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North Carolina History

North Carolina History. SS Level 4 Ms. Lewis. Today we will learn about North Carolina wanting independence from England: 1. Taxes 2. Independence 3. Statehood. Bath – The first town.

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North Carolina History

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  1. North Carolina History SS Level 4 Ms. Lewis Today we will learn about North Carolina wanting independence from England: 1. Taxes 2. Independence 3. Statehood

  2. Bath – The first town • Remember that we are still talking about the colonial period, when English people settled in America. The first town built in North Carolina was Bath. It was build in 1705 in a location that was close to the coast and a river. This was important since the major mode of transportation was by boat.

  3. Bath - Location • Here is a map to show you the location of Bath. Picture Credit: info-city.com

  4. Navigation Acts • Navigation Acts were taxes put on any goods that were transported within the colonies or to England. • Taxes are money that the government collects to help pay for services that they provide.

  5. Culpeper’s Rebellion • The Navigation Acts were the cause of Culpeper’s Rebellion. Since the colonists living in North Carolina did not think that the taxes were fair they decided to do what they could to not pay them. This was the start of Culpeper’s Rebellion.

  6. Culpeper’s Rebellion End • The government at this time was still in major control of the Lord’s Proprietors from England and they wanted to enforce the tax. Culpeper and others took over the government and didn’t pay the taxes. Culpeper was called to come to England where he went to trial for treason (going against one’s nation). He was found not guilty and went back to NC.

  7. Boston Tea Party • England still wanted to collect taxes from the colonies to help make money. They tried to enforce the Stamp Act, which did not go over very well. Then England issued the British East India Company a tax free status. That meant that this company didn’t have to pay any taxes.

  8. Boston Tea Party(Continued) • This made the colonists very angry, since they couldn’t make any money with their teas and still had to pay the taxes. They were so frustrated that they • decided to boycott • (do without) British • goods. Picture Credit: http://tah.oaisd.org/index.php?title=Archives/0010_Summer_Institute_%2710/0002Video_Project/0001_Groups/Hamilton%2C_Alexander

  9. Edenton Tea Party • This was one of the first major events that united (brought together) the colonies. • In North Carolina, 51 women got together and boycotted British goods as well. They refused to drink their tea or use their cloth to make clothes. • This was a big statement to • England because of the • tradition of tea.

  10. American Revolution • The American Revolutionary war (1775) was started because the colonist were tired of England taking advantage of them. So they fought. The first battle fought in North Carolina is on Moores Creek Bridge on February 27, 1776 . • With the help of France and other countries the Colonies won! (1781)

  11. Independence! • While they were still fighting the war the leaders got together and wrote the Declaration of Independence (1776). This document told the King of England why the colonies did not want to be ruled by them any longer. • On April 12, North Carolina becomes the first state to vote in favor of independence.

  12. The Constitution • In 1781 a group of men from the 13 colonies along with Ben Franklin got together to decide how the government of the country would be run.

  13. Benjamin Franklin • Very influential – made a difference. He was a scientist and a philosopher – thinker. He is most famous for his studying lightening and inventing the lightening rod. He also helped with government in many ways as well.

  14. The Bill of Rights • The Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution in1791because the states didn’t feel comfortable signing the Constitution until they added rights for individuals.

  15. North Carolina • On November 21, 1789, North Carolina becomes the 12th state of the United States of America when they signed the Constitution with the Bill of Rights.

  16. Extension Activity • Complete the vocabulary match worksheet to help you understand some of the words in this lesson. • Connect the word on the left to the definition on the right. Draw a line to connect them.

  17. Until Next Time… • Thanks for following along. Next time we will learn about the North Carolina Constitution.

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