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Teaching Elephants to Dance:

What is Business?. OrganizedDelivery of products or servicesAgreed upon priceValue for valueProfit. What makes for Success?. MissionVision and ValuesGoalsPlansPeopleIs that all?. Success the Intangibles. Desire Communication AnalysisFocusWisdom. What We'll Talk About. Accountant

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Teaching Elephants to Dance:

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Teaching Elephants to Dance: Financial Metrics for Non-Financial Executives Dan Ruchman May 18, 2009

    2. What is Business? Organized Delivery of products or services Agreed upon price Value for value Profit

    3. What makes for Success? Mission Vision and Values Goals Plans People Is that all?

    4. Success the Intangibles Desire Communication Analysis Focus Wisdom

    5. What Well Talk About Accountants - Who you are Non-accountants what they do, and why dont they care? Metrics & Management The opportunity When the band plays together the company being all it can be.

    6. Accounting -- & Balance Does this give you comfort?

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