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Moving From Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook

About this module. This is the second of three training modules to describe the process for moving to Exchange, introduce you to the features available in Exchange and provide information about using OutlookYou may take Module 3: A Closer Look at Outlook" after you complete this module, wait unt

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Moving From Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook

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    1. Moving From Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook Module 2: An Outlook Overview

    2. About this module… This is the second of three training modules to describe the process for moving to Exchange, introduce you to the features available in Exchange and provide information about using Outlook You may take “Module 3: A Closer Look at Outlook” after you complete this module, wait until you have been migrated from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange, or both.

    3. About this module… This module introduces Microsoft Outlook and highlights the similarities and differences between Outlook and Lotus Notes Topics covered include:  Getting Familiar with Outlook 2007 About Emails Calendar Basics Contacts The To-Do Bar This module will take approximately 15 minutes to complete

    4. About this module… By the end of this course, you should: Understand the basics of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Know where to find your mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks using Outlook Know about the different types of calendar entries Be better prepared for the migration from Lotus Notes to Outlook

    5. Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Getting Familiar with Outlook 2007

    6. Getting Familiar Oh My! Outlook 2007 looks very different from Lotus Notes… However, Microsoft Outlook has many of the same features as Lotus Notes.

    7. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    8. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    9. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    10. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    11. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    12. Getting Familiar The Outlook 2007 window has several areas in which you work with items such as:

    13. Chapter 2 Chapter 2: About Emails

    14. About Emails: Creating Creating an email in Outlook is very similar to creating one in Lotus Notes Please note that only Microsoft Exchange users will appear in the “Global Address List” This will be discussed further in Module 3

    15. About Emails: Attachments An email and all of its attachments cannot be larger than 20mb

    16. About Emails: Attachments There are some types of attachments that will not download or be viewable in Outlook

    17. About Emails: Attachments If you receive an email with one of these attachments, Outlook will notify you… If it is business related, you can then request the sender to send you the attachment in another format.

    18. About Emails: Your Email Address Your email alias (firstname.lastname@duke.edu) will not change… It will continue to be your primary Duke email address Mail sent to your email alias will be delivered to Exchange If you have an ACPUB email account (netid@duke.edu), your mail will be forwarded to your Exchange account ACPUB accounts will be decommissioned in the future

    19. About Emails: Your Email Address Notes addresses like yourid@notes.duke.edu and yourid@mc.duke.edu will continue to work after the migration… However, you should not use those Notes addresses or netid@duke.edu any longer since they will not work at some future date. Change any lists or groups you have joined to use your Duke email alias (firstname.lastname@duke.edu) Notify your contacts to use your Duke email alias

    20. Using Folders Your current Lotus Notes folders and their contents will be transferred to Exchange during the migration... But what if you want to create new ones in Outlook? You can create new folders in any section of Outlook including your Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, or Notes!

    21. Using Folders

    22. Using Folders

    23. Chapter 3 Chapter 3: Calendar Basics

    24. Calendar Basics

    25. Calendar Basics

    26. Calendar Basics: Appointments

    27. Calendar Basics: Meetings

    28. Calendar Basics: Events

    29. Calendar Basics: Tasks

    30. Calendar Basics: Reminders

    31. Chapter 4 Chapter 4: Contacts

    32. Contacts Contacts are similar to the “Address Book” in Lotus Notes Contacts can include the name, company, address, email, phone, job title of a person, and more…

    33. Chapter 5 Chapter 5: The To-Do Bar

    34. The To-Do Bar The To-Do Bar is located at the far right of the window

    35. The To-Do Bar

    36. The To-Do Bar

    37. The To-Do Bar

    38. The To-Do Bar

    39. Appendix I Appendix I: Common Questions

    40. Common Questions Yes. Prior to migration, though, you must remove everyone’s access to your calendar and mail file You will be given instructions later on how to add them in Outlook

    41. Common Questions The Lotus Notes databases will continue to work the same way they did prior to the migration You will need to open Lotus Notes and access the information in the same way you did before the move to Exchange

    42. Common Questions Yes. The way you access the information will change somewhat Instructions for accessing shared mailboxes and calendars will be provided at a later time

    43. Common Questions Yes. You can access your mail, calendar, and contacts using Internet Explorer Go to http://exchange.oit.duke.edu/ Login as <netid>@win.duke.edu and enter your netid password

    44. Common Questions Yes. You can access your mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks

    45. Additional Resources Full Screen Review the Demonstration Clip Creating a New Memo Helpful Handouts Blocked Attachments Additional Training Module 3: A Closer Look at Outlook Useful Quick Reference Handouts Microsoft’s Public, Online Training Microsoft’s Special Duke E-Learning Courses

    46. Thank You! You have now completed Module 2: An Outlook Overview You may close out of this window.

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