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The background of the improvement of PISA results in Hungary Trends i n Performance Since 2000 International Launch of PISA 2009 Report February 10 th , 2011 Gábor Halász ELTE University Budapest. Preliminary remarks. Significant improvement observed in the area of reading literacy
The background of the improvement of PISA results in HungaryTrends in Performance Since 2000International Launch of PISA 2009 Report February 10th, 2011Gábor Halász ELTE University Budapest
Preliminary remarks Significant improvement observed in the area of reading literacy Simultaneous impact of several factors(no single factor can explain the results) Some factors have been under conscious policy control while others not The result is the equilibrium of positive and negative effects (the positive effects could have produced more positive impact without the negative effects)
Policy interventions thatmight have had a positive impact • Increasing awareness of the importance of literacy developmentin higher grades >>> • Improving the education of the most disadvantaged groups(integration programs)>>> • Curriculum innovation: developing classroom level activities>>> • Creating effective feedback mechanisms>>>
A common element in all interventions Massive capacity building among teachers… typically embedded into school level curriculum innovation and supported by major national development programs
Important further remarks The way of organising learning has been changed in hundreds of classrooms (the observed improvement is the result of accumulated micro level changes) But the outcomes are still modest compared to the size of investments And the positive impacts have been counterbalanced by negative ones (e.g. increasing poverty in some social groups).
Recommended resources Biannual national reports for the European Commission. Monitoring the „Education and Training 2010” program(http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc1532_en.htm) Background documents for the comparative analysis „Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors for Lifelong Learner”(http://ec.europa.eu/education/more-information/doc/keyreport_en.pdf ) Hungary. Country Background Report. OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. 2010