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This report presents the performance overview of the Department of Women, Children, and People with Disabilities for the first quarter of the 2013/14 financial year. It includes financial performance, program achievements, and budget projections.
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Vision • Mission • Values • Mandate • First Quarter Performance Overview against Predetermined Objective • DWCPD budget for the First Quarter • Programme Performance for each programme • Main Achievements for each programme
Vision An empowered society that upholds the rights of women, children and people with disabilities Mission To mainstream the rights and empowerment of women, children and people with disabilities through advocacy, institutional support and capacity development, monitoring and evaluation Values Commitment Collectivism Equity Accountability
Mandate • The mandate of the department is to promote, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the realization of the rights of women, children and people with disabilities • Constitutional Mandate • The Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa enshrines the rights of all people in our country and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom. The overall goal of the departmental Strategic Plan is to promote the achievement of equality and eradicate discrimination against women, children and people with disabilities as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR The figure below illustrates the overall performance of the Department of Women Children and People with Disabilities for the first Quarter of the current financial year 2013/2014. The Department planned a total of 26 targets for the first Quarter and achieved 13 targets (50 %) while 13 targets (50 %) were not achieved
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The total budget for the year 2013 /14 is R198 312 million (including the Commission on Gender Equality) and the Actual Expenditure for the 1st quarter of the 2013/2014 financial year is R37 507 million. Therefore the Department as a whole has spent 19% for the 1st Quarter of the 2013/14 financial year. The figure below illustrates that the Departmental planned budget projections were R 49 769 million for the 1st Quarter of 2013/14, and that the Actual Expenditure amounted to R37 507 million, representing a positive variance of R12 261 million. The department has therefore spent 75% against its planned budget for the quarter.
PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The purpose of this programme is to provide strategic management and administrative support to the Department. The figure below illustrates that out of 9 targets planned for the first Quarter of the current financial year, Programme 1 (Administration) achieved 2 targets (22%) while 7 targets (78%) were not achieved.
PROGRAMME 1 : FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projection of R25, 003 million, the actual expenditure in the Administration Branch was R19, 417 million, with an underexpenditure of R5 586 million. Therefore Programme 1 has spend 78% of its budget for the 1st Quarter.
PROGRAMME 1: MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS • Facilitated and coordinated the Launch of the United Nations Orange Day UNiTE Campaign in Limpopo and Western Cape Provinces. • Coordinated signing of the South Africa-Nigeria MOU on partnership with the three sectors (i.e. Women, Children & People with Disabilities). • Completed an Inception Report on the Violence against Women research. • Finalised analysis of the survey of special schools. • Developed a tool to assess institutional arrangements at District Municipal level. This tool will assess the ability of municipalities to mainstream gender, children’s rights and disability considerations into their programmes.
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY (WEGE) The purpose of the Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of National and International commitments into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of women’s rights and the progressive realisation of equality
PROGRAMME 2: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The figure below illustrates that out of 9 targets planned for the first Quarter of the current financial year, the WEGE Branch achieved 7 targets ( 78%), and 2 target (22%) were not achieved.
PROGRAMME 2: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R19 770 million, the actual expenditure was R14 298 million with an underexpenditure of R5 472 million. Therefore Programme 2 has spend 72% of its budget or the 1st Quarter.
PROGRAMME 2: MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS • Consulted with NEDLAC on the WEGE Bill, finalised the Women Empowerment and Gender Equality Bill, and prepared for Cabinet consideration for Parliament processes. • Completed and submitted the Report on South Africa’s Participation at the 57th Session of the UN CSW. • Shared the Gender Responsive Budgeting Analysis Report with Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Energy, Health and Trade and Industry for inputs before publication. • Completed and submitted the AU Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa Report to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. • Participated, presented and contributed to the drafting of the signed Declaration at IBSA Women’s Forum in New Dheli, India. • Participation in the IBSA 2013 Women’s Forum in India and presented on the GRB for Gender Mainstreaming and National Council against Gender Based Violence. • Participated in the Tenth Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh. • Completed and submitted a Report on the progress made on political representation of women in South Africa to the UN. • Xihosani Village Multi-sectoral project coordinated partnership with the DTI, Limpopo Economic Development & Tourism and community stakeholder and local traditional leadership representative, Ward Councilor with needs analysis, stakeholder’s identification and meeting.
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (CRR) The purpose of the Children Rights and Responsibilities Programme is to promote, advocate and monitor the realisation of children’s rights through Government’s policies and programmes.
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The figure below illustrates that out of 5 targets planned for the first Quarter of the current financial year, Programme 3 achieved 4 targets (80%), and 1 target (20%) was not achieved.
PROGRAMME 3: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R1,970 million, the actual expenditure was R1,604 million, with an underexpenditure of R366 000. Therefore Programme 3 has spend 81% of its budget or the 1st Quarter.
PROGRAMME 3: MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS • Approval on the National Plan of Action for Children by Cabinet as the comprehensive plan to give guidance and direction to government departments, civil society and other partners in the children’s sector towards the realisation of children’s rights. • The successful hosting of Child Protection Week activities planned for the Department. • Conducted Capacity Development Session focusing on the National Plan of Action for Children, and the Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy in the Northern Cape, Free State, Eastern Cape and Western Cape Provinces. • Finalised two International reports to the UNCRC and one to the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (RPD) The purpose of the Rights of People with Disabilities Programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of national and international obligations into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of the rights of people with disabilities and equalization of opportunities.
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The figure below illustrates that out of 3 targets planned for the first Quarter of the current financial year, Programme 4 achieved 1 target (33%), and 2 targets (67%) were not achieved.
PROGRAMME 4: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R3, 026 million, the actual expenditure is R2,188 million, with an underexpenditure of R836 000. Therefore Programme 4 has spent 72% of its budget or the 1st Quarter.
Transversal stakeholder mobilisation - The introductory SAVE workshop, hosted by Africa Tikkun, was attended by the National Prosecution Authority, the South African Police Service, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the national and provincial Departments of Social Development, the Department of Basic Education and Gauteng Dept of Education, the Centre for Applied Legal Studies at Wits, the Disabled Children Action Group (DICAG) and Albinism Society of SA, as well as professionals such as health practitioners, social workers, prosecutors, etc. The workshop took participants through procedures and methods of assisting children with disabilities in cases of sexual abuse, neglect, and educational needs. The Department partnered with Cape Mental Health, the University of the Western Cape and the University of Cape Town. PROGRAMME 4: MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS UN-DESA technical team visit - The department hosted the UN-DESA technical team from 10-13 June 2013 on a needs assessment mission for the development of the Toolkit in partnership with key stakeholders. The Mission was successfully concluded, with the toolkit framework extensively discussed with key public sector stakeholders according to clusters, as well as with DPOs. A one day workshop on the CRPD, attended by 50 participants was held, with facilitation by the OHCHR and UNDESA. The Ministry of Women, Children and People with Disabilities hosted the delegation over lunch on their first day. South African resource institutions/persons were identified to assist with content development of new chapters decided upon in South Africa.