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Government of Karnataka. Hearty Welcome to the presentation on Mid Day Meal Scheme- Karnataka. A View of Implementation of MDMS in Karnataka during 2011-12 (01.04.2011 to 31.12.2011). Midday Meal Scheme.
Government of Karnataka Hearty Welcome to the presentation on Mid Day Meal Scheme- Karnataka.
A View of Implementation of MDMS in Karnataka during 2011-12(01.04.2011 to 31.12.2011)
Midday Meal Scheme Hot and hygienic cooked meal is provided to all the children studying in classes from 1 to 10 in Government and Aided Primary and High Schools all over the State. Objectives: • To ensure enrollment of all children of school going age. • To enhance retention rate. • To facilitate academic excellence. • To improve child health and increase nutrition level. • To bring social equity and Integration.
Cooks in MMS Honorarium to cooks Amount in Rs
Compensation for cooks Cooks are paid compensation by GOK in the event of untoward happenings while cooking. The details are as follows.
The Details of Food Grains ,Conversion Cost and Nutrition Provided to Primary and Upper Primary School Students
Cooking cost per child per day Amount in Rs
Beneficiaries during 2011-12 In lakhs
Responsibility of Implementation School Health Programme
Food grains Utilization [PRY] 2011-12 77493.720 70055.591 65715.256 % Utilisation 53368.906 47140.068 6728.290 (Units in MTs)
Food grains Utilisation [UP PRY]2011-12 69900.000 60592.543 % Utilisation 59032.592 46707.998 41812.740 5163.766 (Units in MTs)
Payment of cost of food grains [PRY+UPPry] 2011-12 8327.75 7090.93 % Utilisation 674.50 115.88 (Rs in lakhs)
Cooking cost Utilization [PRY] 2011-12 22221.21 21591.46 17108.72 16212.03 % Utilisation 1577.06 (Rs in lakhs)
Cooking cost Utilization [UPPRY]2011-12 20177.80 15443.66 13448.26 % Utilisation 856.91 (Rs in lakhs)
Honorarium to cooks [PRY+UP Pry] 2011-12 Central and State share 11908.72 8675.41 % Utilisation 7437.56 1435.79 (Rs in lakhs)
Cost of transportation [PRY+UP Pry] 2011-12 1105.45 1022.80 935.61 851.74 667.15 % Utilisation 67.27 (Rs in lakhs)
MME Utilization 2011-12 899.87 693.34 Utilisation 440.82 110.00 (Rs in lakhs)
Achievement during 2006-07, 07-08,08-09(Kitchen Sheds) 2011-12 up to end of Dec-2012 22325 Progress (in %) 2964 2558 Units in number Up to end of Mar-2012 Constructed:22943, In Progress:2065, Yet to be start:2839
Achievement during 2006-07,07-08,08-09 (Kitchen Devices) 2011-12 45339 Progress (in %)
Proposal for Classes 1 to 5 and 6 to 8 for the Year 2012-13 Number of children Proposal for NCLP schools for the year 2012-13
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen sheds for the year 2012-13
Proposal for replacement of Kitchen devices for the year 2012-13
Proposal for Weighing machine and height Recorder for the year 2012-13
NGOs Participation in MMS • Number of NGOs : 105 • Number of schools covered : 5906 • Number of children covered : 8.22lakhs • Some of the NGOs involved are Akshaya PathraFoundation, Adamya chetana, Sri Gurushantheswara Janakalyana Prathishtana Hukkeri etc.,
Supplementary Nutrition Tablets • Vitamin A tablets (2 lakh IU): at the rate of 2 tablets per year per child once in 6 months. • Iron and Folic acid tablets (20 mg) : at the rate of 3 tablets per week per child for 36 weeks in a year. • Albendazole (400 mg) de worming tablets: at the rate of 2 tablets per year, once in 6 months.
Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya Programme 2011-12 During 2011-12, 100.69 lakh children have been medically examined and 682 children are treated for speciality cases and an amount of Rs 3.34 crores have been spent out of NRHM funds in co-ordination with Health and family welfare department, GOK.
Best Practices • Women as cooks - preference given to widows, Destitute women. • Cooks are being trained every year. • All cooking centers are provided with LPG for cooking. • Mothers committee constituted to ensure cleanliness. • Kitchen Gardens are maintained & Wall writings on kitchen walls displaying quantity of food grains and number of beneficiaries. • Teachers taste food before serving to children. • Fire Extinguishers are installed in all schools. • 100% inspection of MDM cooking centers have been covered.
AksharaDasohaSahayavaniGrievenceRedressalMechanismToll Free No: 1800 425 20007 inaugurated by Education Minister Sri. VisheweshwaraHegdeKageri in the state during the month of 29th March 2011. Totally 215 Grevences are recorded among this 185 complaints have been solved, remaining 30 are about increasing of cooks honororium • On 20th Jan 2012 the Education Minister Sri. VisheweshwaraHegdeKageri convened a state level meeting for all the ZillaPanchayat Education Standing Committee Chair persons and members of the districts in Bangalore and discussed the importance of AksharaDasoha and also explained their role in the implementation of the Programme with co-ordination with state Authorities. There was very good response by the members and at last they took a Oath (PratignaVidhi) and Committed themselves to involve actively in the programme and co-ordinate and co-operate with the officials as well as the scheme completely for the success of the programme. • Akashavanni Phone in programme on 12/1/2012 helped the public to discus their issues with state level authorities of MDM directly and find the solutions. • 100% schools are inspected by district & taluka level officers, and we covered 6729 schools inspections from the state office by making teams of officers of different districts and taluks.
Impact: • Mid day meals has reduced hunger and malnutrition. • Nutritious food ensures better health. • Mid day meal in the school ensures Social harmony. • Children participation in curriculum and extra curriculum activities becomes more effective. • Above factors contributes to Qualitative Learning.
Issues for consideration • Extension of central assistance towards providing MDM to children of classes 9 to 10 . • Central assistance towards procurement of micronutrient like Vitamin-A, Albendazole and Iron and folic acid tablets. • Enhancement of food grain transportationcharges for hilly areas from Rs 75/- to Rs 93/- and Rs 75/- to Rs 83/- for other areas may be considered. • Enhancement of Honorarium to Cooks-Cum-Helper Up to 3500/- per Month. • Provide Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana/NPS Light Swavalambhan Yojana/ Janna Shree Bima Yojana Insurance facility to Cooks.
Analysis: Foodgrains lifting (Month-wise cumulative) Pry 77493 Foodgrains (in MTs)
Analysis: Foodgrains lifting (Month-wise cumulative) Upr Pry 69900 Foodgrains (in MTs)
Analysis: Foodgrains lifting Pry 2011-12 Foodgrains (in MTs) 100% 85.80% 66.61%
Analysis: Foodgrains lifting Up Pry 2011-12 Foodgrains (in MTs) 100% 91.19% 64.53%
Enrolment V/S Coverage [Pry] (In lakhs)
Enrolment V/S Coverage [Upp Pry] (In lakhs)
In Kolar, Gadag & Haveri District Apron, Caps, Slipper, Masks and Hand glouse have been provided to all the cooks.
In some schools on special occasion children are served sweets.
ZP Educational Officers of MDM & ADPI of TPs Capacity building work shops are conducted in all the 4 division.