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The Swedish Agency for Public Management - organisation plan

The Swedish Agency for Public Management - organisation plan. GD. Administrative dept. Staff dept. Public Premises. Electronic Public Information. Modernisation. Governance. Evaluation. Procurement. Co-ordination of government procurement. ICT procurement.

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The Swedish Agency for Public Management - organisation plan

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  1. The Swedish Agency for Public Management - organisation plan GD Administrative dept Staff dept Public Premises Electronic Public Information Modernisation Governance Evaluation Procurement Co-ordination of government procurement ICT procurement

  2. Government assignments to Statskontoret: • Obtain savings for the government by effectively co-ordinating government procurement/purchasing • Obtain better conditions and lower costs for the public administrations use of equipment and services in the area of information and communication technology (ICT)

  3. Regulation (SFS 1998:796) of co-ordination of gov. procurement (Issued June 25 1998) 1§ This regulation comprises rules regarding procurement co-ordination in order to bring about savings for the state. The regulation applies to authorities under the government.

  4. Regulation (SFS 1998:796) of co-ordination of gov.procurement 2§ For goods and services that authorities buy often, in large quantities or that cover high values, framework agreements or other common agreements shall exist that make procurement more efficient. In that connection the possibility of the small and medium size enterprises to participate in the procurements shall be considered.

  5. Regulation (SFS 1998:796) of co-ordination of gov. procurement 3§ An authority shall use the agreements referred to in 2§ unless the authority finds another form of agreement altogether more beneficial.

  6. Regulation (SFS 1998:796) of co-ordination of gov. procurement 4§ Statskontoret shall initialise agreements referred to in 2§. Statskontoret shall also in co-operation with purchasing authorities develop, co-ordinate and follow up procurement activities. When an authority intends to purchase without using the agreements referred to in 2§ Statskontoret shall be informed thereof. (This regulation comes into force on August 1 1998)

  7. Areas of activety Co-ordination: New areas Participants Supplier/buier contacts Development: New methods Guides Tools Evaluation: Statistics Efficiency Compliance Information: www.avropa.nu Express bulletin e-mail Seminars/conferences Supportservice

  8. Statlig inköpssamordning Council for procurement co-ordination Co-ordination of government procurement: Christer Magnusson Robert Alexandersson Lena Rebeling Malin Björk Anna Ekberg Workinggroup: 12 government agencies responsible for procuring framework agreements Legal group

  9. Key figures for the co-ordination of government procurement 7,3 Bilj SEK total aggregation (2002) 12 Agencies responsible for government framework procurement 100 Product areas 370 Suppliers 450 Framework agreements Statlig Inköpssamordning

  10. Co-ordination of government procurement • 270 Central authorities • Central authorities including sub-authorities 250 with < 100 employees 300 with 101 – 999 employees 50 with > 1 000 employees • 65 other government related authorities

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