the area of ICT4DEV.
Selection Criteria for Participation in ICT4DEVIS • Students are selected using the following basic criteria: • Clear commitment to work in the development area; • Ability to contribute to a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment • Ability to work in English (official ICT4DEVIS language) • At the end of the school a Participation Certificate is awarded to participants.
The Environment of ICT4DEVIS ICT4DEVIS operates as a mixed on-site and on-line summer school A maximum of 30 students are admitted to each edition of the School ICT4DEVIS provides a stimulating opportunity to participants, who benefit from direct interaction with their scientific and professional peers, in a friendly and pleasant environment.
The Venues of ICT4DEVIS The first edition of ICT4DEVIS has been organized by the Universitàdell’Insubria, located in Como, Italy, as the European hub of ICT4DEVIS. In 2013, the second edition will be organized by the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, as the Latin American hub. USP has also organized the world launch of ICT4DEVISduring the 9th CONTECSI, in May 2012. Future venues will be chosen among other ICT4DEVIS participating institutions.
The Contents of ICT4DEVIS • ICT4DEVIS gives students a basic background and some in-depth insights into, but not limited to: • What are the different technologies that can be used to implement ICT infrastructures in different contexts; • How the transformational potential of ICT can be exploited to foster innovation in government, in business and in society; • How to define and implement a project in the area; and, • How to define and measure the impact of an ICT4DEV project on the economic context.
ICT4DEVIS Module Add-ons Some of the lessons also include testimonials from the major international organizations for development like the World Bank, the United Nations, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American States, the UNDP, the European Union, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank, etc. In 2012, we had contributions from the Inter-American Development Bank, the Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, and the Center for Community Informatics Research, Development & Training.
ICT4DEVIS Governance Presidency Scientific Committee Board ASIA U. Dongguk, Korea EUROPE U. Uninsubria, Italy NORTH AMERICA FRA, USA AFRICA Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, Ghana SOUTH AMERICA U. São Paulo, Brazil ICT4DEVIS Regional Hubs
ICT4DEVIS Outreach Tools • VIRTUAL COMMUNITY • AKNOS • K&SM Platform DEDICATED WEB SITE • SOCIAL MEDIA • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn
ICT4DEVIS Scientific Committee as of Jan. 2013 (1) • Johanna Awotwi, Centre for E-Governance, Ghana. • Linamara Rizzo Battistella, Sao Paulo State Secretary for the Rights of the Person with Disability, Brazil. • Walter Castelnovo, Department of Theoretical and Applied Science, University of Insubria, Italy. • Dianne Davis, President, United Nations ICCC, USA. • Elena Ferrari, Department of Theoretical and Applied Science, University of Insubria, Italy. • Dorothy K. Gordon, Director, Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, Ghana. • Michael Gurstein, Executive Director, Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training. Ottawa, Canada. • JaeJon Kim, Director, College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University, Korea.
ICT4DEVIS Scientific Committee as of Jan. 2013 (2) • Sang Yoo Kim, Director, International Relations, Dongguk University, Korea. • ZaighamMahmood, Reader in Applied Computing, University of Derby, UK. • Fernando Montenegro, Deputy Representative / Chief of Operations, Inter-American Development Bank. Lima, Peru. • DaniloPiaggesi, Managing Director, FondazioneRosselli America, USA. • EdsonLuizRiccio, TECSI, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. • Pablo Rodas, Economist specialized in Central America, formerly Chief Economist at Central American Bank for Economic Integration. • Carlos Scheel, Full-time Professor, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico.
ICT4DEVIS Scientific Committee as of Jan. 2013 (3) • Leonardo Pineda Serna, Director, Business School, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. • Klaus Stoll, Executive Director, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, Germany. • KristianSund,Principal Lecturer in Strategic Management, Programme Leader, MBA in Shipping and Logistics, Middlesex University Business School, UK. • Marco Peres Useche, Director, Observatory of Society, Government and Information Technologies, Universidad Externado, Colombia.
The Schedule of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 ICT4DEVIS sessions were organized in “modules”. Each module included both on site lessons and video lectures; the video lectures were devoted to the presentation of experiences and best practices in ICT4DEV and in depth lessons related to specific topics. In the 2012 edition, the School delivered 24 hours of on-site lessons over 4 days and 16 hours of video lectures that students attended asynchronously online.
The Modules of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 • Module 1: • ICT Infrastructures and Systems for Development (INFSYS) • Network architectures, devices and access technologies; • Innovative Information Systems architectures, models and tools; and • Building and enforcing communities through Social Computing.
The Modules of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 Module 2: Impacts and Socio-Economic Benefits of ICT4D Programs (SOCECO) ICT4DEV and the UN Millennium Development Goals; Development and Knowledge-Based Societies; Infrastructure and Policy; and Trade / Market Access and ICT.
The Modules of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 • Module 3: • ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4DEV) • ICT for Sustainable Development: Potential applications for public and private sector; • Building Innovative Knowledge Society: Benefits, Risks and Outcomes; • Indicators of Less Developed Countries’ Participation in the Knowledge Society; and • Implementing ICT in Less Developed Countries: The “Life-Cycle” of a Development Project
The Tools of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (1) All lectures have been recorded and all recordings have been made available to our students. A Virtual Community Platform has been made available to the students for sharing their comments to the lectures and to start discussions concerning the topics of the School.
The Tools of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (2)
The Tools of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (3) At the end of the School an online evaluation of the lectures has been performed, asking the students suggestions on how to improve the next editions. A meeting of the students has been organized at a one month distance from the end of the School to discuss with them the results of the evaluation.
The Results of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 Attendants: 18 people in Como and 8 in Brazil. Students from Brazil attended the school through the recording of the lectures that were available online the day after their delivering in Como. Number of accesses to recorded lectures: 339 (up to October 2, 2012) Number of Blog entries and comments on the platform: 22 entries, 121 comments (up to September 30, 2012)
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (1) • For the evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 a Form on Google has been used. • Students were asked to evaluate: • The content of lectures; • The quality of both the lectures and the lecturers; and, • The structure of the School.
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (2) 11 students out of the 18 that attended the onsite lectures answered (the scale was: 1: low; 5: high) 1. How do you evaluate the selection of the lecturers?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (3) 2. How do you evaluate the selection of the topic of the courses?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (4) 3. How useful do you think it is to complement the onsite lectures with online videolectures?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (5) 4. How useful do you think it is the availability of community tools (like the K&SM Platform)?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (6) 5. How do you rank the quality of the online discussions on the Platform?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (7) 6. How useful has been for you to attend the School?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (8) 7. How do you evaluate the School globally?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (9) 8. Would you recommend the School to your friends?
The Evaluation of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012 (10) Comments from the Students of ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012: Institutional Video on ICT4DEVIS Class of 2012
Information on ICT4DEVIS Class of 2013 Organization: The second edition will be organized by TECSI (Information Systems and Technology Management Research Lab ) of the School of Economics, Business and Accountancy of the University of Sao Paulo (FEA-USP). Where: FEA-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. When: End of September 2013 (Dates to be announced soon) Program & Content: Same of the Como Edition, adding the suggestions and experience gathered and lessons learned.