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iPay DEMO. Milano - 25/11/08. Ipay News. What’s new with iPay?. The Shared Services are now a stand-alone full-working web-application which gives information to VASP A Buyer (Leonardo) is now able to synchronize is virtual account with a real circuit (Pay Pal)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. iPay DEMO Milano - 25/11/08

  2. Ipay News What’s new with iPay? • The Shared Services are now a stand-alone full-working web-application which gives information to VASP • A Buyer (Leonardo) is now able to synchronize is virtual account with a real circuit (Pay Pal) • All the blocks within iPay environment are now present in an embryonic fashion

  3. iPay messages Seller Buyer 3. Navigate CPD 1. Configure VASP data 2. Configure VASP data 4. Download content Merchant EUD 5. dmprpp:PurchaseRequest 14 A. dmprpp:PurchaseResponse 19. Play 17. Response 15. RequestLicense LPD 18. Response 16. dmp:Payment Confirmation Request 11. ipay:PaymentOrder_BU-VA 6. ipay:CashOrder_SE-VA 13. ipay:PaymentOrder_VA-SE 10. ipay:CashOrder_VA-BU 9. ipay:CashOrder_VA-VA Seller VASP Buyer VASP 12. ipay:PaymentOrder_VA-VA Synchronize with REAL payment system 8. ipay:RetrieveSubscriberData_SS-VA Retrieve counterpart VASPURL 7. ipay:RetrieveSubscriberData_VA-SS Shared Services

  4. Pay Pal sync: The Pay Pal SandBox End User “Pay Pal” button VIEW iPay “click” redirect to PayPal Forward Request Frontend VASP CONTROLLER Forward Response MPSP Response + TOKEN Request PayPal SandBox Pay Pal

  5. Pay Pal sync: The Pay Pal SandBox End User iPay Login into PayPal + Accept transaction Success / Failure PayPal SandBox Pay Pal handle payment

  6. Thank you ! – Grazie ! – 謝謝 ! Questions?

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