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Maximizing Energy Levels Through Nutrition!

Most men who hit the gym, do so for a single reason; to improve their physique.

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Maximizing Energy Levels Through Nutrition!

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  1. Maximizing Energy Levels Through Nutrition Nutrition for Fitness Most men who hit the gym, do so for a single reason; to improve their physique. This could mean a few different things like increasing muscle mass, decreasing body fat, or most popular; both at once. The 2 most common paths are either taking an extra protein shake each day, and hoping that will be enough to pile on the muscle. Alternatively, they try to eat as much as they possibly can including fast foods, and all you can eat buffets which leads to looking worse off than when they started. Lets take a different approach, and find out what it actually takes to gain muscle mass, and how to personalize this to ones self. Maximize Your Energy Level! The 3 Main Body Types: Which One Fits You? There are 3 body types that 99% of the people on our planet fall into. These are Ectomorphs, Endomorphs, and Mesomorphs. This article will focus on Ectomorphs. Ectomorph: An ectomorph is usually very skinny, and lean at all times of the year whether he wants to be or not. This can however turn into a "skinny-fat" appearance as he grows older if he doesn't take care of himself. Though still a skinny frame, they would have a soft looking belly and a bit of upper back flab. Ectomorphs have a much harder time gaining muscle, and can lose it very quickly if they don't train/eat properly. Nutrition For An Ectomorph Trying To Gain Muscle The great news for you is that you have an ability that all other body types are jealous of; To eat as much food as you want (not healthy foods either) while not gaining any weight. The bad part is, this ability works against you if you're trying to put on muscle. The one most important strategy for you to adopt is to eat a lot. Eat until you are very full, and then stuff in some more

  2. until you reach a point of feeling sick. In the beginning this will be unpleasant, but your body will catch up and it will start to get easier. It will take some getting used to, but if you really want to put on muscle this is what you'll need to do. This doesn't mean stuffing yourself full of cheese burgers and fries either because the goal is building lean muscle, and keeping the fat to a minimum. Maximize Your Energy Level! You will want to focus on lifting heavy, for lower reps. This will help to really break down your muscle fibers and force them to grow. Because of this intense training, you will want to keep your workout days to 2-3 times per week, in the beginning at least. Your muscles will need this extra time to grow and recover fully. It would also be wise to lay off the cardio for the time being. Suggestions for Nutrition Eat A Lot Of Quality Proteins Like: -Salmon, Swordfish (fattier fish) -Chicken (Dark Meat like thighs and drums) -Whole Eggs (All yolks included) -Beef with more fat (Steaks, Patties, Mince) It is still a good idea for you to throw in a serving of healthy fats at each meal to help maximize your calorie intake, while keeping your insulin levels steady. Some suggestions for a serving of healthy fats: - 18 Raw almonds - 3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil

  3. - One whole of an avocado In contrast to the other body types, carbohydrates are actually your friend, and should be included in most meals. It would still be wise to keep your dinner time portion of carbs pretty small, but at the other times of day, you're pretty safe. With that in mind, you still want to stick to the "healthier" carbs. Maximize Your Energy Level! A few example of healthier carbs: -Black Beans -Lentils -Regular and Sweet Potatoes (no, fries do not count) -White rice -White sourdough bread (this is the best option to satisfy bread cravings because it is easily broken down by the body. Other types, like whole wheat or grainy options will make you feel bloated and are not digested as easily) Keeping your meals within 3-4 hours of each other will help your body stay in a state of growth, while keeping your blood sugar levels stable. If you stretch these meals out too far apart, the body will have to get nutrients from somewhere else (your muscles) and will work against your goals. Keeping raw vegetables and salads in your diet is also still a great idea, just try not to eat them with too many carbs because it will lead to discomfort and a bloated feeling. These strategies will yield impressive gains in muscle mass, while holding off fat gain as well - when used in combination with a good training program. Maximize Your Energy Level!

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