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  1. 影響醫院面臨危機時所採取形象修復策略的相關因素探討影響醫院面臨危機時所採取形象修復策略的相關因素探討 • 由於媒體訊息傳播管道發達,加上消費者意識逐年高漲,因此當醫院一旦發生危機並經媒體報導後,其結果皆有可能直接衝擊到醫院的形象及營運,甚至是生存。因此,為了使醫院面臨危機時必須能作出妥善的回應,以緩和危機所帶給醫院的衝擊,形象修復策略的採用便常被組織應用於面臨危機時對外的回應方式。本研究的研究目的即在針對醫院面臨危機時所採取的形象修復策略,與影響其選擇策略之相關影響因素予以探討。本研究採用Benoit & Brinson的理論架構,將形象修復策略類型分為否認策略、推卸責任策略、推卸責任策略、降低外界攻擊策略、及進行修正行動策略等五類。研究設計採自填式結構性問卷,針對我國地區級(含)以上的490家醫院之院長進行郵寄問卷調查,最後有效回收問卷共計152份,回收率為31.0%。研究結果顯示,醫院面臨危機時較偏好採取的形象修復策略為進行修正策略、降低外界的攻擊策略、及承認或道歉策略,最不願意採行的策略則為否認策略。研究結果亦顯示,醫院權屬別、層級別、及創院年數等變項對於形象修復策略採取的意願並未有顯著的影響力。在影響醫院採行形象修復策略的考量因素方面,不同的影響形象修復策略的相關因素對於不同的形象修復策略類型採行意願的影響程度是不同的;以醫院最願意採行的進行修正策略、降低外界的攻擊策略、及承認或道歉策略等三個策略而言,危機的種類、危機證據的真實性、危機對組織的傷害程度、組織過往表現、及危機管理經驗等五項因素分別對這三個策略採行的影響性最大;但就這三個策略整體而言,組織過往表現、社會大眾對組織應負的危機責任的歸因、及媒體報導情況是整個策略選擇上的最大的考慮因素。本研究的研究發現對於協助醫院經營管理者在面臨危機時,可考量採取的適當形象修復策略應有所助益。

  2. Exploring the Related Factors of Image Restoration Strategies Adoptd by Hospitals during Crisis • Due to the fast development of the transmission channels of media, if a hospital has some crisis occurred and being reported by the media, the results may affect the image, operation, even the survival of that hospital. Therefore, when a hospital face a crisis, it needs to have proper responses to endure the shock of the crisis, even to get over it. The purpose of this study was to explore the related factors associated with the choices of image restoration strategies adopted by hospitals during crisis.This study employed conceptual model of Benoit and Brinson by dividing image restoration strategies into five types: denial, evasion of responsibility, reduction of offensiveness, mortification, and corrective action. Structured questionnaire were sent to the superintendents of 490 district on higher hospitals in Taiwan. In the end, 152 hospitals returned the questionnaires, and the response rate was 31.0%. The findings indicated that when hospitals faced crisis, the preferable strategies were the corrective action, reduction of offensiveness, and evasion of responsibility. The denial strategy was the least favorable.The results of the study also showed that the willing of adopting on image restoration strategies wasn’t influenced by hospital ownership, hospital type, or years of hospital establishment. In addition, the related factors of image restoration strategy also hadn’t different influence by the willing of strategy’s choice in hospital. For example, the corrective action, reduction of offensiveness, and evasion of responsibility were affected consequentially by types of crisis, the reality of evidence, the damage, the performance management, and experience, but these as a whole were only affected by experience, the responsible attribution in the public, and the media report. The findings of the study should provide some suggestions to hospitals when they decide to adopt image restoration strategies during crisis.

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