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The Little Red Hen teaches us how to use quotation marks

The Little Red Hen teaches us how to use quotation marks. I can Statement. I can use quotation marks correctly when I write . Quotation Marks. Quotation marks are used to let the reader know exactly what a character is saying .

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The Little Red Hen teaches us how to use quotation marks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The LittleRedHenteaches us how to use quotation marks

  2. I canStatement • I can use quotation marks correctlywhen I write.

  3. Quotation Marks • Quotation marks are used to let the reader know exactlywhat a characterissaying. • Remember, likesocks, youalwaysneed a pair!

  4. Remember • Quotation marks are put around the beginning and the end of the exact words a person says. • “Leave the door open,” Mom said. • Tom asked, “Where are you going?” • “I am going to the store,” explained Mom. • Tom shouted, “Wait for me!”

  5. You need your white board, marker & sock on your desk.

  6. Characters in The LittleRedHen • LittleRedHen- • Pig • Dog • Cat

  7. Little Red Hen had seed.  Who will help me work? said Little Red Hen.

  8. Pigs, it’s your turn. Not I said Pig.

  9. Your turn Cats. Not I said Cat.

  10. Go for it Dogs! Not I said Dog.

  11. Cats, Dogs, and Pigs We want to play said they.

  12. Red Hens Then Little Red Hen had wheat.  What can I do with this? said Little Red Hen.  I will get help. I will call Dog, Cat, and Pig she said.

  13. Watch for your part.  Little Red Hen ran to Dog, Pig, and Cat.  I have wheat. Who will help me? asked Little Red Hen. Will you, Pig? asked Little Red Hen. No, not I said he. Will you, Cat? asked Little Red Hen. No, not I said he. Will you, Dog? asked Little Red Hen. No, not I said Dog. We are busy.

  14. Who is talking here? So Little Red Hen did the work. Little Red Hen made bread.

  15. How about this one? That smells good! said Dog, Cat, and Pig. Is that for us? NO! Stop! said Little Red Hen. I did the work. You did the play. So I will eat this bread. And so she did.

  16. To recap • We use quotation marks to show exactlywhatsomeoneissaying. • Quotation marks come in pairs, likesocks. • If a statementquoteisat the end of the sentence, use regularperiods. • BUT… if the statementquoteis in the begining or middle of the sentence, use a comma.

  17. I can use quotation marks correctlywhen I write.

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