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Suhu dan Kalor

Suhu dan Kalor. Kelompok 6 Nurlia Enda Hariza NiMade Mahas. Suhu. Suhu merupakan derajat panas suatu benda yang diukur menggunakan termometer.Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita menggunakan termometer zat cair dan pada umumnya menggunakan raksa atau alkohol .

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Suhu dan Kalor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SuhudanKalor Kelompok 6 NurliaEnda Hariza NiMadeMahas

  2. Suhu • Suhumerupakanderajatpanassuatubenda yang diukurmenggunakantermometer.Dalamkehidupansehari-harikitamenggunakantermometerzatcairdanpadaumumnyamenggunakanraksaataualkohol. • MenentukankesetaraanskalaTermometer

  3. Temperature • Temperature is the degree of heat an object is measured using a thermometer. In everyday life we use a thermometer liquid and typically use mercury or alcohol. Determining equivalence scale thermometer

  4. MacammacamTermometer • Termometer air raksa Air raksamembekupada -40° C danmendidihpada 360° , makatermometer air raksahanyadapatdipakaiuntukmengukursuhu-suhudiantara interval tersebut. • Termometeralkohol Untuksuhu-suhulebihrendahdapatdipakai alcohol (Titikbeku - 130° C ) danpentana (Titikbeku - 200° C )sebagaizatcairnya. • Termoelemen Alatinibekerjaatasdasarnyatimbulnyagaya gerak listrikdariduabuahsambunganlogambilasambungantersebutberubahsuhunya.

  5. Kinds of thermometer • Mercury thermometer Mercury freezes at -40 ° C and boils at 360 °, then the mercury thermometers can only be used to measure temperatures between these intervals. • Alcohol thermometer For temperatures lower alcohol can be used (freezing point - 130 ° C) and pentane (freezing point - 200 ° C) as a liquid substance. • Termoelemen It works on basically the emergence of electromotive force of the two metal connections when the connection is changing its temperature.

  6. PirometerOptik Alatinidapatdipakaiuntukmengaturtemperatur yang sangattinggi. • Termometermaksimum Adalahtermometer yang dipakaiuntukmenentukansuhu yang tertinggiatauterendahdalamsuatuwaktutertentu. • Termostat Alatinidipakaiuntukmendapatkansuhu yang tetapdalamsuaturuangan. • Termometerdiferensial. Dipakaiuntukmenentukanselisihsuhuantaraduatempat yang berdekatan.

  7. Pirometer Optics This tool can be used to set a very high temperature. • Maximum thermometer Thermometer is used to determine the temperature of the highest or lowest in a certain time. • Thermostat This tool is used to obtain a fixed temperature in a room. • Thermometer differential. Used to determine the temperature difference between two adjacent places.

  8. Kalor • SifatTermalzatialah : bahwasetiapzat yang menerimaataupunmelepaskankalor,makazattersebutakanmengalami : -Perubahansuhu / temperature / derajatpanas -Perubahanpanjangataupunperubahan volume zattersebut -Perubahanwujud

  9. Heat • Thermal properties of matter is this: that any substance that receive or release the heat, then the substance will experience: • Changes in temperature / temperature / degree of heat • Change in length or volume changes in substance • Change form

  10. KalorJenis c = kalorjenis (kal/gr° C,J/kg° K) Q = jumlahkalor (kal,Joule) m = massa (kg) = perubahansuhu (°C,°K)

  11. Heat Type • c = Specific heat of (cal / g ° C, J / kg ° K) • Q = amount of heat (cal, joule) • m = mass (kg) • = Change in temperature (° C, ° K)

  12. Kapasitaskalor • C = kapasitaskalor (panas) (kal/°C,J/ ° K)

  13. Heat capacity C = Specific heat capacity (heat) (cal / ° C, J / ° K)

  14. KalorLaten • L = kalorlaten (kal/gr,J/kg) • m= massa yang berubahwujud (kg) • Q = kalor (panas)

  15. Latent Heat L = Laten head (kal/gr,J/kg) m= mass change shape(kg) Q = Head (hot)

  16. Azaz Black • Q dilepasA = Q diserapB

  17. Azaz Black • If the object A release heat on body B then: • QdetachedA = QreserveB

  18. Kesetaraanantarasatuankalordansatuanenergi. • Kesetaraansatuankalordanenergimekanikinimakaditentukanoleh “PERCOBAAN JOULE” Atau 1 kalori = 4,2 joule 1 joule = 0,24 kal Hargaperbandingandiatasdisebut “TARA KALOR MAGNETIK”

  19. Equality between the unit and the unit of heat energy. • Equality unit of heat and mechanical energy is then determined by the "EXPERIMENT Joule" or • Price comparison above is called "MAGNETIC HEAT TARA" 1 kalori = 4,2 joule 1 joule = 0,24 kal

  20. Pemuaian • Muaipanjang: ∆f=ℓ₀α∆t • Muailuas ∆A = A₀β.∆t • Muaivolum ∆V=V₀.γ.∆t ℓt = ℓ₀(1+α.∆t) At =A₀(1+β.∆t) β=2α Vt= V₀(1+γ.∆t) γ =3α

  21. Expansion • In general, it will expand when the temperature rises. • Long expansion: ∆f=ℓ₀α∆t • Large expansion ∆A = A₀β.∆t • Volume expansion ∆V=V₀.γ.∆t ℓt = ℓ₀(1+α.∆t) At =A₀(1+β.∆t) β=2α Vt= V₀(1+γ.∆t) γ =3α

  22. Sumbersumber yang relevan • Sumbersumberrelevan • http://www.powerpoint-search.com/suhu-dan-kalor.-ppt.html • http://endwati.staff.fkip.uns.ac.id/files/2009/09/Hukum-Termod-nol-dan-pertama-09.ppt • http://www.agussuwasono.com/ilearning/joule.swf

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