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MULTICULTURAL Course Development

MULTICULTURAL Course Development. For residents in underserved communities BY Karen hopkins December 3, 2012. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Analysis -Problem/Need -Audience Analysis II.Design -Learning Assessment -Content Outline III.Development -Expert Review -Stakeholder Review

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MULTICULTURAL Course Development

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  1. MULTICULTURAL Course Development For residents in underserved communities BY Karen hopkins December 3, 2012

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Analysis -Problem/Need -Audience Analysis II.Design -Learning Assessment -Content Outline III.Development -Expert Review -Stakeholder Review -Pilot Progam IV.Implement -What it will take V.Evaluate -Program Evaluation Plan VI.Conclusion VII.References MULTICULTURALCourse Development for Residents in Underserved Communities


  4. INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is Karen Hopkins. I am a small business professional specializing in adult training, small business operations (accounting, administration and management) and technical writing. Presently, I attend Colorado State University Global Campus. I am studying to earn my Masters in Education with an emphasis in Adult Education and plan to graduate by Spring 2013. My mission is to collaborate with nonprofits, community colleges and private companies to create and facilitate adult learning lesson plans that accentuate training for entrepreneurship, vocational careers, and life skills for residents in underserved communities. I am prepared to lend support to NPO staff members and program participants.

  5. INTRODUCTION (cont.) The purpose of this project is to address a particular problem/need in underserved communities. That is to establish a better connection between educational nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and the residents they serve by creating an online learning and training option for people who are unable to access NPO services in person. I believe a Learning Transfer stratagem with a multicultural foundation may improve your program and is a recipe for educational success. A full report outlining the details of this course proposal will be presented to you at our first meeting. Multiculturalism is a body of thought in political philosophy about the proper way to respond to cultural and religious diversity. (cited: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/multiculturalism/) For the purposes of this presentation, it applies to a curriculum designed for a diverse group of people in underserved communities.


  7. There is a need for online access to NPO educational resources for underserved communities. The Problem/Need to be addressed is twofold; 1) to bridge a gap between NPOs and residents in underserved communities who are unable to attend NPOs in person, and 2) to create curriculum that addresses multiculturalism/diversity through an effectual learning transfer stratagem. ANALYSIS: Problem/Need

  8. The main reason why a multicultural/diversity curriculum is so important is because the programs are designed to educate people from different cultures, backgrounds, experiences and the like. It means inclusion. David McKay at BYU outlined “why” we need a Diversity Curriculum to: • prepare students for diverse workplaces and multicultural environments • expose biases, stereotypes and policies that can restrict achievement • ensure that content is fair, accurate, and inclusive • accommodate for diverse teaching and learning styles of teachers and students • help students, faculty and staff become advocates for multicultural awareness (Cited: http://education.byu.edu/diversity/curriculum.html) ANALYSIS: Problem/Need (cont.)

  9. ANALYSIS: Audience The audience for this program are people in underserved communities who are unable to attend NPOs in person for various justifiable reasons. Many of them have a high school education or less. They need regular access to computers, the internet, resources and training/learning. These residents may also require the services of volunteers to assist them with getting starting with the program. They are a mixed culture of people including different ethnicities, disabled individuals, veterans, the elderly, and the working poor. They want to participate in adult learning to obtain jobs, get better jobs or become entrepreneurs as well as improve their quality of life. The first step in the Learning Transfer process is to implement a scaffolding teaching approach which begins instruction at the level of the learner and gradually increases the intensity to a level that achieves educational and personal goals.

  10. ANALYSIS: Audience (cont.) A report written by Kevin Clark (2005), appropriately titled Serving Underserved Communities with Instructional Technologies: Giving Them What They Need, Not What You Want, investigates how residents in underserved communities want to use technology in their daily lives. The results were encouraging. His piece affirmed that adults need technology to communicate with family and friends, access resources, and obtain educational information to improve their skills for employment. Additionally, immigrants need online access to resources that address language barriers, and unskilled workers want to seek out ways to eliminate debt and become entrepreneurs. They are interested in individualized instruction for themselves and their children and understand the concept of self directed learning


  12. DESIGN: Learning Assessments The objectives for the multicultural course workshop will be assessed by using the Criterion-Referenced assessment instrument. The criterion-referenced model is “designed to assess competence or identify gaps in learning” (Smith, P. & Ragan, T., 2005). This model is ideal for measuring the participants’ overall comprehension. Additionally, this course will also utilize pre-assessments and post-assessments as well as grading rubrics.

  13. DESIGN: Learning Assessments (cont.) The format used for this course design is the Performance Assessment. In that, learners will complete essays, simulations, projects and journals. Validity Given the audience of underserved populace, the adult learning theories for this program validate its potential effectiveness. Each activity supports experiential learning, operant conditioning, constructivism, behaviorism and other theories that promote constructive behavioral changes and growth.

  14. DESIGN: Learning Assessments (cont.) Reliability The programs reliability will be fine-tuned during the pilot stages when we have a chance to test it out and receive feedback and suggestions for tweaking. Practicality Instructional Design: Multicultural Course Development The assessments developed for this program are practical in keeping with the learning goals which are to build skills and confidence in individuals, promote multicultural/diversity awareness and help motivate learners to take action. However, if it is determined through trial and error that a particular assessment is ineffective, changes will be made for that reason.

  15. DESIGN: Content The instructional methodology is an 8-week workshop designed to be delivered online (synchronous and asynchronous) and in-person. Adult learners participate in the program to improve their skills and knowledge for better work opportunities. For instance, a participant who is a foster parent can gain the knowledge required to expand his/her efforts into a group home establishment which could then house and assist more children in the foster care system. Another example is a restaurant worker can apply his/her training toward a job promotion or to start a catering or restaurant business.


  17. DESIGN: Content (cont.) An emphasis is placed on Learning Transfer. In addition to an 8-week instructional methodology, there has to be something at the heart of the program that drives its success. For this program, it is Learning Transfer. Learning transfer, also termed as transfer of learning, is the process of shifting one's knowledge and skills from one context to another. Learning Transfer becomes successful when lessons and activities contain a multitude of adult learning theories that are embedded into the instructional design. In this instance, the proposed theories below are examples for an ideal multicultural curriculum.

  18. DESIGN: Content (cont.) Examples of Proposed Adult Learning Theories: Andragogy (Knowles) – emphasis on adult self-directed learning. Constructivist Theory (J. Bruner) – learners construct new ideas based on current and past knowledge. Experiential Learning (C. Rogers) – personal involvement learning. Cognitive Flexibility Theory (R. Spiro) – nature of learning in difficult domains. Conditions of Learning (R. Gagne) – different levels of learning require different types of instruction. Connectionism (E. Thorndike) – trial and error learning.

  19. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline-1 Course Description This course will introduce learners to personal and career development with a multicultural foundation. We will explore individual intuitive strengths, history and culture, career paths and diversity. Prerequisites Adult learners should possess English literacy, computer literacy, familiarity with the use of the internet and complete a pre-assessment questionnaire. Readings and Resources The facilitator will assign readings and resources according to the completed pre-assessments and introduction postings. Methods of Instruction This course is designed for an online platform. However, it is also suitable for in-person delivery.

  20. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline-2 Goals The goals are to: • build skills and self-confidence by tapping into the individuals’ strengths • promote multicultural/diversity awareness • help motivate learners to take action Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to: • create and execute a learning contract • recognize their intuitive gifts • realize multiculturalism/diversity • identify their strongest points and find ways to earn income based on their strengths • take the first step toward career development • construct a visual as a reminder of the importance of multiculturalism/diversity

  21. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline-3

  22. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline-4 Course Requirements This is an eight-week course. As such, learning is accelerated and exciting! Therefore, adult learners are expected to log into the course four to five times per week and actively participate. In consideration of unforeseen circumstances, there is a one day grace for two assignment submissions without penalty. Upon completion of this course, learners will receive a Certificate of Completion and resources for job referrals and business startups.

  23. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline-5 Grading • This is a personal development workshop. Participants are expected to complete all assignments and activities in order to gain a full understanding of the course contents. Grading is as follows: • Three projects – 25% • Two essays – 25% • Two simulations – 25% • Readings, research, journaling and discussions – 25% • Learners who do not complete at least 75% of the program will be advised to repeat it. Those who require additional assistance should email the facilitator as well as share their thoughts with peers for suggestions and ideas.

  24. DESIGN: Example of Course Outline Projected Outcomes Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have the following projected learning outcomes: 1. Ability to research online resources. 2. Preparatory learning/training that moves them into the next phase of their self-development goals. 3. Improved skill set for work. 4. Awareness of and respect for multiculturalism and diversity in the community and the workplace. 5. The ability to apply new understanding to their existing knowledge and new situations, hence Positive Learning Transfer; what is learned in one context enhances learning in a different setting.

  25. DEVELOPMENT Expert review Stakeholder review Pilot program

  26. DEVELOPMENT: Expert Review NPO experts are asked to review the learning modality before the course design is finalized. This includes the Learning Management System, course materials, rooted adult learning theories, alternative distance learning modes (blogs, wikis), activities, samples and examples, questionnaires, inventories, virtual learning tours (online museums, libraries, etc.), simulated learning (e.g. gcflearnfree.org), resources, readings, methods of journaling and the like.

  27. DEVELOPMENT: Stakeholder/Design Review Decision-Making Stakeholders • The type of support requested of your organization is the opportunity for me to perform program test pilots within your institution. Using an instructional design template I developed, I will perform formative and summative evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the proposed program. I am prepared to work alongside your staff to make this process as smooth as possible. The funding for this project is nominal compared to the potential return on investment. • I believe your organization stands to benefit for several reasons: • 1. residents will have the opportunity to acquire training via distance learning • 2. the program could increase participation • 3. additional participation could boost funding for your NPO

  28. DEVELOPMENT: Pilot Program In light of the fact that this is a proposed online program to reach more residents in underserved communities, the learning environment is complex. Most participants live in areas riddled with constant noise, gang violence, drug addicts and poverty. Safety is a major concern. Accordingly, we will seek the most accommodating means for individuals to participate in the Pilot Program.


  30. IMPLEMENTATION It will take… Instructional Designer(s) Collaboration with Educators, Community Leaders and Professionals Content Experts Decision-Making Stakeholders Approved Pilot Program NPOs and Ed. Institutions Diverse Staff of Facilitators And…

  31. IMPLEMENTATION (cont.) …Participants This diverse community of residents need: • A Multicultural Online Program • Computers or devices • Internet Access • Resources • Volunteers • Guidance • Motivation and Encouragement • Training and Observation

  32. EVALUATION Program Evaluation Plan ISD diagram

  33. EVALUATION FORMATIVE EVALUATION SUMMATIVE EVALUATION • Design review • Expert reviews • Learner validation • one-to-one • small group • Ongoing evaluations • Behavior, knowledge and results Data compilation for decision makers ROI

  34. ISD Diagram

  35. ADDIE Model


  37. CONCLUSION • Why should you consider this program? • To reach more people in the areas you serve thus receive additional funding for the organization’s mission • Who benefits? • All stakeholders benefit. That includes the staff, donors and participants. • What will this program ultimately achieve? • Strengthen communities over time. Break non-productive cycles. • When can Karen be reached? • Email karenmhopkins@yahoo.com • Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm (pacific time) • Where is the full report? • With Karen and available for review during meetings. • How can we stay within budget? • Pool resources by collaborating with other NPO’s.

  38. In conclusion, I leave you with this important link and encourage you to join the cause. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4N8xsdo2vQ CONCLUSION: I believe an opportunity should be created for people who are looking for ways to do better in life but lack motivation and resources. I think multicultural/diversity teachings are an important segment to include in an educational curriculum. I am optimistic that NPOs will consider this proposal.

  39. The End.

  40. REFERENCES • Clark, K. (2005). Serving Underserved Communities with Instructional Technologies: Giving them what they need, not what you want. Urban Education, 40(4), 430-445. doi: 10.1177/0042085905276388. Retrieved from http://cdmid.gmu.edu/assets/docs/cdmid/Clark-UrbanEd.pdf • Kearsley, G. (2003). Exploration in Learning & Instruction: The Theory Into Practice Database. Retrieved from http://www.stanford.edu/dept/SUSE/projects/ireport/articles/general/Educational%20Theories%20Summary.pdf • McCay, D. (n.d.). Diversity Curriculum. Brigham Young University. Retrieved on September 15, 2012 from http://education.byu.edu/diversity/curriculum.html • Microsoft Images (2012). Retrieved from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/ • Multiculturalism (2010). Retrieved 12/2/12 from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/multiculturalism/ • Smith, P. & Ragan, T. (2005). Instructional Design (3rd Ed.), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/Jossey Bass

  41. THANK YOU!

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