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Unleashing the power of digital communications

Discover how technology-enabled housing with care is revolutionizing support services, enhancing independence, and improving quality of life for residents. Explore case studies, innovative solutions, and priorities in the changing landscape of supported housing.

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Unleashing the power of digital communications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unleashing the power of digital communications Revolutionising housing with care with life enhancing technologies

  2. Discussion points • Life changing “technology-enabled housing with care” • Introductions and context • Kevin Alderson, Sales & Marketing Director, Tunstall Healthcare • Better for disability - How to develop, design and deliver life changing “technology enabled housing care” • Matthew Warnes, CEO, Adaptive Technology (Europe) Limited • Better for dementia - Enhanced Living, utilising technology to support life skills, reablement, lifetime care and independent living • Simon Herdsfield, Head of Wellbeing & Support, Herefordshire Housing

  3. Life at your fingertips CONNECTED with internet accessand video telephony ASSURED in a home that willevolve with you SECURE with video door entry and access control INDEPENDENT help only whenyou need it IN CONTROL Easy repair reportingand calendar management SAFE with help available24 hrs a day PROTECTED with environmentaltelecare sensors WELL self care with health apps and telehealth FULFILLED with social eventsand access to yourcommunity

  4. Reaching out –Technology enabling people and communities Care home General housing Services Extra care housing Sheltered housing Specialist housing Retirement village

  5. Innovations: Life changing “technology-enabled housing with care” Matthew Warnes Adaptive Technology Europe Limited Providing caring technology

  6. Case study: Andrew’s story Andrew moved to Moorgate Mill from a specialist hospital placement out of area, where he had a very low stimulus environment in order to manage his significant autism and challenging behaviour.  After a prolonged transition, Andrew now lives at Moorgate. He is supported by staff who have been trained to understand how best to minimise triggers to his anxieties and to de-escalate behaviour which challenges through positive management strategies. His flat has been designed to be a safe place for him, minimising the risk of him harming himself or others when he becomes distressed. He can control the lighting in his flat at the touch of a button, and the electronic blinds close on a timer to reinforce his awareness of the time of day. Andrew will incrementally be supported to do more with less support, and to develop his independence. Names have been changed and photos posed by models to protect privacy.

  7. Case study: Jayne’s story Jayne is profoundly physically disabled, and has been dependent on others for her care all her life. Moving to Moorgate Mill is the first time Jayne has been able to live in a flat on her own. She has 24-hour background support, and uses a reassurance pendant that allows her to speak directly to the office at the touch of a button whenever she needs assistance. Jayne can now operate her own blinds, lights, television and keep in contact with her family and friends via Skype, all at the touch of a handset, or with a pillow control. Jayne also has a wet room with a Clos-o-Mat toilet, giving her more privacy and dignity with personal care. For the first time Jayne has a sense of control and independence.   Names have been changed and photos posed by models to protect privacy.

  8. Technology Enabled Housing with Care

  9. The changing face of supported housing • Henffordd Gardens TECS • Priorities • Features • TECS Enabled Living • Questions

  10. The changing face of supported housing

  11. Henffordd Gardens TECS Enhanced Living Scheme is a live example of how innovative thinking around care & support, when coupled with the latest technology enabled care services (TECS) can help individuals live life to the full. It moves TECS solutions from an abstract concept to a warm & welcoming home, which helps individuals feel safe, cared for and confident

  12. Priorities – Henffordd Gardens • Providing care and support under one roof • Preventing deterioration of health conditions • High quality supported housing • Avoiding hospitalisation • Hub for other services such as Reablement • Focus on innovative dementia care • Integrate Telehealth into support

  13. Henffordd Gardens - Features • A multi-service delivery point for 30 properties with Telecare, Telehealth, on-site GP consultancy facilities, carers, concierge and housing support. • Multi-use 3 bed accommodation for both hospital admission prevention and reablement for those being discharged from hospital.

  14. Henffordd Gardens - Features • Health & Social Care access point – facilities available for GP services, district nurse, social worker • Concierge – 8am to 8pm, supported by Assistive Technology, intensive housing management, benefit advice, referral to support services, facilities management • Café & Bistro – Community facility

  15. TECS Enabled Living • Digital inclusion – free communal • information kiosk with internet access • Community living – digital noticeboards with news stories, scheme events, activities, groups, services, weather, etc. • Housing services portal – reporting on calls handled by on-site and off-site services • OK button for welfare checks

  16. TECS Enabled Living Tunstall’s MyWorld Grouped application for residents in an easy-to-use way for communication (email/messages), scheduling care visits, booking meals, home maintenance, finding out about community events, weather, etc.

  17. Questions? Questions? Questions? Simon Herdsfield, Head of Wellbeing and Support Herefordshire and Shropshire Email: sherdsfield@hhl.org.uk Tel: 01432-384097

  18. Thank you See new white paper: uk.tunstall.com/digitaljourney Matthew Warnes m.warnes@adaptivetechnology.eu Simon Herdsfield sherdsfield@hhl.org.uk Kevin Alderson kevin.alderson@tunstall.com

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