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Topics: Astronomy and Bible of Creation. Text: Psalm 8:3-9 Singx Nzung 8:3-9 Please turn off your cell phone. December 2, 2007. 1 O Ziouv, yie mbuo nyei Ziouv aac, meih nyei mbuox gengh hlo! haic buangv lungh ndiev. Ceng meih nyei qiex, mbui taux gu'nguaaic lungh. 2 Fu'jueiv caux
Topics: Astronomy and Bible of Creation Text: Psalm 8:3-9 Singx Nzung 8:3-9 Please turn off your cell phone. December 2, 2007
1 O Ziouv, yie mbuo nyei Ziouv aac, meih nyei mbuox gengh hlo! haic buangv lungh ndiev. Ceng meih nyei qiex, mbui taux gu'nguaaic lungh. 2 Fu'jueiv caux gu'nguaaz heuc jienv ceng Ziouv. Meih liepc dorngx wuonv nyei mbungh meih nyei win-wangv, bun ngaengc meih caux oix jaauv siouh wuov deix dingh njiec. 1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
3 Yie cau hmien mangc lungh, buatc meih longc buoz zeix daaih nyei ga'naaiv, buatc hlaax caux hleix, se Ziouv ganh bun maaih ganh nyei dorngx yiem. 4 Meih funx Baamh mienh benx haaix nyungc cingx jangx taux ninh? Funx seix zaangc mienh benx haaix nyungc cingx daaih goux ninh? 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
5 Meih bun ninh zoux gauh aiv yiem tin-dorngh nyei fin-mienh yaac taaih ninh, bun ninh maaih njang-laangc weic zoux hungh ningv. 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 Meih paaiv ninh gunv meih nyei buoz zeix daaih nyei nyungc-nyungc, zungv orn ninh zoux ziouv gunv maanc muotc, bun nyungc-nyungc yiem ninh nyei zaux-ndiev. 7 se gunv yietc zungv ngongh caux yungh, caux yiem lomc nyei hieh zoih. 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field,
8 yiem ndaamv-lungh nyei norqc, yiem koiv nyei mbiauz, caux yiem koiv mingh mingh daaih daaih nyei yietc zungv ga'naaiv. 9 O Ziouv, yie mbuo nyei Ziouv aac, meih nyei mbuox gengh hlo! haic buangv lungh ndiev. 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Introduction –Biux Mengh Waac Bible declare God is the Creator of universe. Ging-Sou biux mengh Tin-Hungh dongh zeix maanc muotc wuov dauh Ziouv. Maiv gunv mbuo nyei m’zing mangc maiv buatc Tin-Hungh mv baac mbuo buatc Tin-Hungh zeix daaih nyei ga’naaiv ziouc hiuv duqv maaih Tin-Hungh aqv. (Lomaa 1:20-23 – Romans 1:20-23)
JOHNNES KEPLER 1571-1630 ASTRONOMY LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION “I had the intention of becoming theologian…but now I see how God is, by my endeavours, also glorified in astronomy, for “the heavens declare the glory of God.” “I am a Christian.” “I believe…only and alone in the service of Jesus Christ.. In Him is all refuge, all solace.”
1. Kepler’s first law of planetary motion: Each Planet moves about the sun in an orbit that is an ellipse. The sun is at one focus of the ellipse. 2. Kepler’s second law of planetary motion: The straight line joining a planet with the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal amounts of time. This means that the planet travels faster when it is closer to the sun.
Earth Venus Mercury
Heavens Declare God's glory Psalm 19:1 Lungh zunh Tin-Hungh nyei njang-laangc Singx Nzung 19:1
I. Koi-Tin Liepc Deic Jauv - The Creation 1. The Theistic of evolution • Domh mbeux cuotv daaih (Big Bang) • Naaiv norm lungh ndiev (Universe 12 – 15 billion years old) 2. Ging-Sou Njaaux Nyei Jauv – Biblical model • Tin-Hungh gorngv waac hnangv, naaiv norm lungh ndiev ziouc cuotv daaih aqv (God spoke the universe into existence). • Naaiv norm lungh ndiev Tin-Hungh zeix cuotv daaih maiv gaengh lauh (Young universe). • Tin-Hungh zeix hleix daaih (God created the stars).
SIR ISAAC NEWTON 1642-1727 Law of Gravity and Laws of Motion “All my discoveries have been made in answer to prayer.” “I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.” “Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. “This did not happen by chance.”
A. What does the science teaches? ? What Does The Bible Teaches • Ndau nyei qiex sorqv jienv fai baeng jienv hlaax. (Earth’s force of gravity pulls on the moon) • Hlaax fongv daux nqang.The moon pulls back on the earth (Newton’s 3rd law of motion) Yesu bouh jienv maanc muotc (Ko^lo^si 1:15-17) Jesus hold all things together(Colossians 1:15-17).
B. Earth – Moon Distances 1,000 years ago 125 feet closer 1 million years ago 28.4 miles closer 10 million years ago 284 miles closer 100 million years ago 2,840 miles closer 1 billion years ago 28,400 miles closer 1.4 billion years ago contact
C. Recession of the Moon Hlaax leih ndau ndongc haaix go nyei jauv Distance from Earth today 1.4 bya 1.0 bya Time
D. Origin of the Moon Creation Model Ndau caux hlaax dongh wuov deix ziangh hoc zeix daaih. The earth and moon formed at the same time from debris orbiting the sun. Problem Sic se ndau caux hlaax ganh nyungc chemically. The earth and moon are different chemically
E. Origin of the Moon A. Snyder Ruzicka and L. A. Taylor, “Giant Impact and Fission Hypotheses for the origin of the moon: a critical review of some geochemical evidence, International Geology Review, 1998, p. 851. “The origin of the moon is still unresolved.” Haih porv duqv longx jiex se hlaaxzeix daaih duqv 6,000 hnyaangx hnangv.(TDD. 1:16) The best explanation is that the moon was created in its present orbit about 6,000 years ago (GEN. 1:16).
G. Hlaax Nyei Njang - Comets • Se gorngv solar system duqv ziex ziux hnyaangx gox nor, hlaax nyei njang zungv maiv maaih aqv. If the solar system is billions of years old, then “long period” comets should not exist. • The evolution model postulates that they are being replaced – the Oort cloud • Problems with the Oort cloud • It has never been observed • There is NO evidence that it exists • Not enough mass in the hypothetical Oort cloud
H. The Age of the Sun 40% Brighter • Mba’hnoi njang nyei qaqv. Energy by thermonuclear fusion • Mba’hnoi horpc zuqc gauh njang naaiv. The core of the sun should alter and the sun should grow brighter with age. • Se gorngv mba’hnoi 4.6 horpc zuqc ninh nyei 40%. If the sun is 4.6 byo, it should have brightened by about 40%.
F. Njang Nyei Jauv - Comets Njang lauh (Long-period comets) Njang maiv lauh (Short-period comets)
I. The Sun and Life Earth average temperature (59 F or 15 C) A 25% increase in brightness increases the average temperature by about 32O F (18O C) (59o – 32o = 27oF (Average temperature)
J. Evidences for a Young Universe Supernova remnants (SNRs) Crab Nebula Light from the supernova reached the earth in 1054
K. Galaxy Formation Hleix guanh huingx nzuonx Spiral Galaxy M101 Hleix gu’nyuoz maaih wuom-nziaaux M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy
L. Galaxy Formation The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy, 1994, p. 172. “Galaxies must have condensed out of the gases expanding from the big bang….Yiem hleix mbeux cuotv faatv mingh buangh lungh. Why is this any more scientific than. Weic haaix diuc kauv kor nyei mienh maiv haih gorngv: Yiem jiex gorngv wuov zanc Tin-Hungh zeix. In the beginning God created…
Tin-Hungh zeix ndau yiem 1 hnoi. God created the earth on day 1:(Tin Deic Douh 1:1) – (Genesis 1:1) Tin-Hungh zeix mba’hnoi,hlaax, caux hleix yiem 4 hnoi. The sun, moon, and stars on day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19) II. Science And Bible
Two models Evidence of age Origin of stars Scientific evidence and the Bible Evidence Scientific evidence of Creation
A. The Origin of Stars And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16 16 Tin-Hungh zeix cuotv i norm domh njang daaih. Hlo wuov norm ninh bun gunv lungh hnoi zanc. Faix wuov norm gunv lungh muonz zanc. Ninh aengx zeixhleix cuotv daaih aqv (Tin Deic Douh 1:16).
B. God Created Stars “Lift your eyes and look and to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and Mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Isaiah 40:26 “Meih mbuo cau hmien mangc gu’nguaaic, haaix dauh zeix naaiv deix ga’naaiv? Se dongh dorh hleix-guanh ziux soux mouc cuotv daaih, yaac heuc norm-norm nyei mbuox wuov dauh. Weic ninh henv haic nyei domh qaqv ziouc maiv caa yietc norm hleix.” I^saa^yaa 40:26
“Yie cau hmien mangc lungh, buatc meih longc buoz zeix daaih nyei ga’naaiv, buatc hlaax caux hleix, se Ziouv ganh bun maaih ganh nyei dorngx yiem” (Singx Nzung 8:3). When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained (Psalms 8:3)
The Origin of Stars • (Ex 20:11) For in six days…Juqv hnoi. • (Ps 19:1) The heavens declare the glory of God. Lungh zunh yaanghTin-Hungh nyei njang-laangc. • (Ps 33:6) By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them. Weic Tin-Hungh nyei waac, lungh ndau caux nyungc-nyungc yiem gu’nyuoz nyei ga’naaiv duqv zeix cuotv daaih. • (Ps 148:5) For he commanded, and they were created. Tin-Hungh hatc nyungc-nyungc ziouc cuotv daaih aqv.
Evidence of God Created Stars Kungx meih ganh nduqc dauh zoux Ziouv. Meih zeix lungh, caux hlang jiex nyei lungh, caux yiem lungh nyei zuangx hleix. Meih zeix baamh gen caux baamh gen nyei maanc muotc. Zeix koiv caux yiem koiv nyei yietc zungv ga'naaiv. Meih bun maanc muotc maaih maengc ziangh jienv. Lungh zaangc nyei yietc zungv ga'naaiv buoqc zaangc meih (Ne^haa^mie 9:3). Thou, even thou, are Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host (Nehemiah 9:3)
Evidence of Bible “Se yie zeix baamh gen yaac zeix mienh daaih yiem baamh gen. Yie ganh nyei buoz corng lungh yaac hatc ziangx yiem wuov nyei zuangx hleix.” (I^saa^yaa 45:12) “I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their hosts have I commanded (Isaiah 45:12)
(John 1:3) All things were made by him. • Nyungc-nyungc ga’naaiv ninh zeix daaih( Yo^han 1:3) • (Rev 4:11) … “For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” • Laauc Yaangh 4:11…. “Weic zuqc meih zeix maanc muotc cuotv daaih. Maanc muotc ei meih nyei eix duqv zeix cuotv daaih, yaac duqv ziangh jienv.”
Is stellar formation by natural processes compatible with Scripture? No! Weic Tin-Hungh nyei waac, lungh ndiev caux hleix ziouc zeix cuotv daaih aqv (Tin Deic Douh 1:1-29; 2 Bide 3:5-7). It is by the Word of the Lord that the universe and stars were created (Genesis 1:1-29; 2 Peter 3:5-7).
“Meih mbuo cau hmien mangc gu’nguaaic, haaix dauh zeix naaiv deix ga’naaiv? Se dongh dorh hleix-guanh ziux soux mouc cuotv daaih, yaac heuc norm-norm nyei mbuox wuov dauh. Weic ninh henv haic nyei domh qaqv ziouc maiv maaih yietc norm hleix laaih ziqc.” “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Isaiah 40:26
Star Formation and Time 100 Billion x 200 Billion • 100 billion galaxies (1011) • 200 billion stars per galaxy (2x1011) 1 trillion stars per year • 2.7 billion stars per day • 31,700 stars per second