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The Executive Office of the President

Explore the history and functions of the Executive Office of the President, including key agencies like OMB, NSC, and the Council of Economic Advisors. Learn about the White House staff and their roles in supporting presidential duties.

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The Executive Office of the President

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Executive Office Chapter 8 Section 4

  2. Section 4 Executive Office Agencies • The Executive Office of the President (EOP) was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress in 1939 to serve the needs of each administration. • Today the EOP staffs include attorneys, scientists, social scientists, and other highly technical or professional personnel.

  3. Section 4 Executive Office Agencies (cont.) • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares the national budget for the president, who then presents it to Congress.

  4. Section 4 Executive Office Agencies (cont.) • Congress created the National Security Council (NSC) to advise the president and to coordinate U.S. military and foreign policy. • A special assistant, theNational Security Advisor, directs the NSC staff.

  5. Section 4 Executive Office Agencies (cont.) • President George W. Bush created the Office of Homeland Security within the EOP to coordinate the activities of a majority of the federal agencies that were working to fight terrorism.

  6. Section 4 Executive Office Agencies (cont.) • The Council of Economic Advisors was created to assess the nation’s economic health, predict future economic conditions, and support other executive agencies that are involved in economic planning. Executive Office Employees, 1948-Present

  7. Section 4 The White House Office • The White House staff is chosen by the president without Senate confirmation. • White House aides perform whatever duties the president assigns them. • The press secretary heads a staff that handles relations with the press corps, sets up press conferences, and issues public statements. • Recent presidents have given top White House staff more authority over policymaking.

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