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Strategies In May 2009 the Swedish government adopted a national strategy for EE. In 2010 the region of Östergötland developed a regional strategy based on the national and all the municipalities in Östergötland developed their local action plan to match the regional strategy. The government also gave the assignment to the Swedish school board to include EE in the curriculum. In the new curriculum for primary, secondary and upper secondary school EE is emphasized Attitudes The general attitude towards entrepreneurship in school is positive and it is considered that the implementation shall start at an early age. Company visits Many students visit companies during their education. Among the students 16-20 years 63% of them have visited a company once and 41% twice or more. Company visits were more frequent among students that participated in the Junior Achievement program (the student company program). External players Junior Achievement started their Swedish organization in this region and has been active for 32 years. Since the tradition of working with EE in upper secondary school is strong in the region, FramtidsFrön started 10 years ago to work with EE in primary and secondary school. The organizations are well-known in the region and are also supported financially by the regional development agency and the municipalities. Students interest Our questionnaire for students shows that 8 out of 10 students (age 16-20) are interested in starting their own business. This interest is big both among students attending the Junior Achievement program and students not attending the program. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SWEDEN Strenghts SWOTEND
Lack of guidance Teachers feel that they lack guidance and control on how to work with EE in the classroom. The strategies and local action plans fail to reach the classroom. Lack of follow-up Few municipalities say that they follow up the work with EE. It is rare that there is a structured and organized follow up work done. That makes it difficult to measure if there is a development in the area. Lack of qualified staff EE is not included in the teachers training and because of that there’s a lack of qualified staff within the school system. There are external organizations that train teachers in EE but it’s not done in an obvious and structured way that reaches all teachers. Lack of structures Today there are many forums and meeting places for meetings in business life. There are however few that invite school to participate in these meetings. Collaboration between school and business life exist in many different ways, but few are regular and structured to increase the students awareness every year of different businesses, trades, occupations and so on. Lack of incentives Today there is no self-evident way of rewarding/ encouraging teachers who work with EE. There are some competitions that reward teachers but there is a lack of structured ways of encouraging teachers in their daily work with EE, such as higher salary, attention and support in different ways. Incentives are needed to make it more interesting and rewarding to work with EE. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SWEDEN Weaknesses SWOTEND
Improve follow-up There is a lack of structured and organized follow up. By working continuously with follow-up, you learn to focus your efforts on right issues and the work of EE can be developed. Follow-up allows a life-long learning process and ensures that the correct actions are implemented and visualize the result of actions that already have been carried out. Create incentive systems Incentives are needed to make it more interesting and rewarding to work with EE. Rewarding of teachers who work with EE clarifies that the area has high priority and creating an interest to get more teachers involved. Develop existing forums By developing long-term structures and forums for collaboration between schools and business life the gap between school and community are reduced. The students get a better insight into the working life and the industry gain a better understanding of today's youth. Exchange between teachers and the business life are necessary for the today's school so it can train students for tomorrow's future. Use students interest 8 of 10 young people say that they are interested in starting their own company and 5 of 10 say that they prefer to start a company comparing to be employed. Whit this large interest it’s important that the school provide knowledge in how to start and run a company and take care of the large interest. Increasing competence Through information, inspiration and education to all school personnel the general knowledge about entrepreneurship education will increase. Increased knowledge provides more teachers concerned about this issue. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SWEDEN Opportunities SWOTEND
Teachers education The university/teachers training does not prepare teachers sufficiently to work in the field of entrepreneurship education. Narrow definition A too narrow interpretation of the concept of entrepreneurship education is seen by many respondents as a barrier. This narrow interpretation excludes the entrepreneurial mindset and the development of entrepreneurial abilities. A number of respondents feel that there is a negative attitude towards entrepreneurship education. This negative attitude may be associated with a too narrow interpretation of the concept of entrepreneurship education. Lack of career guidance The students say that they at school get an insufficient guidance on choosing a future profession. However they consider that the school prepares them for the future. Lack of time The lack of time is seen as the main obstacle for the work with Entrepreneurship education. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SWEDEN Threats SWOTEND
National Strategies On a national level, in 2006, the Ministry of Public Education in accordance with Educational Rearrangement Law 2/2006 from May 3rd, included the entrepreneurial initiative as a basic objective of the educational system, in collaboration with the SME General Directorate. Regional Cooperation From a regional standpoint, Murcia relies on several initiatives on the subject of entrepreneurial education across the board (primary, secondary, vocational training and college), where some institutions and organizations become involved chiefly captained by the Regional Ministry of Education Training and Employment. Moreover, the Regional Development Agency designed ‘We Undertake Plan’ (Plan Emprendemos), that is, a strategic plan in which more than 50 regional institutions take part; entrepreneurship encouragement is one of its core competences, also among the young. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SPAIN Strenghts SWOTEND
Entrepreneurs Image Even though many procedures are in place to encourage a more entrepreneurial culture, there is still a long way to go regarding corporate image and enterprise culture. Values There is no coordination with informal education (family, relations, mass media) and that hinders transmission of values. Teacher training and didactic resources Adequate didactic resources are not being used to boost entrepreneurship, and teacher training in EE is not sufficient enough. Teaching staff feels unprepared for entrepreneurial values transmission. Lack of integration Although organization and institutions cooperates All the initiatives taking place at the regional level lack integration. A common plan is missing in order to be lead and managed by the competent institution in this field, which is, the Regional Ministry of Education, Training and Employment. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SPAIN Weaknesses SWOTEND
Economic situation The economic situation. Experts advise that everything is still pending because the situation favors self-employment. It's necessary to encourage and to favor a more entrepreneurial culture, even more if one takes into account the economic and financial crisis. Budget Lines Regional institutions affirm they give high priority in their budgets to entrepreneurship encouragement. Experts and institutions involved in entrepreneurship development agendas agree that it is necessary to foster self-motivation to a higher standard. Awareness Society continuously becomes more aware of how important it is to develop a more entrepreneurial culture. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SPAIN Opportunities SWOTEND
Motivational aspects Experts claim that a culture of effort must be accentuated among students and they point out at fear of failure as a threat. Issues such as fear of failure or students motivations and difficulties must be quite taken into account. Involvement There is barely any training for teaching staff, students and parents in regards to entrepreneurship. This provokes a generalized lack of interest. Teachers are unaware of the business sphere, so it's rather difficult to impress such values. It is very complicated to encourage entrepreneurism and business formation at an early age. However, it would be quite effective to boost skills and abilities that may subsequently drive entrepreneurship forward. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SPAIN Threats SWOTEND
Strategies In 2009, the Finnish Ministry of Education released the national policy for entrepreneurship education (EE), which included the essential goals of the education until the year 2015. The regional strategy was completed in early 2011. The strategy for entrepreneurship education describes the goals and measures of the EE from pre-primary education to higher education level. The strategy promotes discussion regarding the aims of EE in schools and municipalities. The strategy also serves as a decision-making tool regarding the focus of educational development and helps to measure the results at all educational levels. The strategy challenges all providers, decision-makers and partners involved in EE to improve their activities. Motivation Pori region has more and more high-skilled and motivated teachers inspired of EE. Teachers and developers utilise their individual personalities in order to provide EE, which enable them to operate very actively. Inter-regional SWOT analysis FINLAND Strenghts SWOTEND
Implementation of EE Pori region still have schools where the implementation of EE is at the early stage (primary and secondary schools). EE is not a first priority area of education in many municipalities. Teacher training in EE Teacher training in EE is not sufficient enough. EE should be inherent part of the initial training of teachers. Inter-regional SWOT analysis FINLAND Weaknesses SWOTEND
Good methods The practical implementation of education within the study subjects can be formulated freely. Therefore, content and methods relating to entrepreneurship can be added to education at all levels once the theme is established as one of the most important area of education. Networking Increasing cooperation with local entrepreneurs is an excellent opportunity. Inter-regional SWOT analysis FINLAND Opportunities SWOTEND
Funding Sustainable finance has been among the most difficult challenges in our region over the past years. In early 2012, the situation improved slightly as two-year funding was obtained for the development of regional entrepreneurship education. Educational institutions have also applied for funding for their own entrepreneurship education projects. Inter-regional SWOT analysis FINLAND Threats SWOTEND
Initiatives In Ireland there is an impressive existing suite of entrepreneurship education (EE) extra-curricular initiatives & activities at primary, secondary & third-level initiated by external organisations and non-governmental organisations. Support Teachers are assisted and supported in delivering EE by both the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) and the Education Centres, who publish a substantial volume of material on their websites to assist EE teachers at second level. Inter-regional SWOT analysis IRELAND Strenghts SWOTEND
National EE policy There is no national EE policy which is hindering co-ordination and coherence in EE design and implementation at national, regional and local level. Teacher training in EE The lack of specific EE modules in teacher education can prove an obstacle later on when delivering EE as the teachers may not be able to bring a credible EE presence to the classroom. Inter-regional SWOT analysis IRELAND Weaknesses SWOTEND
Education Cycle Changes Proposed changes changes to the Junior and Senior education cycles in terms of ‘key skills’ and ‘flexible learning profiles’ (Subjects, Short courses and TY units) have the potential to significantly increase the number of second level students who gain a real experience of the practical aspects of entrepreneurship. Collaboration Build on the good collaboration and linkages that already exist between the education and enterprise sectors to elicit valuable EE supports. . Inter-regional SWOT analysis IRELAND Opportunities SWOTEND
Crowded Curriculum The already heavy curriculum load at primary and secondary level means that teachers have little time to allocate to the development of EE resources or the implementation of extra-curricular EE activities. Funding Lack of designated funding is a big obstacle to EE progress at all levels of education. This difficulty is being further exacerbated as a result of the current tightening and reductions in public sector resourcing at all sectors, including education. Inter-regional SWOT analysis IRELAND Threats SWOTEND
Number of types of schools Žilina Self-Governing Region has a sufficient number of species and types of schools and school facilities that represent of all types of accredited educational institutions. Secondary schools and school facilities are proportionally distributed in the areas of Žilina region. It means there is a large potential of integrating EE into the educational process through the whole region. Lifelong learning willingness of The educational staff is willing to the lifelong learning, so they are being educated, in EE and other areas too. Alternative methods Many alternative methods of teaching are used in the educational process. Also the region is quite full of good practices of EE. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SLOVAKIA Strenghts SWOTEND
Insufficient connection with labor market The vocational training system is insufficiently connected with the labor market needs. Also there is a lack of information and consultancy services for education and labor market. Missing curricula EE missing in curricula is a big weakness, hopefully it will be eliminated. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SLOVAKIA Weaknesses SWOTEND
EU SF Schools are able to use EU structural funds and other resources that help schools to develop, also there are favorable conditions for mobility of secondary school graduates. Functional information system There is a functional information system of secondary schools, primary school graduates serving on the selection of secondary schools. The information system is available for further education, lifelong learning and training to entrepreneurship. The existing network is used for the support of institutions and non-governmental organizations in the educational process. Cooperation with employers There is quite good cooperation of secondary vocational schools with employers, employer associations, chambers and business. Workshops There are joint workshops organized between secondary schools and businesses. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SLOVAKIA Opportunities SWOTEND
Isolation of the education system The education system is isolated from labor market requirements. Lack of finance There is a lack of finance for the support of entrepreneurship education. Lack of interest There is a lack of interest of an entrepreneurship education and of the own career development by the economically active population. Inter-regional SWOT analysis SLOVAKIA Threats SWOTEND
Curriculum Entrepreneurship has a place in national curriculum of comprehensive schools. In upper secondary school, right now the entrepreneurship is an elective subject. For the year 2014 entrepreneurship studies must be available for every upper secondary school student. So if a student wants to take entrepreneurship lessons, school must guarantee that he/she can get them. In vocational schools EE is included as a mandatory subject into school curriculum. Still it is mainly only a theory. Long tradition EE started in Estonia more than 20 years ago and in recent years the situation has improved. Supportive decisions have been made on governmental level and there is developing partnership between education and business. Student Company Program Student Company Program is one of the Best Practice in EE in Estonia. The Program is used both in comprehensive and vocational schools. Each year number of SC is increasing and in school year 2011/2012 there was more than 155 SC. SC Program is also suggested as a Best Practice by European Commission. Inter-regional SWOT analysis ESTONIA Strenghts SWOTEND
Teacher training in EE To get competent and well trained teacher, teacher training should start in universities. JA Estonia offers Student Company Program as a methodology of active learning, but theoretical studies must be given by universities. Lack of funding Funding in EE is quite small. For developing EE government should give more money for organizations which are competent and have good results in this field. Lack of common understanding about EE in society Even though EE is known in Estonia more than 20 years not everybody understands the necessity of it at school level. Inter-regional SWOT analysis ESTONIA Weaknesses SWOTEND
Support of scientific research work More scientific work will be published that demonstrate positive impact of EE. This motivates public, businesses and government to support EE. EU funding to EE Systematic funding will come from EU for EE that enables using of active learning methods (e.g. Student Company Programme). Business support to EE Businesses understand the benefits of EE for themselves and start supporting EE. They come to classrooms and support financially EE. . Inter-regional SWOT analysis ESTONIA Opportunities SWOTEND
European crisis European crisis decreases funds that are available for EE. In this case more business support is needed. For this positive examples from the impact of EE can be used. Negative attitudes towards EE Change in Estonian government into less EE friendly one and the image of being an entrepreneur gets worse – this can be objected with positive promotion and focusing energy of actors in EE towards explaining the benefits of EE. Inter-regional SWOT analysis ESTONIA Threats SWOTEND
Work traditions and sense of thriftiness of Opolskie Region’s inhabitants Opolskie Region is famous for hard working people and sense of thriftiness of inhabitants. Particular social traditions and values help to build an open minded human capital and to develop positive attitude to entrepreneurship. Inter-regional SWOT analysis POLAND Strenghts SWOTEND
Promotion of entrepreneurship through mass media and opinion makers Although there are some interesting entrepreneurship education activities in the region, mass media and opinion makers rarely support the promotion of theses activities. The level of interest and awareness regarding importance of entrepreneurship education of media creators seems to be very low. Inter-regional SWOT analysis POLAND Weaknesses SWOTEND
Wide-spreading of good practices Considering the low level of awareness regarding EE and negative picture of entrepreneurs it seems to be crucial to use different information channels for dissemination of information about good examples and success stories from entrepreneurs. Inter-regional SWOT analysis POLAND Opportunities SWOTEND
Stereotypes and negative picture of entrepreneurs Polish students’ imaginations about entrepreneurs, who they are, what their names are strongly shaped by popular media, where there are many negative stories related to corruption, frauds, swindling linked with the most popular. Students themselves emphasize the negative constructions of entrepreneurs in the media. The negative picture of entrepreneurs and negative stories could become more visible in media than positive ones. Inter-regional SWOT analysis POLAND Threats SWOTEND