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Standardized Test Prep

This standardized test prep preview quiz covers multiple-choice questions on air pollution causes, effects, and pollutants, testing your knowledge on environmental issues. Learn about primary sources of air pollutants, health effects, and acid precipitation components. Test your understanding of pH scale and hydronium ion concentration. Practice and prepare for environmental science exams.

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Standardized Test Prep

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  1. Standardized Test Prep Preview • Multiple Choice

  2. Multiple Choice 1. What is the biggest cause of air pollution? A. dust particles B. forest fires C. human activities D. volcanic eruptions

  3. Multiple Choice 1. What is the biggest cause of air pollution? A. dust particles B. forest fires C. human activities D. volcanic eruptions

  4. Multiple Choice, continued 2. Which of the following releases the most primary pollutants into the air? F. electric power plants G. manufacturing plants H. mining operations I. transportation industry

  5. Multiple Choice, continued 2. Which of the following releases the most primary pollutants into the air? F. electric power plants G. manufacturing plants H. mining operations I. transportation industry

  6. Multiple Choice, continued 3. Which of the following is a long-term health effect of air pollution? A. blindness B. diabetes C. emphysema D. hepatitis

  7. Multiple Choice, continued 3. Which of the following is a long-term health effect of air pollution? A. blindness B. diabetes C. emphysema D. hepatitis

  8. Multiple Choice, continued 4. Which of the following statements is true? F. Ground-level ozone is harmless to children. G. Noise pollution occurs at low decibel levels. H. Light pollution is not a hazard to human health. I. Sick-building syndrome is caused by poor air quality.

  9. Multiple Choice, continued 4. Which of the following statements is true? F. Ground-level ozone is harmless to children. G. Noise pollution occurs at low decibel levels. H. Light pollution is not a hazard to human health. I. Sick-building syndrome is caused by poor air quality.

  10. Multiple Choice, continued Use this illustration to answer questions 5 and 6.

  11. Multiple Choice, continued 5. What is the relationship between sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4)? A. Sulfur dioxide combines with oxygen to form nitric acid. B. Sulfur dioxide is the main pollutant that forms nitric acid. C. Sulfur dioxide is the main pollutant that forms sulfuric acid. D. Sulfur dioxide combines with nitrogen to form sulfuric acid.

  12. Multiple Choice, continued 5. What is the relationship between sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4)? A. Sulfur dioxide combines with oxygen to form nitric acid. B. Sulfur dioxide is the main pollutant that forms nitric acid. C. Sulfur dioxide is the main pollutant that forms sulfuric acid. D. Sulfur dioxide combines with nitrogen to form sulfuric acid.

  13. Multiple Choice, continued 6. What are the two main polluting components in acid precipitation? F. ozone and oxygen atoms G. ozone and water H. sulfuric acid and nitric acid I. sulfuric acid and water

  14. Multiple Choice, continued • What are the two main polluting components in acid precipitation? F. ozone and oxygen atoms G. ozone and water H. sulfuric acid and nitric acid I. sulfuric acid and water

  15. Multiple Choice, continued 7. A decrease of one number on the pH scale represents an increase in the concentration of hydronium (OH) ions by a power of 10. How many times more hydronium ions are present in an acid with a pH of 3 than are present in an acid with a pH of 5? F. 10 G. 20 H. 100 I. 200

  16. Multiple Choice, continued 7. A decrease of one number on the pH scale represents an increase in the concentration of hydronium (OH) ions by a power of 10. How many times more hydronium ions are present in an acid with a pH of 3 than are present in an acid with a pH of 5? F. 10 G. 20 H. 100 I. 200

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