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Psychology Jeopardy

Psychology Jeopardy. Your Host: Alex Jeff Gotrocks. Psychology Jeopardy. Reminders. Be Ready for 12/11/09 101 for 101 Bring a Scantron Also, See You either M or W at Your Normal Class Time In This Room, Finals Week. Psychology Jeopardy. Why This for $100.

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Psychology Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Psychology Jeopardy Your Host: Alex Jeff Gotrocks

  2. Psychology Jeopardy Reminders • Be Ready for 12/11/09 • 101 for 101 • Bring a Scantron • Also, See You either M or W at Your Normal Class Time In This Room, Finals Week.

  3. Psychology Jeopardy

  4. Why This for $100 • In The AM More Then Once A Week?!?

  5. Why This for $200 • You Mean Psychologist Think

  6. Why This for $300 • PSY 102?!? PIRC Lab?!? You’ve Got To Be Kidding?!?

  7. Why This for $400 • Make a Poster

  8. Why This for $500 • But I Thought There Was No Final In This Class

  9. Psychology Jeopardy

  10. Science of Psych for $100 • The Scientific Study of Behavior and Mental Processes

  11. Science of Psych for $200 • Discovery, Reaction, Comment

  12. Science of Psych for $300 • The Specialty Area In Which One-Half of All Psychologists Work

  13. Science of Psych for $400 • In An Experiment, One Is Manipulated While The Other Is Measured

  14. Science of Psych for $500 • A Medical Doctor Who Specializes In The Diagnosis and Treatment of Abnormal Behavior

  15. Psychology Jeopardy

  16. Biological Processes for $100 • It Helps Him or Her Understand More About Human Behavior

  17. Biological Processes for $200 • A Drug That Helps The Body Process Natural Chemicals More Efficiently

  18. Biological Processes for $300 • Hemisphere Dominant In Tasks Requiring Analytic Thought

  19. Biological Processes for $400 • Hemisphere Dominant In Tasks Requiring Creativity

  20. Biological Processes for $500 • To Determine The Influence of Heredity On Behavior

  21. Psychology Jeopardy

  22. Motivation & Emotion for $100 • A Need That Energizes and Directs Behavior

  23. Motivation & Emotion for $200 • A Feeling That Energizes and Directs Behavior

  24. Motivation & Emotion for $300 • Physiological, Safety, Belongingness, Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization

  25. Motivation & Emotion for $400 • The Cognitive Theory of Emotion Places This At The Center of Emotional Experience

  26. Motivation & Emotion for $500 • The Main Motivator of The Optimist

  27. Psychology Jeopardy

  28. Who Me? for $100 • On For 50 Minutes, Off For 10 Minutes

  29. Who Me? for $200 • 20% of What I Read, 40% of What I Write, • 80% of What I Recite

  30. Who Me? for $300 • Rewrite These In Complete Sentences

  31. Who Me? for $400 • Plan To Study At Least This Many Hours Per Week, Per Class

  32. Who Me? for $500 • Retention Is Best If You Do This The Night Before a Big Test

  33. Psychology Jeopardy

  34. Psych Jokes for $100 • The Number of Psychologists It Takes To Change a Light Bulb

  35. Psych Jokes for $200 • She Never Responded To Psychotherapy Because She Was Queen of De“nile”

  36. Psych Jokes for $300 • Press 2, 3 and 4 If You Have a Split Personality, Press 5 Repeatedly If You Are Obsessive Compulsive

  37. Psych Jokes for $400 • I’m a Teepee, I’m a Wigwam, I’m a Teepee, I’m a Wigwam…

  38. Psych Jokes for $500 • Neurotics Build Sand Castles In The Sky, Psychotics Lives In Them, But I Collect The Rent

  39. Psychology Jeopardy

  40. Psychology Jeopardy Double Psychology Jeopardy

  41. Double Psychology Jeopardy

  42. Why Not for $200 • I Can’t Avoid This, But I Can Learn To Manage It

  43. Why Not for $400 • I Can Use This To Motivate Me To Study

  44. Why Not for $600 • The Most Important Influence To Change In My Life

  45. Why Not for $800 • I’ve Just Decided to Become a Psychologist

  46. Why Not for $1000 • I Can Use This DRC Model In All My Classes

  47. Double Psychology Jeopardy

  48. States of Consciousness for $200 • Our Awareness

  49. States of Consciousness for $400 • A Way To Develop Good Sleep Patterns

  50. States of Consciousness for $600 • Total Absorption That Accompanies a Task

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