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Eat with a friend to break the work monotony, refresh your self and also to improve your productivity and efficiency. Avoid making it a daily habit.A restaurant that offers seafood is a good choice. Choose dishes that you can have grilled, baked, barbecued, steamed or roasted. Request that your food be prepared in less oil and that sauces, toppings, dressings and cheese be served separately.
The wheat germ.Soy and other legumes: The reason why the cultures of Japan or China have less percentage of these diseases lies in its high consumption of this legume. Soy is a powerful anti-cancer. Studies in Japan, where people usually eat lots of soup, usually soybean, showed that a daily intake of a bowl of soup reduced to 1 / 3 the chance of developing stomach cancer. Also has been found to eat soy or derivatives stops the growth of cancer cells, especially breast, prostate, uterus and colon.The reason for this property is due to the existence of some components called isoflavones and lignans, which have the power to reduce the male hormones that are directly responsible for benign prostatic hyperplasia or noncancerous growth of the prostate and to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in this organ. Lawsuits on Foods and Diets
It is therefore highly desirable to include soy as a staple food. Remember that in addition to the vegetable, we have a whole arsenal of products derived from soybeans, which have the same properties, will enable us to prepare various culinary dishes while we eating the same vegetable. Among these mention: tofu or soy cheese, soy milk or soy meat.Within the group of legumes, soybeans are the most recommended, but it should be noted that consumption of other legumes such as peas or beans, benefit the management or amelioration of these diseases, as most members of this group foods contain a greater or lesser extent similar components.It has been found that another very important legumes in the control of diseases of the prostate is alfalfa.
Its properties are due to the presence of two isoflavones, called genistein and daidzein, which prevent the formation of cancerous tumors in this organ.Pumpkin, by their content of carotenoids, is another of the recommended foods. The properties of carotenoids are very broad. Among all of them deserve special attention their ability to inhibit cancer development. It has been shown the importance of consumption of green leafy foods such as leeks or pumpkin in preventing prostate cancer in its ability to prevent an increase in prostate condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition that can occur in men usually after 50 years and, while not as serious as cancer, is a very serious discomfort when urinating or sex. https://reviewforyou.co/no-bs-manifesting-course-review/ https://www.cbsecure.co.uk/healthy-choice-cbd-oil-review/ https://www.cbsecure.co.uk/wildfit-review/