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Agile Architecture Pattern … Examples. System Construction-Kit System. Modules/Components. Integrity Management. Joiners , Axles , Small Parts. Wheels. Tools. Gears/Pulleys. Motors. Structural Material. Product System Eng. Retail Distributors. Module mix evolution. Owner/Builder.
System Construction-Kit System Modules/Components Integrity Management Joiners, Axles,Small Parts Wheels Tools Gears/Pulleys Motors Structural Material Product System Eng. Retail Distributors Module mix evolution Owner/Builder Module readiness Product Manager System assembly Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Helicopter Plane Mobile Radar Interconnect Standards Safety Standards Product ConOps User ConOps Rules/Standards Radio Control Standards
System Construction-Kit System Modules/Components Integrity Management ? ?? ? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ? ? ? who/what?. Pool C Pool D Pool A Pool B Pool n who/what? Module mix evolution who/what? Module readiness who/what? System assembly Infrastructure evolution ? Active ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Infrastructure ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Passive Configuration Y Configuration X Configuration Z Sockets Signals Security Safety Service Next gen need? Rules/Standards Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc
Generic Agile Architectural Pattern Drag-and-Drop Reusable Modules/Components Module evolution: Who/What? Plug-and-Play Evolving Active Infrastructure Responsibility Designation Module inventory: Who/What? System assembly: Who/What? Infrastructure evolution: Who/What? Examples of Typical Reconfigurable/Scalable System Configurations Sockets? Plug-and-Play Evolving Passive Infrastructure Rules/Standards/Principles Signals? Security? Safety? Service? Next gen? Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc Passive Infrastructure – at least five categories of standards and rules should be considered: Sockets: Module physical interconnection standards Signals: Module data interconnection standards Security: Module (dis)trust interconnection standards Safety: user, system, and environment safety principles/standards/regulations Service: system operations manual with ConOps and agility sustainment concepts/principles/rules
System ____________________________ Components/Modules Integrity Management eeeeee fffffffff bbbbbbbbbb ccccccccccc ddddddddd aaaaaaaaaa (ignore for now) Module mix evolution (ignore for now) Module inventory readiness (ignore for now) System assembly (ignore for now) Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive qqqqqqqq pppppp rrrrrrrrrrr wwwwwwwwwwwwww xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzz Rules/Standards uuuuuuuuuuu vvvvvvvvvv
Your System Sample Graphics for your modification into your system needs Components/Modules Integrity Management eee fff bbb ccc ddd aaa tbd later Module mix evolution tbd later Module inventory readiness tbd later System assembly tbd later Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Config 2 Config 1 Config n www xxx yyy zzz Rules/Standards
Weld Tips Roller Tables Racks StandingPlatforms Controllers * * * * * * • • • Ctrl Programs Assem Areas A47 Fender A47 Fender System Agile JIT Assembly Line Construction at GM Plant for Low-Volume High-Variety After-Market Body Parts Drag & Drop Components Mastic Tables Turn Tables ProductionTeamMembers Integrity Management Hemmers Component Team Component mix evolution: Component Team Component inventory readiness: Production Teams System assembly: Configuration-Process Team Infrastructure evolution: Active Infrastructure • •Area B Area A Passive P41 Deck Lid System Allen Bradley Controls Hemmer Standards Union Contract TDA Buddies Plug & Play Standards Flexibility Culture
Silterra Agile ERP System – Development Process Components/Modules Integrity Management COTS Apps ETLs & BIMs SSAs Departments Contractors BSAs BSAs Module mix evolution Proj Mgr Module inventory readiness Dept User System assembly Prog Mgr Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Phase 2: Desired Phase 1: Out of Box Phase 3: refined Fixed reqs during phases No change to COTS Bus XML comm only Internal integ. mgt. Contractor peers ETL Template Rules/Standards
Silterra Agile ERP System – OperationalSystem examples are SOA-like instances of departmental needs Components/Modules Integrity Management Data Bases CustomERP Apps COTS Other Apps Custom Other Apps App ETLs COTS ERP Apps BSAs Module mix evolution BSAs Module inventory readiness Dept Users & BSAs System assembly SSAs Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Customer MyFab EOM Financial Rpt Planning/Scheduling Enterprise bus BMI XML protocol ETL template Rules/Standards
PNM Agile Substation-Design System www.parshift.com/Files/PsiDocs/Pap080404Cser2008DevOpsMigration.pdf Agile Architectural Pattern Diagram Components T T H H H Integrity Management low-voltagefeeders transformers switchgear terminationstructures stationsteel engineers DASL program mgr Component mix evolution min/max purchaser Component inventory readiness design engineer System assembly chief engineer Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive H Station T Station Fly-Thru Station Transformer standards System rules manual DASL design tool HH T-pad standards H-pad standards Rules/Standards Fly-pad standards TT
Tassimo BrewBot Operational System Nov2011: www.tassimodirect.com/home-brewing-machines/hot-beverage-brewers Architectural Concept Pattern Components Integrity Management brew steps discs recipes display text base units Product eng mgr Component mix evolution Product mktng mgr Component inventory readiness Automated recipe System assembly Prod eng mgr Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure espresso crème 2-step latte chocolate Passive Brew sub-sys protocol Water standards Recipe code RFID reader multilingual display Rules/Standards large water container
QRC Aircraft Installation – Agile ArchitectureAgile Aircraft Installation Architecture In a Quick Reaction Capability Environment, Masters Project Jason Boss www.parshift.com/Files/PsiDocs/Pap100712IS10-AgileAircraftInstallationArchitecture.pdf Modules hardware Integrity Management zones racks boxes aircraft SILs system engineer Module pool & mix evolution material manager Module inventory condition production Assembly in SIL process engineer Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive tech refresh small upgrade large re-fit Space Power Weight Cooling Physical interfaces Agile process rules Rules/Standards
V--D--J V--J Adaptable Immune SystemBow-Tie Antigen-Detector Generator detector antibody B-Cell Y cell Modules Integrity Management randomnucleotides 27 D segments 6 J segments 123 V segments Module pools and mix evolution genetic evolution Module inventory condition massive redundancy Detector assembly bone marrow and thymus Infrastructure evolution genetic evolution Active longchain longchain longchain shortchain shortchain shortchain Infrastructure Passive detector sequence n+1 detector sequence n detector sequence n+2 Use one each V-J Use one each V-D-J Add random nucleotides Combine two assemblies Assembly Rules
Last Planner Agile Project Management Active management of the anticipated schedule and work flow to ensure there isalways a buffer of “quality” jobs ready to work on and matched with resources. Elements mastersched CPM tasks productionunits Integrity Management activitydefinitions tools materials equipment Project Manager Task elements: • Key Practices: • Rules 1-2-3 and • Lookahead • Make ready • Learn & Correct Supes/Foremen/Expediters Task readiness: Supes/Foreman Task assembly: Last Planner Process Manager Infrastructure evolution: week week week week week week 6 5 4 3 2 1 Active Infrastructure Passive Task Backlog Buffer Work Task Task Lookahead Window QR1: Definition QR2: Soundness QR3: Sequence QR4: Size QR = Task Quality Requirement Architectural Concept Pattern based on: (Ballard 1997) Lookahead Planning: the Missing Link in Production Control (Ballard 1998) Shielding Production: an Essential Step in Production Control (Ballard 1999) Improving Work Flow Reliability (Ballard 2000) The Last Planner System of Production Control-PhD Thesis Standards www.parshift.com/s/130624Last Planner.pdf rick.dove@stevens.edu, attributed copies permitted
Agile Modeling and Simulation [678 Term Project, Art Brooks, 080324]
Multi-Range Weapons Testing System – Unmanned Autonomous Systems (highly stylized architectural concept diagram) www.parshift.com/Files/PsiDocs/Pap090701Incose-EmbeddingAgileSecurityInSystemArchitecture.pdf As an emergent property security does not come in a separate box, e.g., personnel are security trained, equipment is self-secure. procedures tests personnel test equip ranges …et al. sensors component mix: Who? 1 Four active responsibilities, each with embedded security personnel as integrated collaborative team members. component inventory: Who? 2 test sys assembly: Who? 3 infrastructure evolution: Who? 4 sub-sys test full system test swarm system test Test system assembly is constrained by test configuration standards informed by security policy. active passive INFRASTRUCTURE security policy 5 Security policy informs all other passive infrastructure standards, and evolves simultaneously with each. HLA interop stds test config stds safety stds UAS policy/stds indicative configurations of test varieties Security is embedded in architecture at points 1-5. Additionally, encapsulated components have internal security distrustful of other components in general, ideally a fractal image of this architecture.
Agile Software- Development Process www.parshift.com/Files/PsiDocs/Pap080404Cser2008DevOpsMigration.pdf Components Integrity Management tests team leaders owners/users processes codes/ designs developers/ engineers Team leaders Component mix evolution Team leaders Component inventory readiness Team leaders System assembly Process manager Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Iteration 2 Iteration 1 Iteration n Emergent requirements Iterative convergence Incremental delivery Self organizing Rules/Standards Time (key core practices detailed in a process manual)
Agile Software Development-thru-Operations Process www.parshift.com/Files/PsiDocs/Pap080404Cser2008DevOpsMigration.pdf Components Integrity Management tests team leaders owners/users processes codes/ designs developers/ engineers ??? Team leaders Component mix evolution ??? Team leaders Component inventory readiness Team leaders ??? System assembly Process manager ??? Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Migration Development Operation Emergent requirements Iterative convergence Incremental delivery Self organizing Rules/Standards Time (key core practices detailed in a process manual)
Agile Data-Center Location, Capability, Capacity on Demand Drag and Drop Modules Type A Type B Type C Type B Type A Type C Seattle Denver New York New Orleans (Classified) Type B Type B Type B Plug and Play Infrastructure Air standards Air Water stds Water Sun Microsystems New product Data Center Modules in Shipping Containers No buildings to build, no space to renovate and lease, no waiting time from moment of additional need. Put them in the parking lot, on the roof, in the desert. Power stds Power Network stds Network
http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus Reconfigurable Keyboard – Optimus Maximus Components/Modules Integrity Management images actions video files audio files menus applications Component mix: User Component inventory: User System assembly: User Infrastructure: Art.Lebedev Active Infrastructure Photoshop Program Menus Passive Games by Valve 48x48 pixels, 64k colors configurator software module file types keyboard Rules/Standards Configuration Focus
Characterization of Home Entertainment System-Migration Drag & Drop Components Integrity Management content sources (TIVO,P2P) playback units (tape, CD, DVD) ) video displays (TV, computer) signal tuners speakers amplifiers Component mix evolution: Mfgrs Component inventory readiness: Stores User/Owner System assembly: Industry Assoc Infrastructure evolution: Active Infrastructure Passive Video media Audio tape Net in/out Video/Surround Plug & Play Standards Physical connection Digital/Internet Analog interconnect ‘90s roughly… ‘40s/’50s ‘00s Power
Characterization of Internet System-Migration Drag & Drop Components Integrity Management appliances (eg, xml) end points, NICs, NOMs filters (eg IDS, Firewall) switches DNS Servers routers Component mix evolution: Vendor Community Component inventory readiness: Vendor Community Subnet Owners System assembly: IETF Infrastructure evolution: Active Infrastructure IPv6 era IPv4 era NCPera Passive NCP Wire standards TCP/IPv4 Wireless stds Plug & Play Standards Optical stds IPv6 ’80s/’90s rough operational start… ’70s ’00/’10s
Comments on student work: • Yellow items lifted from story • Green items need identified (who/what are they) • No attempt was made to get iconic aircraft and UAV or other items of graphic appropriateness for modules • No attempt was made to configure the systems with typical mission configurations • Note that JMCP is early stage and experimenting withlearning, so the infrastructure will migrate (evolve) and this is perhaps a central point of the story Joint Mission Capabilities Packages (D1: a work in process) Components Integrity Management command & control UAVs ground vehicles practiced procedures soldiers CAS aircraft JMCP Prog Mgr? Component mix evolution: JMCP who? Component inventory readiness: daily mission command? System assembly: JMCP Prog Mgr? Infrastructure evolution: Active Infrastructure missiontype 1 config missiontype 1 config missiontype 1 config Passive tactic/procedure stds SADL NCO stds additional tac/proc stds Rules/Standards + tac/proc stds three typical mision configurations
Comments on student work: • Yellow items lifted from story • Green items need identified (who/what are they) • No attempt was made to get iconic space ships and sats, or other items of graphic appropriateness • No attempt was made to configure the systems with positional meaning • No attempt was made to think about or depict a migration of the infrastructure F6 Responsive Deployment System (D1: a work in process) Components Integrity Management pay loadharnesses launchsites power sats comm sats launchvehicles imaging sats (suppliers choreographed by who? Component mix evolution: “Inventory Department” Component inventory readiness: (Master Planning Dept?) System assembly: “OIC of Mission Ops” Infrastructure evolution: Active Infrastructure purpose specific payload emergency scheduled replacements clusterlaunch Passive Harness standards Launch vehicle stds Launch pad stds I think std comm between sats (mentioned in your “evolving standards” section) is the Class 2 cluster system infrastructure rather than part of this Class 1 deployment system (see next page) Standards three typical types of deployments
Agile Software Development Processes Figure 1(version 2) processes processes processes developers developers developers Drag and Drop Modules tests tests tests team leaders team leaders team leaders Integrity Management codes codes codes owners/users owners/users owners/users Module evolution Module inventory readiness System assembly Infrastructure evolution Active Infrastructure Passive Iteration 2 Iteration 1 Iteration n Emergent requirements Iterative convergence Incremental delivery Self organizing Rules/Standards Time (indicates module evolution over time – maybe a useful concept)
Patterns of Class 1 (reconfigurable) Agile Systems This is an agile architectural pattern Drag-and-Drop Reusable Components Component mix: Who? Plug-and-Play Evolving Active Infrastructure Responsible-Party Designation Component inventory: Who? System assembly: Who? Infrastructure evolution: Who? Examples of Typical Reconfigurable/Scalable System Configurations Plug-and-Play Evolving Passive Infrastructure Rules/Standards/Principles Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc
Patterns of Class 2 (reconfiguring) Agile Systems(Self-Organizing Systems-of-Systems) This is an agile architectural pattern Drag-and-Drop Reusable Components Component mix: What? Plug-and-Play Evolving Active Infrastructure Systemic Regulation Component inventory: What? System assembly: What? Infrastructure evolution: What? Examples of Typical Reconfigurable/Scalable System Configurations Plug-and-Play Evolving Passive Infrastructure Rules/Standards/Principles Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc
Drag-and-Drop Reusable Components Module Pools Class 1 Reconfigurable Class 2 Reconfiguring Plug-and-Play Evolving Active Infrastructure Integrity Responsibilities Who? What? Component mix Who? What? Component inventory Who? What? System assembly Responsible Party Systemic Mechanism Infrastructure evolution Config 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Examples of Typical Reconfigurable/Scalable System Configurations Active Infrastructure Passive Plug-and-Play Evolving Passive Infrastructure Rules/Standards/Principles Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc Drag-and-Drop Reusable Components Class 1 Reconfigurable Class 2 Reconfiguring Plug-and-Play Evolving Active Infrastructure Integrity Responsibilities Who? What? Component mix Who? What? Component inventory Who? What? System assembly Responsible Party Systemic Mechanism Infrastructure evolution Config 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Examples of Typical Reconfigurable/Scalable System Configurations Active Infrastructure Passive Plug-and-Play Evolving Passive Infrastructure Rules/Standards/Principles Variety/Time/Maturity/Range/Increments/Migrations/Evolutions/etc