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High Middle Ages:

High Middle Ages:. The Rise of Commerce, Cities & Culture. Rise of Trade, Towns & Cities. What happened to lead to the rise of trade, towns and cities? Crusades! (add bullet) Changes in Farming Commercial Revolution. Changes in Farming. A warmer climate meant more land to farm

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High Middle Ages:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. High Middle Ages: The Rise of Commerce, Cities & Culture

  2. Rise of Trade, Towns & Cities • What happened to lead to the rise of trade, towns and cities? • Crusades! (add bullet) • Changes in Farming • Commercial Revolution

  3. Changes in Farming • A warmer climate meant more land to farm • Switch to horsepower • Three-field system yields more food production • More food production = Bigger population

  4. Commercial Revolution • 3 Changes: • Development of Guilds • Expansion of Trade/Fairs • Development of Business and Banking

  5. Development of Guilds • Guild: organization of individuals in the same business working to improve economic and social conditions of members

  6. Development of Guilds • Cons: • Set prices • No competition • Pros: • Set standards for quality of work • Set wages • Provided training • Regulated working conditions • Provided support for members • Gave back to town

  7. Development of Guilds • Rules of a British Merchant Guild: • No one in the city shall buy anything to sell again in the same city unless he is a member of the guild • If anyone does so and is convicted, the goods he bought must be turned over to the king • If any guildsman falls into poverty and is not able to work, he shall receive aid from the guild • No guild member ought to become a business partner with anyone who does not belong to the guild • When a guildsman dies, all those who belong to the guild shall attend the service, and guildsmen shall carry the body to place of burial

  8. Development of Guilds • Apprentice System: • Apprentice: worked for master without pay to learn skills • Journeyman: worked for daily pay; submitted work to master for approval • Master: artisans who owned their own shop/tools and employed less-skilled workers

  9. Trade/Fairs • Trade took place in towns • Fairs were held several times of year and last 4-6 weeks • Goods from all over the world were exchanged

  10. Business and Banking • Needed common medium of exchange • Development of banking - “Banca” means money changers table • Created capital: wealth earned, saved and invested

  11. Growth of Cities/Towns • Resulted from: • Serfs leaving the manor for opportunities • The revival of trade • Strong monarchies to protect

  12. Growth of Towns/Cities • Developed: • Beside well-traveled roads, near transfer points or waterways

  13. Growth of Cities/Towns • Conditions: • Crowded • Filthy • Violent and noisy

  14. Impact of Commercial Revolution • Rise of middle class leads to decline of Feudalism • Revival of trade leads to rapid spread of Black Death • Revival of trade spawns revival of culture and learning

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