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CPW 13. Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: Conventions of Punctuation 16-19 Conventions of Usage 13-15 Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15 Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy 13-15. SQUADS #1.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CPW 13 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: Conventions of Punctuation 16-19 Conventions of Usage 13-15 Sentence Structure and Formation 13-15 Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy 13-15 SQUADS #1 “9th Grade English” Success Criteria – I will know I am successful if I can identify the best use of punctuation, usage, sentence structure, and word choice.

  2. 9th Grade English • #1. In the end, everyone gives up jogging. Some find that their strenuous efforts to earn a living drains away their energy. A. NO CHANGE B. drain C. had drained D. is draining

  3. 9th Grade English • #2. Others suffer defeat by the hazards of the course, from hard pavement to muddy tracks, and from smog to sleet and snow. There minds begin to view jogging as strenuous labor. A. NO CHANGE B. The people’s minds C. Their minds D. Them minds

  4. 9th Grade English • #3. These can also collapse in their sneakers. My experience was different, however; I had a revelation. • A. NO CHANGE • B. Still others • C. They also can • D. It’s also possible to

  5. 9th Grade English • #4. It happened two summers ago at Lake Tom. I had been accustomed to running every day, but that week I decided to be lazy. I sailed, basked in the sun, and ate wonderful: lobster, steak, and baked potatoes. • A. NO CHANGE • B. ate wonderfully: • C. eating wonderful: • D. eat wonderful:

  6. 9th Grade English • #5. By the fourth day I had to face the truth which my body was slowly changing to dough. • A. NO CHANGE • B. truth about • C. truth: • D. truth, I saw

  7. 9th Grade English • #6. So I tied on my running shoes and loped out to the main road in search of a five-mile route. Out of curiosity I turned onto Lookout Hill Road and soon discovered how the road had come by its name. • A. NO CHANGE • B. Out of curiosity, Lookout Hill Road was turned onto • C. Having become curious, Lookout Hill Road was the route I turned onto • D. Lookout Hill Road, having become curious, was the route I turned onto

  8. 9th Grade English • #7. I was chugging up one of the longest, steepest inclines in the region. Perched at the top was a ramshackle house, and only a desire to get a closer look kept me going. • A. NO CHANGE • B. longest, steepest, • C. longest steepest • D. longest and steepest

  9. CPW 9th Grade English • Exchange your answer sheet with that of another squad… • Launch the PDF.

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