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Tree and Leaf ID

Tree and Leaf ID. Only 10% of virgin forest left in US Arkansas originally had 33.6 million acres of forest now 17.25 acres. Arkansas’ first national forest est. 1909. Tree Facts. Identify parts of a tree. Identify 2 main types of trees. Identify different characteristics of leaves. .

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Tree and Leaf ID

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tree and Leaf ID

  2. Only 10% of virgin forest left in US Arkansas originally had 33.6 million acres of forest now 17.25 acres. Arkansas’ first national forest est. 1909 Tree Facts

  3. Identify parts of a tree. Identify 2 main types of trees. Identify different characteristics of leaves. Objectives

  4. Why do we need to know the parts of a tree? Why is it important to be able to know the different types of trees? Why do we need to know the different characteristics of leaves? Why?

  5. What are the parts of a tree? What are the 2 main types of trees? What are the different characteristics of leaves? What?

  6. Parts of the tree

  7. Crown – filters dusk, creates shade (cooling), food factory , releases oxygen

  8. Roots – absorb/stores water and nutrients, anchorage

  9. Trunk/Stem – supports crown, and gives tree strength and support

  10. Heartwood – support the tree (xylem cells become inactive and die forming heartwood)

  11. Xylem/Sapwood – tissue that carries water up the plant

  12. Cambium – thin layer of growing tissue b/w woody part and bark. Division of cells results in diameter growth.

  13. Phloem (part of the bark) – carries sap from leaves to rest of tree

  14. Bark – dead phloem cells that protect the trees “armor for the tree”

  15. Coniferous- type of tree that does lose its leaves at different time of the year. (angiosperm) Deciduous- type of tree will not lose its leaves or needles in the winter (gymnosperm) 2 types of trees

  16. Angiosperm- flowering plant Gymnosperm- non-flowering plant

  17. Broadleaf Trees – known for their autumn color, bare branches in winter, and spring flowers, which can develop into fruit Needle leaf Trees – have needlelike or scale like leaves and plain flowers that develop into cones. Most are evergreens. Palms – with pandanus and lily trees, make up are group of mainly tropical trees. Most palms have huge leaves and no branches Trees are divided up into 3 groups

  18. Long growing season Plentiful rainfall “Hardwood forest” EX: Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Cottonwood, Elm, Hackberry, Live Oak, Maple, Myrtle, Oak, Sweet gum, Willow Broadleaf Trees

  19. Broadleaf Trees

  20. Grow where there are long, cold winters Some needleleaf forests grow in warmer areas = Southeastern U.S. “Softwood forests” EX: Pine, Cedar, Fir, Cypress, Juniper, Spruce, Redwood Needle leaf Trees

  21. Needle leaf Trees

  22. Grow in warmer areas. Palms

  23. Leaf arrangement Leaf Margins Leaf shape Leaf venation Leaf characteristics

  24. Opposite Alternate Whorled Leaf Arrangement

  25. Looking at the edge of the leaf • Serrated • Lobed • Smooth Leaf Margins

  26. Palmate Linear Cordate Ovate Leaf shapes

  27. The distribution or arrangement of a system of veins in a leaf. • Parallel • Palmate • Pinnate Leaf Venation

  28. Blade/leaf- main photosynthesis organ of most plants. Virgin forest- untouched forest usually old growth Snag- standing dead trees Duff- blanket of twigs and needles left after cutting Slash- limbs, treetops, and other waste left after cutting terms

  29. What are the parts of a tree? What are the 2 main types of trees? What are the different characteristics of leaves? Review

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