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Six Word Stories

Six Word Stories. Your l ife story or a part of it in six words only. Typed and presented Friday 25 point major grade. Sample Six Word Stories. For sale: baby shoes. Never worn. Turn the page; shut the door. Fifteen years since last professional haircut. I still make coffee for two.

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Six Word Stories

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Six Word Stories Your life story or a part of it in six words only. Typed and presented Friday 25 point major grade

  2. Sample Six Word Stories • For sale: baby shoes. Never worn. • Turn the page; shut the door. • Fifteen years since last professional haircut. • I still make coffee for two. • New year. New hair. New me.

  3. Sample Six word Stories • I can’t keep my own secrets. • Facebook has ruined my entire life. • Well, I thought it was funny. • Unsure, but you would never know. • Living my fourth draft. Revising regularly.

  4. Regionalism/Local Color • Regionalism avoided the supernaturalism and sentimentality found in the works of Irving, Hawthorne, and Poe. • Regional differences became increasingly evident as the U.S. grew in geographic size and population. • People’s curiosity about these differences encouraged writers to capture the atmosphere and features of small town life.

  5. Regionalism/Local Color • Publishing was growing at a rapid rate as was literacy. Small towns could come to the urban area. • Even today, when it seems as if all places are generic, regionalism is still interesting to the majority of the population. • This is the primary reason people travel. They want to experience something different.

  6. Regionalism/Local Color • Setting is the key element because it isn’t simply a contributing element, but it is a subject which is interesting in itself. • Regional writers focus on a particular setting, but their writing deals with concerns that people everywhere find relevant.

  7. Dialect/Detailed Descriptions • Dialect conveys realism in setting and in characterization. • It suggests educational background or social status. • Detailed descriptions use sensory details to create the mood. • Make note of both dialect and descriptions when you are reading the selections over the next few days.

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