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14 th Junior Eco-Expert Project Energy and the Environment

14 th Junior Eco-Expert Project Energy and the Environment. Group : 2. Leader of the group: Milan Bumerl. Participants:. Austria (Yspertal) : Christina Stern, Jacqueline Just, Verena Zeilinger, Alexander Rosner

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14 th Junior Eco-Expert Project Energy and the Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 14thJunior Eco-Expert Project Energy and the Environment

  2. Group : 2 Leader of the group: Milan Bumerl

  3. Participants: • Austria (Yspertal) : Christina Stern, Jacqueline Just, Verena Zeilinger, Alexander Rosner • Hungary (Tokaj): Leila Lesko, Tibor Kovács, Attila Bodnár, Zsolt Kamenyiczki • Poland (Cieszyn): Krystian Kolaczek, Patrycja Dorulok, Metin Grzesiowski, Agnieszka Heczko • The Czech Republic (Veselí nad Lužnicí) : Rudolf Nowak, Ivana Kuchyňková, Jiří Zika, Miroslav Cílek, Martin Zázvorka

  4. Task • Visiting the nuclear power station of Temelin and gaining information. • Measurements of water quality at three places at the river Vltava.

  5. NuclearpowerstationTemelin: • Built in 1979 • Built on an area of 125 ha. • 2 Nuclear reactors which produce energy • Generate 1,000 MW per production unit • Own storage for the radioactive waste

  6. Use of water in the production of energy:

  7. In the infocentrum


  9. 1. Hněvkovice

  10. 1. Hněvkovice


  12. 2. Týn nad Vltavou


  14. 3. Kořensko

  15. 3. Kořensko

  16. 3. Kořensko

  17. 3. Kořensko

  18. The photometer • Measuring of the absorbance from electromagnetic radiation of the visible light. • It is based on the Lambert Beer‘sche law. A= E*c*d

  19. Construction parts: • Lightsource • Shutter • Monochromator • Cuvette • Receiver

  20. COD turbidity conductivity phosphates nitrates amonia hardness Parameters of Measurement:

  21. Our laboratory practice

  22. Ourlaboratorypractice

  23. Ourlaboratorypractice

  24. Ourlaboratorypractice

  25. Results

  26. Results

  27. Interpretation: All in all the students can say, that the changes between the measuring points are very small. The group resulted, that there is no impact from the nuclear power station at any of these points. They think that the differences come from the Town itself and the sewage plant.


  29. The project was funded from the budget of the International Visegrad Fund´s program “Small Grants” No. 111 400 83 and supported by the Southbohemian Region, municipality of the town Veselí nad Lužnicí and group ČEZ a.s and Bukovská voda.

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