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Steven M. Neuhaus County Executive

Steven M. Neuhaus County Executive. PUBLIC HEARING 2015. Ann Marie Maglione Director. ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING. August 8, 2014. ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING 18 Seward A venue , 2 nd F loor M iddletown , NY 10940. Contact us at 845 – 615 - 3700. Monday – Friday

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Steven M. Neuhaus County Executive

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  1. Steven M. Neuhaus County Executive PUBLIC HEARING 2015 Ann Marie Maglione Director ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING August 8, 2014

  2. ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING18 Seward Avenue, 2ndFloorMiddletown, NY10940 Contact us at 845 – 615 - 3700 Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm www.orangecountygov.com

  3. MISSION STATEMENT The Orange County Office for the Aging is committed to meeting the special service needs of Orange County’s senior population, their families, and friends who care for them. Office for the Aging offers services either directly or through sub-contracts, designed to maintain the quality of life of those aged 60 and over. Promoting and maintaining the dignity, well-being and independence of senior citizens in Orange County through the Office’s distinctive role as advocate and community partner.

  4. WHO WE ARE The Orange County Office for the Aging consists of 48 dedicated employees located throughout Orange County. Our office is broken up into: • Administration • Fiscal Department • Programs • Senior Dining Program • Volunteers

  5. The goal of the Orange County Office for the Aging is to: Empower older people, their families, and other consumers to make informed decisions about, and be able to easily access existing health and long-term care options Enable seniors to remain in their own homes with high quality of life for as long as possible through the provision of home and community-based services, including supports for family caregivers Encourage older people to stay active and healthy through Older American Act services and the new prevention benefits under Medicare Ensure the rights of older people and prevent their abuse, neglect, and exploitation

  6. ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS The Advisory Council assists the Office for the Aging in fulfilling its mission. It provides the office with guidance, advice and support in strategic planning, program development, financial resource expansion and advocacy. The council serves as a critical link between the Office for the Aging and the local senior community. The Council’s most important obligation is to help the Office for the Aging carry out the intent and objectives of the Older American’s Act. Sanford Altman Michael Amo Katie Bonelli Nolly Climes Vincent Copello Christian Farrell Elaine Flynn Dr. Larry Force Donna Frazier Flo Hannes Mark Krohn, Esq. Danielle LeClerc Moser Pete Mathieu Jonah Mandelbaum County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus Doris Rubinsky Michael Russo Greg Townsend Dr. Joel Weintraub



  9. ORANGE COUNTY NY CONNECTS • Orange County NY Connects is the central point of entry program that provides comprehensive and objective information and assistance on long term care supports and services. • Contact: 845–615–3710 or ofa@orangecountygov.com • Long Term Care Council • Options Counseling • Public Education • Referrals • Screening for benefits

  10. NY CONNECTS CALL SUMMARY April - June July - Sept Oct - Dec Jan - March 9016 TOTAL CALLS 595 Home visits were completed with the majority resulting in additions to the Home Delivered Meal Program

  11. CONSUMER AGE RANGE Up to Age 59 85-100 75-84 60-74

  12. EXPANDED IN-HOME SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM (EISEP) • EISEP enables frail, older adults to remain safely in their homes by providing a well-planned and coordinated package of support services. • Ancillary Service • Case Management • Consumer Directed Home Services Model • Non-medical in-home services • The average cost of staying in a Nursing Home in the Northern Metropolitan area is $10,590 per month. With the services below from Office for the Aging the average cost is under $2,000 per month. • 30 Home Delivered Meals • 4 hours of Case Management • 86 hours of Personal Care Level II • Personal Emergency Response System • The 2010 National Performance Outcome Measures Project found that home based services provided by Offices for the Aging can delay Nursing Home placement up to 3 years. • A 2011 Brown University study found that every $25.00 spent on home delivered meals decreases the low care Nursing Home population by 1%.

  13. SERVICES PROVIDED Personal Care Level I & II provides non-medical assistance with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) services. Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) is a service which utilizes an electronic device to alert appropriate people of the need for immediate assistance in the event of an emergency situation in an older person’s home. The device can be worn as a necklace or wristband.

  14. CAREGIVER SUPPORT PROGRAM • Designed to support informal Caregivers as they continue to carry out their caregiving roles and responsibilities. • Caregiver Resource Library • Counseling, Support Groups and Caregiver Training • Information, Assistance and Referral • Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Ext. • Respite Service

  15. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Orange County is part of a nationwide volunteers program which taps the skills, talents and experience of more than 550,000 individuals ages 55 and older to meet a wide range of community needs. RSVP is sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees AmeriCorps and VISTA. Together, the programs of the Corporation provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to service their community and country. The Orange County Office of the Aging is committed to maintaining the dignity, well-being and independence of senior citizens through a variety of programs and projects, including RSVP. Orange County Office for the Aging currently has 522 RSVP members. RSVP

  16. EDUCATION Office for the Aging has continued its innovative education programs for our consumers: Really Smart Patient – In collaboration with Mount Saint Mary College, this educational program was offered at the Cornwall & Highland Falls congregate meal sites. The premise behind the program is to empower consumers to speak up for themselves while speaking with their medical doctors thereby making informed decisions. There were many lively discussions between Dr. Larry Force and our consumers. Falls Prevention – A partnership with SUNY Orange’s C.A.R.T. (Center for Assistive Rehabilitation and Technology) provided a new program “Tools for Living Safely and to the Fullest: Fall Prevention and Home Safety”. This innovative program incorporates SUNY Orange’s Occupational Therapy students with a Certified OT to provide informational and educational presentations to our seniors throughout the county. The program objectives are to promote fall prevention techniques to reduce falling and fear of falling, increase activity levels, and assess senior’s living spaces for adaptive equipment or modifications thereby enhancing their quality of life so they may live comfortably in their homes and stay as active as possible.

  17. HEALTH PROMOTION/WELLNESSHEALTHY AGING/MENTAL HEALTH • OFA recognizes that prevention and wellness programs are cost effective methods of maintaining independence for older persons. To assist older consumers in pursuing a healthy life style, OFA and the Department of Health will continue to work in partnership to encourage older citizens to participate in Healthy Orange, an initiative to address three vital issues (healthier eating, exercise promotion, and reduction of the effects of tobacco). • Action Steps: • OFA will utilize the expertise of the Special Programs Assistant for Insurance Counseling to promote the use of Medicare preventative services screenings for chronic illnesses. • Orange County Senior Games will continue to serve as a focus for a healthy lifestyle by offering programs to enhance physical, social well-being as well as mental stimulation.

  18. OFA has a seat on the Geriatric Mental Wellness Alliance to examine issues related to dementia and mental health as they relate to the growing older population and what the implications are for programs and services. • OFA offers educational, recreational, and health promotion programming at its Annual Senior Forum. • OFA will continue to provide health screening and health and nutrition education at Dining Sites, Senior Centers, and Senior Clubs. • Health promotion programs will be expanded with the addition of evidence based programs offered throughout the county. • OFA will work with local resources to provide safe, professional exercise classes in under-served areas. • OFA offers an Annual Health and Fitness Day in partnership with Orange County Department of Health.

  19. SENIOR FOR SENIOR PET FOSTER & PET CHOW PANTRY PROGRAM The Orange County Office for the Aging and Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary in Middletown have joined forces to implement this new and exciting program. The purpose of this program is two-fold, providing companionship to both the senior adult and displaced senior animal. This is done by matching individuals to appropriate animals to care for in the senior’s loving home. Costs for veterinarian care, litter box and food are covered by the animal shelter and at NO COST to the senior participant. The Pet Chow pantry is available to all pet owners as a means for obtaining food for your pet. The pet food is dropped off at their home each month by trained volunteers. An assessment to determine eligibility for both programs is conducted through the Orange County Office for the Aging.

  20. VOLUNTEERISM • Volunteers are always welcomed and needed for the following programs : • HIICAP • (Health Insurance Information, • Counseling, and Assistance Program) • Home Delivered Meals • Intergenerational Yard Clean-Up • RSVP • (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) • Tax Aide Assistance



  23. SENIOR DINING PROGRAM In this challenging economic environment, the requests for meal service has increased significantly. This trend will continue and demands more careful client needs assessment as well as seeking alternative production/delivery programs. This also brings a demand for serving clients with multiple medical conditions and a variety of dietary restrictions. Office for the Aging will be opening the Centralized Kitchen at the Arden Hill/BOCES campus this year. We will now have the ability to accommodate the future needs of the 60+ residents in the county and the capacity to serve 2,000 meals daily. • In 2013 close to 1,300 clients were served amounting to over 220,000 meals. • Meals were delivered with the assistance of 465 volunteers covering 64 routes. • In addition, meals were served at congregate sites in Montgomery, Port Jervis, Blooming Grove, Highland Falls, Cornwall, Middletown, and Kiryas Joel.

  24. CHRONIC DISEASE SELF-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CDSMP) The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is an evidence-based program developed by Stanford University. It utilizes peer leaders to help people better manage chronic conditions such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. This two hour per week, six week program has been proven to improve quality of life by helping people realize the value of physical activity, eating nutritiously and interacting as an active participant in their health care choices and with their health care providers. Orange County Office for the Aging has successfully completed one workshop at a senior housing complex and we look forward to completing three more by the end of the year, one of which will be in-house for county employees. ALED(Active Living Every Day) - Their mission is to help people improve their health and quality of life through moderate amounts and intensities of physical activity. This is achieved through non-structured activities such as gardening and walking as opposed to going to a gym and performing cardio activities.

  25. BALANCING INCENTIVE PROGRAM(BIP) • Office for the Aging’s NY Connects has been recognized by the Federal Government as the State’s Single Point of Entry and as such, will be integral in the first structural change of the BIP. • BIP is a result of Governor Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign Team established in 2011. • It contains three (3) structural changes: • No Wrong Door/Single Point of Entry System • Conflict –Free Case Management Services • Core Standardized Assessment Instrument

  26. OUTREACH Orange County Office for the Aging has continued its outreach efforts with the following programs: “Fearless Caregiver” This was a successful day of caregivers coming together to discuss their issues, receive service information, support and meet with other caregivers. We are looking forward to our second workshop “Partners in Caring” in September. OFA will be collaborating with JFS on the Got an Hour Campaign which was developed by the Aging Network Volunteer Collaborative to help local agencies throughout the country attract volunteers to programs that work with seniors. www.GiveitBacktoSeniors.org AgeLink - OFA will be opening a satellite office at the Newburgh Unity Armory Center. This innovative program, AgeLink, is a collaboration of efforts and resources from Office for the Aging, The Center on Aging and Policy at Mount Saint Mary’s College, SUNY Orange’s C.A.R.T. and the Newburgh Armory Unity Center. AgeLink will be an informational and referral center opened two days a week and staffed by Office for the Aging, bi-lingual students from MSMC., and Occupational students from SUNY Orange’s C.A.R.T.


  28. There exists in our society a growing population of disabled and homebound veterans unable to take advantage of what food pantries have to offer due to their physical limitations and/or a lack of transportation from their homes in isolated areas of the county. Once this need was identified, the Orange County Veteran’s Food Pantry was established in April of 2009. People are now able to receive bags of groceries delivered to their homes. Shop-Rite generously supplies food and monetary gifts and, above all, donates the use of a 2,000 square foot area at their Montgomery store location, giving the Veterans Food Pantry a desperately-needed base of operations where food supplies can be stored and assembled for delivery to our veterans. Office for the Aging, seeing a need, began discussions regarding collaborating with Veterans for the senior population. Shop Rite, a major supporter of the Pantry was readily on board. We are in the final stages of making this a reality. This initiative would not be possible without the support of the County Executive and the Orange County Veterans Coalition, and the caring generosity of Shop-Rite. VETERAN’S/AGING FOOD PANTRY

  29. WELCOMEORANGE envisions Working to Encourage Leadership and Collaboration Of Multi-disciplinary Service Providers Enhancing lives in Orange County

  30. SENIORS OF THE YEAR AWARDS Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus and the Orange County Office for the Aging have recognized the following: Norbury “Skip” Chambers Montgomery Frank “Uncle Buck” Pileggi Chester Shop Rite, a longtime supporter of the community, made our selection process simple. We appreciate their continual support of our many programs and events and are fortunate to have them as our neighbor! Senior Citizen of the Year OutstandingContributionby a Senior Senior Friendly Business

  31. 2014 Seniors of the Year Frank Pileggi Skip Chambers

  32. COUNTY DEPARTMENT COLLABORATION • Historian • Human Rights • Orange County Sheriff • Parks and Recreation • Mental Health • Veteran’s • Youth Bureau • Community Development • Consumer Affairs • County Executive • Department of Social Services • District Attorney • Emergency Management • Health Department

  33. CIVIC COLLABORATION • Mount Saint Mary’s • NYSOFA • (New York State Office for the Aging) • Orange Regional Medical Center • Orange Ulster Boces • Shoprite • SUNY Orange • St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital • TEAM Newburgh • Welcome Orange • Alzheimer’s Association • Association on Aging in New York • Cornell Cooperative Extension • Geriatric Mental Health • Hospice • Independent Living • Jewish Family Service • Local Police Departments • Mental Health Association

  34. ASSOCIATION ON AGING IN NEW YORK Our Mission is to help older New Yorkers be as independent as possible for as long as possible through advocacy, development and delivery of person-centered, consumer-oriented, and cost-effective policies, programs and services which support and empower older adults and their families, in partnership with the network of public and private organizations which serve them. The Association on Aging in New York supports and advocates for New York's 59 mostly county-based Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and works collaboratively with a network of organizations that exist to promote independence, preserve dignity and provide support for residents of New York State as they age.

  35. OUR CHALLENGES • Barriers • Decreases in funding • Increased population, frail and elderly, specifically 85 and above • Increased Demand for Services

  36. It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped. Hubert H. Humphrey

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