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FIREFIGHTER SURVIVAL . THE RAPID INTERVENTION TEAM. Background . This program is designed to better prepare members who are assigned to the RIT function to respond to the worst possible event on the fire ground. . BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !! . OBJECTIVES. Fire ground size up
Background • This program is designed to better prepare members who are assigned to the RIT function to respond to the worst possible event on the fire ground. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
OBJECTIVES • Fire ground size up • Tools & Equipment for RIT • RIT Tactics BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
FIREGROUND SIZE UP • Performed by all members of the RIT • Use organizations SOP's • Size up is the gathering of critical information for planning your operation. Not just an elegant radio report • Type of structure, roof construction and age of the structure • Size of the structure remember L x W x H • Number of floors (high rise or large commercial structure may require more than one RIT) • Is there a basement ? BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
FIREGROUND SIZE UP • Security bars, Chained entry or exit points are windows nailed shut? • Fire & smoke conditions • Location of the fire • Location and number of personnel operating on the interior. • Possibility of structural collapse (Smoke seeping through the mortar, Spalding, popping & cracking noises.) BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
FIREGROUND SIZE UP • Once assigned to RIT conduct a three-sixty of the structure. This will allow for development of your teams tactics if a mayday is declared. • During benchmark times another three-sixty should be conducted to note a changes in fire conditions or structural changes. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
FIREGROUND SIZE UP Water Supply • If SOP requires hose line for RIT utilize it. • When practical utilize engine and water supply not involved in fire attack. • May day maybe result of loss of water during attack. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TOOLS & EQUIPMENT • Multiple scenarios for firefighters transmitting Maydays! ! • RIT must be equipped to mitigate the various situations • Choose tools based on your size up anticipated RIT scenarios and on the mayday transmission. • Remember the Idea of RIT is to be rapid • Assemble and stage RIT equipment in designated area usually on salvage cover “A” side. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TOOLS & EQUIPMENT • SCBA with mask • Search rope • Forcible entry tools Irons, sledge hammer bolt cutters. • Become familiar with the proper operation of all tools and equipment • Hose line • Complement of ground ladders Consider aggressive laddering of structure • TIC • Hand lights also consider exterior lighting • Portable radios BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • Monitor interior fire conditions from exterior of the structure. • Utilize organizations SOP's • Monitor smoke conditions • Monitor fire ground radio traffic and progress of interior crews. • If RIT visualizes conditions that could jeopardize personnel notify incident command. (Example: Structural collapse) BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • Upon receipt of mayday IC must act swiftly and deploy RIT. • All non emergency radio traffic should be silenced unless another emergency is transmitted. • Switch all other operations to a different tactical channel • This will allow RIT to communicate with the company or firefighter who has declared the mayday BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • Once RIT has located the downed firefighter the PASS device should be silenced if sounding. • This will allow RIT to hear if other PASS devices are activated. • RIT should rapidly assess the downed firefighters breathing and pulse. If downed firefighter is not breathing with no pulse immediate extrication is paramount. • While assessing breathing and circulation RIT should also determine PSI in downed firefighters SCBA BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • Next RIT should assess the downed firefighter for any entanglements that would hinder the extrication. • Wires • structural materials from collapse • Notify command of situation, location, intent and par (SLIP) • Provide the downed firefighter a continuous air supply • Consider aggressive ventilation for removal of smoke and heated gases. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • RIT should determine length of the extrication. • Will relief teams be needed • Brute strength versus a mechanical advantage system . • Consider interior structural conditions. • Consider providing hose line to conscious firefighter for protection in prolonged extrications. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
RIT TACTICS & STRATAGIES • Will the downed firefighter have to be moved up or down stairs, through a collapsed floor or through a hole in the floor. • Will the downed firefighter need to be removed from an elevated location. • Will existing openings need to be enlarged like making a window a door. • Has primary route become obstructed you may have to breach a wall into adjoining room. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
TRAINING • It is up to us to make everyday a training day so that we may equip ourselves with the knowledge, skills and abilities, That will allow us to perform when our brothers and sisters need us the most. BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
WEB-SITES OF INTEREST • www.firefighterclosecalls.com • www.fireengineering.com • www.everyonegoeshome.com • www.vententersearch.com • http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/ BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !!
CREDITS • VDFP May Day Firefighter Down ! Curriculum • USFA Technical Report Series: Rapid Intervention Teams and How to Avoid Needing Them. • Calling the Mayday: Hands On Training from USFA and National Fire Academy. • Program created by Lt. Brad Dougherty Naval Station Norfolk Fire & Emergency Services BOTTLE ON, PASS ON !! STAY SAFE ! !