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Stylish Dressing Up with all-around good looks Tutorial

Explore a comprehensive tutorial (IE 1225) on setting angles and constructing elements for a stylish attire. Master the art of profiling and pattern building, carefully applying constraints to save time. Create intricate patterns and detailed designs, learning to mirror and groove effectively. Dive into creating pockets, circular patterns, keyed holes, and slots with precision. Experiment with rectangular arrays and parameter adjustments while ensuring the safety of your work. A seriously cool journey in designing attire awaits you!

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Stylish Dressing Up with all-around good looks Tutorial

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dressing Up “Using our All-Around Good Looks” IE 1225 Tutorial 3.7 R. Lindeke

  2. Set the Lines at the Complement of the Angles Shown at this step in the tutorial: (86.538 & 83.077 respectively)

  3. While Profiling – Use Computed Angles – Set Lengths for the ‘top-arc’ Note the Construction Elements (circles and lines)

  4. Be careful while working it out – Set the Angles as CONSTRAINTS after profiling (last to be sure)!

  5. Seriously COOL! – But Reverse Direction! Hum … Better save here – too much time is invested!

  6. After Mirroring: (about ZX Plane)

  7. Build Constrained Rectangle – ‘Groove’ it using H-Axis

  8. Making another Circular Pattern: Pick the Pocketed Slot as Object – and Top face of the Pad of the (original) tooth as reference element

  9. Build this sketch – Then Quick Trim to get Pocket Patterns – Pocket up to last – And Mirror about ZX plane

  10. For the “Keyed Hole” – sketch the circle – add a rectangle – constrain it then quick trim the circle inside the rectangle and the rectangle inside the circle!

  11. Build the Slot (draw and constrain a rectangle) – then Pocket it build a ‘Rectangular’ Array with 5x2 elements

  12. After Getting the “Correct” Rectangular Pattern – play around with parameters and see the effect – but be careful – save your part before embarking on this trip!!!

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