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National Standards and gifted and talented: are they compatible?. Presented 10 Nov 2011 4 – 5pm Webinar 4 of a series of 4 Adrienne Carlisle Evaluation Associates. Hello. My name is Adrienne Carlisle.
National Standards and gifted and talented: are they compatible? Presented 10 Nov 2011 4 – 5pm Webinar 4 of a series of 4 Adrienne Carlisle Evaluation Associates
Hello. My name is Adrienne Carlisle. • I am responsible for developing and managing content on Assessment Online TKI, and I work in secondary schools in Auckland as a Leadership and Assessment facilitator. This year I have been involved in the creation of online resources to assist schools with the implementation of National Standards, and I am at the moment working on a resource for Gifted and Talented TKI which explores aspects of assessment for the gifted and talented, particularly those concerned with National Standards. These aspects are discussed in the webinar.
Session focus • The session will explore: • the nature and function of National Standards • supporting materials available • the making of Overall Teacher Judgments • reporting to parents using National Standards
What are the National Standards? • Benchmarks in reading, writing, and mathematics for the first eight years at school, based on the NZ Curriculum. • NZ Curriculum levels in primary schools assume typical progress of one curriculum level for every two years at school. National Standards define that progress more definitively, for each year level. • The standards make the demands of the curriculum explicit, so that progress and achievement can be carefully identified and monitored. • Reading, writing and maths enable students to access all curriculum areas.
Further defining National Standards They are not an assessment tool, or a test. They are not a tick-box set of criteria. They are broad descriptions of knowledge and skills required at each year level to track towards success at secondary school and beyond. They are backed up by illustrations and examples. They are supported by world-class descriptions of progressions of learning and a wide and growing range of curriculum resources.
NS resources available online • National Standards pages on the NZC site • http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/National-Standards • Reading and writing information and illustrations on Literacy Online • http://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/Literacy-Online/Student-needs/National-Standards-Reading-and-Writing • Maths information and illustrations on Maths Online • http://nzmaths.co.nz/nzc-and-standards • Literacy learning progressions • http://www.literacyprogressions.tki.org.nz/ • English Language Learning Progressions • http://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/Literacy-Online/Student-needs/English-Language-Learning-Progressions2 • Instructional series - Journal teachers’ notes including guidance on National Standards • http://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/Literacy-Online/Teacher-needs/Instructional-Series • Assessment resource bank • http://arb.nzcer.org.nz/
Assessment against National Standards • Overall teacher judgments reflect ‘on balance’ standards-referenced judgments. • Evidence of achievement and progress is drawn from a wide range of sources across the curriculum. • For more information on Overall Teacher Judgments, go to Assessment Online • http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Overall-teacher-judgment
OTJ advantages • What are the advantages for gifted and talented students? • Test results are seen as one piece of evidence which goes into making the judgment. Those students who, for a number of reasons, do not show their true capability in tests have the opportunity to show their achievement in other ways. The impact of the ‘ceiling’ effect of testing is reduced. • Those students who excel in other curriculum areas may have the opportunity to show their literacy and mathematical skills through work in those areas. • Students have an opportunity to have input into their OTJs. There is increased incentive for teachers to talk to students about their work, and students can reflect on their progress and achievement. • The making of OTJs obliges teachers to look specifically at what students can and can’t do, using a wide range of evidence from each student and supported by the growing body of knowledge about progressions of learning.
Reporting to parents • Changes to the National Administration Guidelines (NAG 2A) • Where a school has students enrolled in years 1-8, the board of trustees, with the principal and teaching staff, is required to use National Standards to: • (a) report to students and their parents on the student’s progress and achievement in relation to National Standards. Reporting to parents in plain language in writing must be at least twice a year. • Principle of good reporting: • Reports should be clear and honest, while continuing to motivate the student.
Reporting requirements • The Ministry recommends that all reports to parents on reading, writing, and mathematics contain: • the student's current learning goals • the student's progress and achievement in relation to the National Standards • what the school will do to support the student's learning • what parents, families, and whānau can do to support the child's learning • results from assessments the student has undertaken. • For more information on Reporting to parents, go to Assessment Online • http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Reporting-to-parents-families-and-whanau
Reporting for gifted and talented • Using the four-point scale (above, at, below, well-below the expected standard) • Adapting terms used in relation to previous benchmarks (such as working towards, working at, working above or approaching, meeting, exceeding the expected standard) • Identifying the standard which best describes the student's achievement (for example, the expected standard is Year 5, your child is working at the level of the Year 6 standard) • Identifying particular areas of strength or need for improvement in addition to overall level of progress and achievement. • A narrative of the student’s progress and achievement, which while being clear about achievement in relation to standards, focuses more on progress and current learning.
Reporting advantages • National Standards have caused schools to think carefully about reporting to parents, and how it might best be carried out. Research and trials are ongoing. • It is suggested that schools should consult with their communities about reporting. The gifted and talented community will want to have input into the sort of reports they would like to see for their children. • There is a wide range of options for reporting to parents, and expectations are that reports are comprehensive and informed by a wide range of evidence. • Student-led conferences are becoming increasingly popular, as are other methods by which students can have an input into their reports. Gifted and talented students can have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and contribute to their reports.
National Standards give us important information about how children are performing in key areas of the curriculum. It is important for gifted and talented children, their teachers and their parents, to be aware of progressions of learning in core skills, and to be able to track their progress in relation to them. This knowledge should in no way limit their learning, nor their progress.