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Discover the significance of Proverbs 7:1-5 in safeguarding your marriage against common pitfalls. Learn how identifying and addressing sins like pride, selfishness, dishonesty, and infidelity can strengthen your bond. Protect your relationship through communication, intimacy, companionship, and spousal support tailored to each partner's needs. Embrace honesty, admiration, family commitment, and shared aspirations to foster a lasting and fulfilling marital union. ###
Affair-ProofYour Marriage Proverbs 7:1-5
God-Given Goals of Marriage • Procreation, Gen 1:28; 4:1 • Purity, Heb 13:4; Gen 2:25; 1 Cor 7:2 • Partnership, Gen 2:18, 23-24; 1 Pet 3:7 Matthew 19:6 2
Identify the ProblemRecognize the Sins that Strain and Destroy Marriages • Pride, Prov 15:25; 28:25 • Selfishness, cf. Gal 6:2 • Dishonesty, Eph 4:25; Gal 4:16 • Infidelity, Heb 13:4; Prov 6:32-35 3
Protect Your Marriage! • First, know the danger is real, 1 Cor 6:18; 10:8, 12; 15:33; Jas 1:14 • Next, fully commit yourself to God and to your spouse, Mal 2:14; Prov 2:16-17 (1 Jno 3:18) • Then, combine knowledge and practice, Col 1:9-10 5
Knowledge and Practice“If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them” (Jno 13:17) • If knowledge is power, then knowing each other (and yourself) will give you power to excel in your marriage, 1 Peter 3:7 • God gave Eve to Adam (and Adam to Eve) to help fulfill needs, Gen 2:18, 24 • When our spouse’s needs are not fulfilled there is trouble in paradise! 6
Affair-Proof Your Marriage Her Needs His Needs SEXUAL FULFILLMENT Prov 5:15-20 Vow of faithfulness, Prov 2:17 His greater sex drive puts responsibility on the wife (with-out resentment), 1 Cor 7:3-5 • AFFECTIONSS 2:6, 10-14; Col 3:19 • Expression of care • Security, protection, comfort & approval (Vital) 1) “You are important to me” 2) “I am concerned with the problems you face” 7 www.marriagebuilders.com
Affair-Proof Your Marriage Her Needs His Needs RECREATIONAL COMPANIONSHIPGen 2:18; Eccl 9:9 Do not “go your separate ways” Share life together Protects against investing time and energy in another • CONVERSATIONCol 4:6; Prov 15:23 • Good conversation • Informs, focuses, is balanced and undivided • Conversation killers • Demands are made • Disrespect is shown • One or both get angry • Dwell on mistakes 8 www.marriagebuilders.com
Affair-Proof Your Marriage Her Needs His Needs AN ATTRACTIVE SPOUSE, SS 4:9-11 He is enraptured by your appearance, voice, smell…beautiful to him! She cares how she presents herself to him (and to the world) Only has eyes for you, Prov 6:23-25 • HONESTY AND OPENNESS, 2 Cor 8:21 • Establishes a sense of security, Eph 4:25 • Trust is undermined without it • Builds compatibility of common goals, aspirations, etc. 9 www.marriagebuilders.com
Affair-Proof Your Marriage Her Needs His Needs DOMESTIC SUPPORTProv 31:10-12 (13-26), 23 Manages the house, 1 Tim 5:14 Worthy woman who watches over the ways of her household – worthy of praise! (Prov 31:27-29) • FINANCIAL SUPPORT1 Tim 5:8 • Support that helps her be secure and content • Not greediness and covetousness, Heb 13:5; 1 Ths 4:11 10 www.marriagebuilders.com
Affair-Proof Your Marriage Her Needs His Needs ADMIRATIONSS 5:10-16; Eph 5:33; Prov 21:9 (19:13) Show him you appreciate him and his devotion to you Express your respect with esteem; not contentious complaining • FAMILY COMMITMENTEph 6:4; Prv 3:1-2; 22:6 • Husband who is active in the development of the children (moral, spiritual, educational) • Husband who takes responsibility for how the children turn out 11 www.marriagebuilders.com
His Needs, Her Needs • Men, ask yourself: “How am I doing at affair-proofing my marriage and fulfilling these five primary needs of my wife?" • Women, ask yourself: “How am I doing at affair-proofing my marriage and fulfilling these five primary needs of my husband?" Ephesians 5:33 12