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Get paid to follow true calling

Why The Missing Code To Your u201cTrue Callingu201d<br>Has Been Hidden From You Until Now<br>Itu2019s trueu2026For years, people used this ancient calendar for everything from determining the best time to plant corn to know who they should marry u2014 but then the Spanish came over the ocean in their ships, burning and pillaging, and thatu2019s when the old stone calendar got buried in the earth and the new, Roman calendar was made u201cthe law.u201d<br>

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Get paid to follow true calling

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  1. Finding Their True Calling...And Getting Paid to Do it! I truly believe that everyone has a calling – or passion which is the word I prefer to use. I also believe that everybody can be an entrepreneur – especially if they follow their passion. I have stopped asking because now I know but actually asking didn’t help much. It is a bit like saying all the time “I want to be happy”, then you are definitely not going to be happy. It is about enjoying every moment of life, being present and grateful, and then suddenly we realize that we are happy. The same goes for your passion or your true calling if you like that better, if you desperately look for it, you are not going to find it. Your life will constantly give you hints and it is your task to notice these hints – and then you will know what is your passion. Finding your true calling may take time:

  2. It took me a long time to realize what my passion or actually passions are or let’s say accept them because they were actually there all the time. I think some of us might know when we are six years old and others when we are sixty. We might also know our passions and choose to ignore them for a while until we feel the time is right to pursue them. Then there are others that say they don’t have a passion for anything. I don’t believe that, I think they are blocking the hints that they are given and/or need to try something new in life in order to get more hints. This is essentially what we do for our children, we let them try all kinds of sports, music or other hobbies early in life in the hope that they will discover their passion, in case it is not one of the subjects at school. Choosing to pursue your passion: It is a choice, to ​follow your passion or not. Following your passion doesn’t always mean that you have to give up your current job and follow your passion full-time. For various reasons it might make more sense to keep the passion as a hobby or something you do besides your job. I think many of the older generation knew their passions but chose to ignore them their whole lives because it would have disrupted the life that they had planned for themselves or others or out of loyalty to employers or family. I think most of us are in a

  3. different place today and have realized that pursuing our passion is what we need to ​live a happy and fulfilled life​. One versus many passions: I think and hope most people have one true calling. My challenge is that I have several passions and they pull me equally, one maybe more than the other for a while but then the other one that has been ignored will let me know that attention is needed. This website and my company is a way for me to combine all my passions under one platform and with one brand – myself – and share with you everything I am passionate about – in the hope that you find your true calling too. Startling Discovery: ​Ancient Secret Reveals What You Were “Coded” To Do At Birth… How Smart People Over 35 Are Finally “Finding Their True Calling… And Getting Paid To Do It!” Discover Your True Abilities Using This Secret Ancient Code And Enjoy A “Second Chance At Life”…WITHOUT Leaving Home Best of All, The Secret of Your ​“True Calling” Is Encoded In Your DNA And The Key Unlocking It Is No Further Than Your Calendar! Did you know that the knowledge of who you truly are (and which career you could actually get paid to shine like a star at in this lifetime) is no further away than your own DNA — “locked in” at the exact time you were born? Did you know that this knowledge, which you’ve been carrying around with you in “code form” from birth, only needs to be plugged into a special calendar to reveal its secrets to you in pure form? Did you know that, for over 1,750 years people used the secret code inside this calendar for deciphering who they were and where their special talents lay — but that this secret code was lost when the Roman calendar was imposed on the “New World”…which is the same one we all use today?

  4. You probably didn’t know all that…but don’t worry. Most of us didn’t! Why The Missing Code To Your “True Calling” How I found my true calling: In hindsight everything is easy but when you wake up one day and want to know what you were meant to do in life and you don’t know, there is panic. My passions were there all the time, I just hadn’t paid attention to them and was too busy getting a degree, making a career or living somebody’s else’s life. It is when your life is suddenly put upside down that you start to ask yourself questions. Why am I here? What am I meant to do? What will give me purpose? This is the journey that many of us start on some time in our life and we call “finding ourselves”. I am not sure I like the term because it assumes that we got lost but it is still a fair description of what happens in our head. We are suddenly in a void, the vision we have lived on is broken because somebody left us, we lost a job or somebody died. We urgently need a new vision, a new mission in life and we look inside for answers. And since we haven’t done this before we need help, often through self-help books, personal development courses, yoga, mediation or coaching.

  5. About 12 years ago I went through a break-up that left very deep wounds on my soul and some of the scars have still not healed. I looked for help with a psychologist but she sent me a way after three sessions and said I should read Feeling Good: ​The New Mood Therapy and I wouldn’t need her any further. The book was very good for someone with a mild depression and I have since recommended the book to numerous people. Half a year later I got promoted and felt I needed some self-confidence push and took the 12-week Dale Carnegie course. By then I thought I had recovered from my break-up but when I broke down in front of the class after telling them my story, I realized that I needed to do more work to get rid of my baggage. I had started my self-discovery journey and for the next 5 years I took numerous courses and read dozens of books and even became a certified Dale Carnegie trainer. Has Been Hidden From You Until Now: It’s true…For years, people used this ancient calendar for everything from determining the best time to plant corn to knowing who they should marry — but then the Spanish came over the ocean in their ships, burning and pillaging, and that’s when the old stone calendar got buried in the earth and the new, Roman calendar was made “the law.” Believe it or not, this is the very same calendar you now have hanging in your kitchen, which we’ve all been using for the past 2,058 years. This Roman

  6. calendar is known as the Julian Calendar (because they named it after Julius Ceasar! No kidding. It’s the truth). No wonder things have gotten screwed up… Including losing the code you needed to use to uncover your true nature in life along with: ● Who your soulmate could be ● What career you would shine at (and make the most money doing) ● Why it’s crucial to know what your kids’ code is too Of course, you couldn’t have known all this before. Almost nobody does. But the shocking thing is, what this means about discovering your true nature and how it’s been covered up all these years. I’ll explain in a moment (including something pretty creepy involving the number 13). But first, here’s something that is going to make you extremely happy: Decoding Your True Identity (And Starting Your New Life): This is far too much of an important message for even a few non-essential minutes of recording time. So, that being said… Here’s just a few of the eye-opening revelations that you will discover inside The Message: 1. Whether your current job/career is the right one for you — or not! 2. What type of work you were really meant to be doing here on Earth (hint: it’s also what makes you feel most alive…but it may surprise you!) 3. Who your perfect soulmate might be (everyone's codes match up differently) 4. What your children’s codes are and why you need to know 5. Who you should avoid working with at all costs (these people will simply bring you down but you won’t know how to recognize them unless you can see their codes right off)

  7. 6. Why you keep having the same annoying arguments with your “significant other” (and how to stop — even if they don’t have a clue what you’re onto!) 7. Why you shouldn’t have to do everything…at home OR at work 8. What your spouse’s secret code is (and how it lines up with yours) 9. How to get 50% more done in a day after making 1 simple change 10.What tasks people are asking you to do now…that you shouldn’t have to! 11.How to find the perfect “superstar” career made just for you (without changing a thing about who you are) 12.What your “special gifts” are (you’ll be surprised and pleased when you discover several you don’t even know you have right now) 13.Whether someone would be a good business partner for you — or not. 14.And much, much more… The Secret Message That Will Change Your Life Is 53 Minutes Long: After experiencing the huge difference it made in our own lives, Liz and I said "Ok, we've held onto this secret far too long. We've got to make this code

  8. available to people like us...so they don't have to spend years tracking it down and deciphering it all like we did!" So here's what we've done for you today. We've spent the past ten years tracking down the details of the code, researching the calendar and how to use it, and then testing the code on ourselves and a few people close to us (we knew they would keep it's secrets while they were being "guinea pigs" for the system - which wasn't easy, considering how people start asking questions when they see massive changes happening in your life with seemingly no effort on your part!)... Then we boiled down everything that really worked into a system (we call it the Power Quadrant System​) that is super easy to use but still incorporates everything you need to quickly "decode" your true nature and start seeing immediate change in your life! Best of all... We've turned it all into a single, easy-listening audio that you can turn on, sit back, put your feet up, and take in while you're sipping a latte (or tea, if that's your thing), and drink the benefits. For those who like to write as they listen (personally I like keeping my hands busy) there's a workbook too - but you don't have to do that part if you don't feel like it. The main thing is to listen to the 53 minute message and hear what it says about you.

  9. Get ready because… We Can't Take All The Credit For The Power Quadrant System: First of all, we didn't discover this ancient calendar and DNA decoder ourselves. Yes, I know it's a shock: I mean, wouldn't it be cool if we told you that we discovered this giant round stone covered in hieroglyphs while bush-whacking through the South American jungle on our latest expedition?... Can't you just see Liz and I decked out in camo pants and pith helmets right now? The truth is...

  10. We did discover the secret to the code hidden inside this calendar in a rather mysterious way (it was at a Retreat fifty miles north of in Houston,Texas) where we met this white-haired lady sitting on the "verandah" while sipping lemon tea, and she told us...well, that's a story I'll tell you later). But the stone itself was discovered in the 1600's by Spanish Conquistadors. And it's pretty well known now, I mean you can google it and read about it online if you know exactly where to look (including why the number 13 is considered unlucky today, and why buildings often don't have a 13th floor. It's because the new calendar actually hides the 13th moon and pretends there isn't one)... But the amazing thing about this stone is that it's a big calendar in the shape of a circle. Some people even already know that. However, what they don't know is how to use the calendar to decode the DNA of who they really are...and what kind of career they are perfectly suited for (it's different for everyone). In order to discover that, Liz and I had to spend literally years studying how this calendar works, and the system that's embedded in it that shows you whether you're a red, blue, yellow, or white. And then, what being a red, blue, yellow or white really means. (Hint: if you're a red, you shouldn't try to work with a blue...and if you're a blue, you can't stand people who don't pay attention to detail...and so on). Of course, if you really wanted to sift through the hundreds of websites on this ancient calendar, cross-reference the thousands of paragraphs that hint at how the color system works, and then draw up a blueprint for yourself, be our guest ;-) We're not the only ones who could do it. But... Like I say, it has taken us 10 years to figure all this out. That's why we've boiled it all down and made it super simple for you. After doing all the research...and cross-referencing everything...and testing it out on ourselves and our closest

  11. friends for a few more years...we sat down and put only what you need to get started now into the 53 minute audio (and simple 7-page workbook) you're about to listen to. What’s your one true calling? It’s a seductively simple question, which is why it’s so appealing. If we all really do have one true calling, then the secret to getting our dream job is as simple as ​finding and pursuing that calling... right​?

  12. But what if you don’t know what your calling is? What if you aren’t even sure you have one? It’s tempting to treat callings like the perfect pair of jeans. Try on enough of them, and eventually one will fit you exactly right. And so we hop from company to company, job to job, project to project, searching for the one that will finally show us, once and for all, what we were put on this Earth to do. Not only is this exhausting; it can leave us feeling even more lost and confused than we were before! Maybe we have it backwards. Maybe we aren’t meant to find our callings at all. Maybe our callings are meant to find us. If you have no idea what your calling is, this is good news. It means you can give yourself permission to stop searching so hard. It does not mean giving up on the possibility of a purposeful life and career. You’re unlikely to find your calling by looking for it, but there are things you can do to help your calling find its way to you.

  13. Let go of the idea that everyone has “one true calling.” Some people seem to know from birth what they were meant to do. Most of us don’t, and that’s OK! Callings aren’t an all-or-nothing deal. You may feel different callings at different times in your life. So rather than ask yourself, “What’s my one true calling​?”, try asking instead, “What’s calling to me right now?” And see where that leads you. Do more of what brings you joy. Joy is a powerful, illuminating, transformative emotion. Whatever brings you joy, do more of it. Find opportunities to cultivate joy at work, at home, in your whole life. I don’t exactly know why, but wherever we experience joy, callings have a way of showing up, too. Follow your frustration: What problems do you see vividly that frustrate you? What drives you crazy about the status quo, and what about it do you yearn to transform? Make friends

  14. with that frustration. Get curious about it. Follow it. And don’t be surprised if a calling pops up somewhere along the path. Stay open to what could be: Callings are funny things. We seek them because we crave meaning and certainty. We want to know why we’re here and what our lives are supposed to be all about, and sometimes we start down a path just to get rid of the agony of limbo. But I don’t know of any calling that showed up fully formed, complete with an action plan and due dates. Callings come to us in hints and traces, steeped in possibility and uncertainty. When possibility presents itself, don’t rush into action right away. Stay open. Let it simmer long enough to show you what could be. As you contemplate these ideas, I implore you also to remember that callings don’t only show up in our careers. If you feel called to make music or write novels or create art or do any of the other wonderful, worthwhile things that rarely earn a great living in our society, do it! Work is just one part of your life, after all, and having a day job doesn’t make you a failure. The greater tragedy would be not to follow a calling at all… because you never know where it might lead you.

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