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This safety statement outlines the objectives and responsibilities for ensuring safety in all club and society activities at the University of Limerick. It covers risk assessments, control measures, and reporting procedures for accidents and incidents.
University of LimerickClubs and Societies Safety Statement Paul O’Brien Integrated Risk Solutions
Objectives Introduce the Safety Statement Safety Statement (SS) is required for each Club/Society Safety involved in all walks of life
WHY ? Safety management ensures safe participation Safety statement fulfils the general responsibility to conduct activities in a safe manner
What is a SS ? Tells members how safety will be managed Sets out risk assessments and control measures for the activities
Risk Assessment What are the activities What are the hazards associated with these What is the risk associated with each hazard What control measures are required to make the risk acceptable
1. Introduction The SS sets out control measures for risks associated with the activities Who has overall responsibility ? - Club officers SS must be brought to the attention of members
1.1 Role of President / Officers All familiar with the S.S Ensure sufficient first aiders (if required) and equipment Trip leaders are suitably qualified (National Association Guidelines/rules) Novices are well looked after Relevant training (e.g. first aid) All aware of action in the event of an emergency
1.2 Role of members Officers will bring to the attention of members the risks associated with the activities. Members are expected to make themselves aware of hazards and to be responsible for their own health and safety. Members must not jeopardize the health and safety of others through their actions Members must follow instructions Members must attend relevant training courses
1.2 Role of members(cont.) Members are encouraged to raise any safety concerns they might have Members must inform officers/trip leaders of any medical conditions which might affect their participation in the activity or emergency treatment (diabetes, burst ear drum, colour blindness) Members are responsible for obtaining a much information as possible about any planned activity so as to make an informed decision on whether an activity is suitable for them. All members must be signed up in the membership book provided by the SU.
1.3 Communication of the Safety statement Today’s seminar for club officers. Officers to pass it on to others (trip leaders and members)
2 Reporting of Accidents/Incidents What is an accident ? – where a person sustains an injury which requires first aid or other medical treatment (doctor, nurse, hospital) Ensure immediate assistance is given Investigate and record on accident form (in appendix) Forward to the SU within 5 days Officers must ensure all members are signed up in the membership book Serious accidents or fatalities must be reported to the development Officer Paul Lee a.s.a.p. Contact numbers to be inserted into the Safety Statement
S.U Accident Report Form • 10.on trip(state where)_____________________ • 11.State the nature of the injury. • 12.What first aid was provided? • 13.Did the patient attend hospital? Yes/No • 14.State name and address of hospital. • 15.Date patient attended if not day of accident. • 16.What treatment was received? How did accident occur? (to be completed by patient) • 17.Witness 1 Name • 18.Term Address • 19.Home address • 20.Phone • 21.Witness 1 statement SU Accident Report Form (to be filled on by an officer of the club and the person suffering the injury, copy to be sent to SU as soon as possible) • 1.Club: • 2.Name of injured person: • 3.Student id no:/Staff id • 4.Term time address • 5.Home address • 6.Phone no. • 7.Date of accident: • 8.Location of accident • 9.in UL(state where)_____________________,
3 First Aid For clubs/societies with low risk activities an officers must be appointed to maintain a suitable first aid kit For higher risk activities (adventure sports) A trained first aider should accompany each group. Contact development officer. List of clubs with high risk activities List of typical first aid kits.
General Risks 4 Hiring of transport Only named drivers with the appropriate licence to drive Ask for seat belts where possible C&S Vehicles / People / licence / towing / cleaning
5 Hiring of Venues Is security required ? (Contact Ents. Committee) Does the venue provide these or must they be supplied by the club Venue manager to sign the Fire Safety Declaration (compliance with the fire safety in places of assembly, COP for management of safety in places of assembly). Fire safety declaration not required for conventional venues (e.g. Hotel function rooms)
6 Purchase of services Public liability insurance certificate must be obtained from providers of facilities such as dive centres, wind surfing school etc. Copy of certificate to the development Officer Paul Lee Check that the club/society’s activities are not excluded from the insurance Do not use facilities if no certificate is produced
7 Hiring equipment Hiring equipment or performers for use on campus (bouncy castles, fire jugglers etc.) Obtain permission from SU Obtain insurance certificate Insurance certificate must be sent to Cliona Donnellan Equipment/performer cannot be used unless permission of Cliona Donnellan is given
8Equipment owned by the club/society Equipment purchased by the club/society is the property of the SU All equipment to the checked (visually) by a club officer for safety Inspections to be carried out at the start of first term Inspection report to be forwarded to Paul Lee
Equipment Check Form (to be completed for equipment that may pose a health and safety risk if in poor condition, e.g. boats, trailers, protective equipment, harnesses etc) Club: Officer carrying out check: Date check carried out:_ Tick box if item is satisfactory (for each type of equipment there may be several items e.g. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Equipment description Corrective actions required Action taken Signed_______________________________ Date actions completed ___/__/__ If items are unsafe or pose a risk to health and safety please take them out of circulation and clearly mark on them that they are not to be used. A copy of this checklist must be sent to the Development Officer, Paul Lee.
9Loaning equipment Only members of SU may use any piece of equipment belonging to the club/society Club members must not borrow equipment for use by third parties.
10 Using electrical equipment Risks Live conductors may become exposed if equipment is damaged Equipment may be incorrectly connected causing ’live’ external parts Equipment without direct mains connection may become dangerous (e.g. audio equipment) Fire from overheating Controls Maintenance inspection and repair by qualified persons only Check others peoples equipment before using it Do connect or use incompatible equipment Use a Residual Current Device (RSD)
12 Hazardous equipment / Portable equipment E.g. electrical/mechanical equip. • Keep a service log • Portable Appliances • Class I (Earthed) test 1-2 years • Class II (double insulated with symbol) no test but annual inspection
13Work at Height • Any access to height to be planned • Use Platform with guard rails • Ladders • Short duration • No heavy/awkward loads • Safe ! • Three point contact
14Training of leaders/instructors – ratio of experienced to novices National governing bodies recommendations/guideline must be adhered to
15 Trip in Ireland – Hazardous activities (adventure sports) Officers to leave contact details/ time of return with a designated responsible person Officers to inform designated person of safe return Designated person to contact appropriate authorities and SU in the event of no safe return by the stated time.
16 Trips abroad Must be notified to Paul Lee at least one week in advance with: Names of all participants Next of kin names addresses and phone numbers
17 Bullying Bullying is not tolerated Bullying: Repeated / systematic aggression (verbal / psychological / physical)Targeted against an individual or a group of individuals Isolated incidents will be condemned but do not constitute bullying Sanctions will be imposed Contact the SU welfare officer.
18 Annual Review Safety Statement is to be reviewed at the start of the first term to ensure that the contents are still relevant If new activities are to commence in the year then a risk assessment should be added to the Safety Statement and brought to the attention of members The names of the relevant people should be added to the Safety Statement (e.g. Officers, first aiders, leaders etc.) Each club/society must produce a Safety Statement at the start of the year (with the date) The Safety Statement must be forwarded to Paul Lee before funding will be released.