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School uniform

Our Lady of the Rosary College. OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR . School uniform. Winter : Uniform P.E. Uniform Summer : Uniform P.E. Uniform Cardigan Blazer. Our Lady of the Rosary College. OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR .

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School uniform

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  1. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR School uniform Winter : UniformP.E. Uniform Summer : Uniform P.E. Uniform Cardigan Blazer

  2. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Winter Uniform • The skirt should be kept at a proper length: The distance between the hem of the skirt and the floor should not be more than 8cm when she kneels down. • Student should wear short or calf-length, dark blue socks in winter.

  3. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Winter P.E. Uniform • Students should wear P.E. uniform to school for P.E. lessons in winter.

  4. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Winter P.E. Uniform • Students should wear P.E. tracksuits to school for P.E. lessons in winter.

  5. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Winter P.E. Uniform • Students should wear short white socks. • Students should wear PURE white sports shoes.

  6. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Summer Uniform • Students should keep school uniform tidy and clean. • The skirt should be kept at a proper length: The distance between the hem of the skirt and the floor should not be more than 8cm when she kneels down.

  7. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Summer Uniform • Students should wear short white socks in summer. • Students should wear students’ black leather shoes with heels under 3.5 cm and over 1 cm.

  8. Summer Uniform • Students are not allowed to wear these types of shoes. These loose-fitting shoes are not suitable for teenagers.

  9. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Summer P.E. Uniform • Students should wear short white socks in summer. • Students should wear P.E. uniform and sports shoes only during P.E. lessons and change back to normal uniform afterwards in summer. • P.E. uniform and sports shoes should be carried back home after school.

  10. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Cardigan • Students can wear cardigans in both summer and winter • Students should take off cardigans when the temperature is 28°C or above.

  11. Our Lady of the Rosary College OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR OLR Blazer • Students should wear school blazers when the temperature is 13°C or below.

  12. Supplementary reminders on the regulationson students' uniform and appearances • Hair tidiness : • Hair styles should be simple and tidy. • Hair below shoulder should be properly - plaited, pinned or controlled. • Use of gel, colorings, mousse and hair spray is not allowed. • Hairpins and ribbons must be small, simple, discreet and only in pure pink, white, navy blue and black. The numbers of hairpins used should be reasonable (for instance 5 – 6 pins) • Very short boyish hairstyles are not allowed. • Studs : Studs must be small and they must be worn in a pair, with one on each side. • Glasses : - The lenses must be colourless. • - Frames for glasses are in single colour mainly. • - The style of the glasses should be proper. • Make-up : Make-up and lipstick are not allowed. • Ornaments : Rings and bracelets are not allowed. If necessary, a gold-plated necklace with one pendant is allowed. • Finger nails : Nails should be kept short and clean. Nail polish is not allowed.

  13. Uniform : The length of uniform must not exceed 8 cm from the floor when kneeling. • Uniform for Outings / Sports Wear • Winter : school tracksuits with House T-Shirts and white sports shoes. • Summer : house T-shirts with School tracksuit trousers and white sports shoes. • School blazer • Students can wear school tracksuit trousers or school uniform (dress) when the temperature is 13oC or below (even on days without PE lessons). • However, all students must wear the school blazer to school when the temperature is 13oC or below. • School sweaters • Only school sweaters can be worn. • The length of students’ sweaters should not exceed the length of their arms making a fist in a downward position. • If the sweater is too long, the excess length must be hemmed up.

  14. Socks : • Short (at least reach the ankle) white socks with summer uniform • Blue socks with winter uniform. (Can wear skin-colored pantyhose if the weather is cold) • Only socks with no logos or colored patterns are allowed. • Shoes : • Plain black leather shoes with heels not less than 1 cm or not more than 3.5 cm. (suitable for school students) • Pure white sport shoes must be worn for P.E. lessons. • Badges : • House badges must be worn by all students throughout their stay in school. • Only school approved badges are allowed. • Scarfs :Scarfs must be in pure blue, white or black without logos or colored patterns. • Others : No perfume is allowed. • Punishment : • A black mark will be given to any student who violates rules on students' uniform 5 times. • Any student, who after receiving a black mark, continues to break the regulations 3 more times will be given another black mark thereafter.

  15. 校服與儀表補充條款 (一)頭髮: 1.髮型必須端莊,不得標奇立異及予人誇張的感覺。 2.髮長及膊,必須將全部頭髮束起。 3.不得染髮或配戴假髮。 (二)頭飾: 簡單樸素,顏色必須是純白、粉紅、黑或深寶藍色。 (三)耳環:1.款式必須細小樸素,形狀不限。 2.每隻耳朵只可穿戴一隻耳環。 3.若穿戴耳環,必須穿戴一對顏色及款式完全相同的耳環。 (四)眼鏡: 1.鏡片必須透明、無顏色。 2.眼鏡框的顏色須以單色為主,款式亦須簡單樸素。 3.不得配戴標奇立異或顏色誇張的眼鏡。 (五)面部: 不得化粧及塗口紅或有色潤唇膏。 (六)飾物: 1.不得配戴任何飾物,如介指、手鍊等。 2.如有必要戴頸鍊,只可戴幼身金屬頸鍊一條及鍊墜一個。 3.使用髮夾不得超過六隻。 (七)手指甲: 必須短而清潔,不得塗指甲油。

  16. (八)校裙: 校裙不應過短。跪下時,裙腳不得離地超越8公分。 (九)運動服/出外服裝: 冬天:體育課上衣、運動制服套裝、純白色運動鞋。 夏天:體育課上衣、運動制服長褲、純白色運動鞋。 (十)校褸: 如氣溫在攝氏13 度或以下,(無論是否有體育課節)同學 可改穿運動服代替校裙以保溫暖。 但無論選擇運動服或校裙,同學必須穿著校褸回校。 (十一)毛衫:必須穿著有校徽的普藍色毛衫。 毛衫長度不可超過兩手垂直兩旁時拳頭的位置。 如毛衫要摺起才符合標準,應用針線縫好摺起的部分。 應穿著稱身的毛衫,碼數不應過大。 (十二)襪: 夏季:必須穿著純白色及過腳眼的短襪。 冬季:必須穿著純深普藍色及過腳眼的短襪。 (十三)鞋: 1.款式必須簡單、樸素而合規格的純黑色學生皮鞋。 2.鞋跟不得超過3.5公分或少於1公分。 3.上體育課只准穿著純白色運動鞋。

  17. (十四)襟章:必須配戴社章或校方認可配戴之襟章。(十四)襟章:必須配戴社章或校方認可配戴之襟章。 (十五)頸巾:純白色,藍色或黑色。不得有標誌或圖案。 (十六)其他:不得塗香水。 處罰方法: 學生校服儀表違規被記名五次,記缺點一個; 被記缺點後再被記名三次者,則再次記缺點一個。


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