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Knowledge Portals. A Web Retrieval Tool for Library & Information Center Tata Consultancy Services. Introduction. With the emergence of IT applications, particularly Internet, there has been a major shift from traditional print resources to electronic resources.
Knowledge Portals A Web Retrieval Tool for Library & Information Center Tata Consultancy Services
Introduction • With the emergence of IT applications, particularly Internet, there has been a major shift from traditional print resources to electronic resources. • The importance of e-resources portal in providing information service is, very significant in today’s context for any organization, especially for company like TCS.
E-Resources Portal • E-resources portal integrates captures and manages various e-resources published through various publishers at various places at a single web portal. • E-resource portal is a single shop/gateway for subscribing all kinds of e-resources published worldwide.
Features of E-resources Portals • They can be delivered to the desktop • More than one person can read them at a time • The entire text can be searched • They can include multimedia and graphics, in colour, at marginal cost • They can publish more quickly than print publications • They can be interactive; they can foster an online exchange of ideas by email • They can make use hyperlinks, both internally and to other publications • Articles can be retrieved directly through links from abstracting and indexing database • The content can be reproduced, forwarded and modified • User feedback can be obtained dynamically and very easily
Access to E-resources: • The libraries and information centers cater the information and reference needs to a variety of users in different discipline. Subscription to all e-resources in all fields of knowledge is indeed tedious job for libraries. • To avoid the inconvenience access to e-resources available through various publishers, information aggregators are the best options for subscribing relevant electronic resources in specific domain from a single gateway.
In order to make the maximum use of e-resources and access options, one has to be very careful in • Subscribing the e-resources • About various IT issues and • Formats availability such as (HTML, PDF, and SGML) • Access to e-resources is provided either by publishers themselves or through e-resources portals by owner of resources
About Tata Consultancy Services (TCSL) • Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is the world-leading information technology consulting, services, and business process outsourcing organization. • TCS commenced operations in 1968, when the IT services industry didn’t exist as it does today. • Today, with a presence in 35 countries across 6 continents, & a comprehensive range of services across diverse industries, it is one of the world's leading Information Technology companies.
Library & Information Center (LIC) • The First library in TCS was established in 1969. Along with company network of library and information services is also growing continuously. • The TCS Library and Information Centre, is a specialized information and knowledge delivery centre, with a clear mandate of providing information to meet the business needs of the organization. • Today it has grown into 65 libraries & 25 Library corners in 13 cities across India handled by 120+ professionals. Library facilities are also extended to overseas offices, client locations and GDCs.
The following are the some popular e-resources portals integrated in TCS library portal. EBSCO is a worldwide leader in providing information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services
Reference ware Reference ware is the largest online book resource offering unobstructed access to the complete unabridged contents of thousands of the latest and best business and technology books.
ITPro : • Designed by and for IT professionals who need to keep pace with the accelerating speed of technology and innovation. With thousands of books, ITPro provides both broad and deep coverage of over 100 different technology topics including the latest programming languages, coding methodologies, network security, telecom protocols, IT asset management strategies, to name just a few. BusinessPro: • suitable for every corporate professional, provides instant guidance on a range of practical topics that drive business results. Topics range from leadership to writing business plans and from interviewing skills to project management.
Apart from above, there are numerous other databases available and used by various corporate houses.Few of them are listed below:
Successful implementation of this model depends on following factors: • Proper requirement analysis • Consolidation of resources • Portal building • Definition of proper access methods • Final roll out • Backup and disaster recovery plan Advantages of such systems • Automated compilation of Use and user statistics (quantification) • Subscription renewal of electronic resources based on actual use • Wide spread / increased utilization of available resources • Better Return on Investments • Minimal manual intervention in user services • Standardization of formats and services
Paid services from information aggregators like Informatics India can help in building web portals combining various e resources for organizations who can not afford technological and manpower investment.
Conclusion • The emerging technology of e-portal undoubtedly in coming days will provide a significant move in achieving the realistic and reliable, affordable and acceptable, effective and efficient tool for retrieving and downloading the scholarly knowledge. • with the use of e-portal technology, it has become possible to users to access any information object (i.e text, animation, chart, picture, voice etc.) without having to know, its location, format or access methods • LIC, Tata Consultancy Services are dealing with modern web retrieval tools and technologies for their digital resources in service of theiremployees. • This model can be implemented in any small or big size organization like university or company spread geographically in various continents.