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What is HTTP 500 internal server error and How to Fix It?

The frequent occurrence of 500 internal server error is bad for the reputation of your business and will lead to visitors losing trust in your brand. Besides the reputation, it will also hurt your search engine rankings. Hence it is advised to avoid this error, and deeply understand what it is all about and how to troubleshoot.https://www.wpoven.com/blog/500-internal-server-error/

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What is HTTP 500 internal server error and How to Fix It?

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  1. What is HTTP 500 internal server error and How to Fix It?

  2. HTTP 500 internal server error At some point in time, you must have encountered a 500 Internal Server Error while trying to access a particular website. As a visitor, you may ignore it, but as a website administrator, you cannot afford to ignore it and get rid of it as soon as possible. Not only the website frontend but also the WordPress administrator dashboard might not be available to access. In this article, we will walk you through some of the reasons why this error occurs, how to avoid it, and why it is important to invest in a reliable web hosting server to avoid this error and improve website uptime.

  3. What is a 500 internal server error? In one of our previous articles about HTTP Status codes, we have covered in detail the type of errors website users might encounter. The 3-digit error status code that starts with ‘5’ and looks like 5XX indicates that there is no problem with the request made by the user agent. But due to some other reasons, the server is not able to process the request due to incorrect configuration of the website or due to some issue encountered within the server. While 500 specifically indicates that the webserver is facing some kind of an Internal issue due to which the request made by the user agent could not be processed at that moment. Sometimes this kind of error is momentary, which lasts for a few minutes and sometimes just a few seconds.

  4. How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress? If there is a 500 internal server error on your WordPress website the users will not be able to access any of its pages, which indicates that there could be a problem at the root directory. Here are some of the most common issues due to which your WordPress website has an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. ● Corrupt .htaccess file ● Exceeding PHP Memory Limit ● Faulty Plugin or theme Issue ● Corrupted Core Files ● Check File Permissions ● Unsupported PHP Version ● Incorrect DNS entries ● Problem with Server itself

  5. Steps for troubleshooting of 500 Internal Server Error. Step 1: Reload the page, sometimes there is a momentary issue with the server, so a simple reload of the page will get you to the page. Step 2: Clear Browser Cache: Using Hard Refresh (Ctrl + F5) you can clear the cache, moreover you can go to browser history and clear the browser cache. Step 3: Try accessing the wp-admin backend of your WordPress installation.

  6. Step 4: If you can access the admin dashboard, deactivate all the plugins to see if it resolves the problem. If it does, start reactivating the plugins one by one to identify the one creating the problem. You have to get rid of that plugin. Before doing this make sure that all the plugins are updated to the latest version. Step 5: If you are unable to resolve the issue, switch the theme to the default one, if it resolves the issue you will have to update the theme or change the theme. Probably some of the theme files could get corrupted, hence you can re-upload the files. Step 6: If the problem persists, check the .htaccess file, file permissions, as well as (as explained above), Step 7: You can also check out your error logs and find out the possible causes that trigger 500 internal server errors. All you need to do is log in to the FTP client and then navigate to the Error log Directory and either download it or directly open it in an editor.

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