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Eco housing in India the context, issues and strategies UNEP Regional Expert Group Meeting on Eco houses/cities. Mili Majumdar Fellow and Area Convenor Centre for Research on Sustainable Building Sciences TERI, New Delhi. Preview. Resource concerns globally and in India
Eco housing in Indiathe context, issues and strategiesUNEP Regional Expert Group Meeting on Eco houses/cities Mili Majumdar Fellow and Area Convenor Centre for Research on Sustainable Building Sciences TERI, New Delhi
Preview • Resource concerns globally and in India • Ongoing initiative in incorporating energy and resource efficiency in housing sector • Macro level- Eco housing initiative at city level (Pune)
Ecological footprint-to measure people’s natural resource consumption • Humanity’s ecological footprint grew by about 160% from 1961-2001 • Ecological footprint in 2001 was about 2.2 global hectare per person
Water footprints • Global water use doubled between 1961-2001,domestic use grew by more than four fold • High income countries used about 1000 cu m water per person, twice as much as middle and low income countries, on average. Living planet report 2004 ,wwf
Current and future scenario in energy use in residential sector • Biomass and waste represent 85% of energy demand in residential sector • Biomass and waste would be increasingly displaced by coal and oil. • Electricity’s share in residential consumption will reach 15% in 2030,reflecting an increase in electrification from 44% of population in 2002 to 68% in 2030. Source: World energy outlook 2004, International energy agency
Water a study in Class I cities of a few Indian states show that 56-68% of these cities receive less that 100 lpcd of water Other environmental concerns • Air and water pollution • Depleting green cover • Health risks
Challenges • Creation of suitable policy environment at national and regional level • Identification of suitable technological options. • Awareness/capacity building of stakeholders • Incentives /financing • Access to markets for efficient products • Commercial viability
Policy framework • Ministry of Power has set up a Bureau of Energy Efficiency to develop energy codes for buildings (currently codes for commercial buildings under development) • Ministry of Environment and forests mandates environmental clearance for large construction projects • Ministry of Non conventional energy sources provides incentives to projects using renewable forms of energy • “Power for all” by 2012: Rural electrification is the priority of the government
Eco housing initiative in Pune A project undertaken in partnership with USAEP (with seed funding for specific activities), Pune Municipal Corporation (local government body) , NGOs, research organisations, finance bodies and builders
Pune: Fast growing city Residential area of 147 sq. km Earlier a low rise, low density city being transformed into high rise high density city Increasing energy, water demand and increased generation of waste PUNE
WHAT IS ECO HOUSING ? E: Environment Friendly C: Conservation of Resources (energy,water) O: Optimize the Cost of Urban Living
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To popularize and facilitate the creation of Energy efficient , eco friendly residential housing and develop and promote models of urban community.
The objectives will be achieved by • Creating an enabling environment for Eco-Housing through strategic stakeholder partnerships on the supply and demand side of the housing and finance market • Capturing the benefits of Eco-Housing designs and financial mechanisms by integration into a demonstration project, and • A time-bound scale-up and mainstreaming plan with adequate financial institutional support.
Increasing benefits with engagement of expanding value chain 40 % savings in energy use for water pumping Increasing Accrued Benefits of Eco-Housing Global Environment Region/State Savings in water consumption: 960 MLD to 550 MLD for a Class “B” city in India City Scale up Municipality/Utility Community Savings in water consumption: 600 lpcpd to 300 lpcpd per family Neighborhood House Accrued Benefits PROGRAM RATIONALE
PARTNERSHIP Builders Research Inst. Architects Environmental firms Financial Institutes Other donor organization NGOs (ALM) Municipal Corporations
Activities The main activities of this initiative in the first year are • Formulation of technical criteria for development of eco houses. • Support the formation of financing packages • Showcase a model Eco-Housing residential sector project. The subsequent objectives of this initiative is to develop a long term plan for partnering with other organizations, to build capacity of architects and developers so as to support entrepreneurship in Eco-Housing.
Key interventions to address the challenges • Engagement of Stakeholders • Development of Eco-Housing Performance Assessment Tools • Effecting Policy Changes • Fiscal and Financial Incentives • Developing a Sustainable Institutional Mechanism • Demonstration Projects • Training and Capacity BuildingPromotion
Actions so far • Local municipal body has opened an eco housing cell within its structure to facilitate eco-housing • Local body is already taking initiative to mandate the following: • Rain water harvesting • Use of recycled water for space cooling • Waste water treatment plant for large colonies • Specified green areas • Solar water heating system for housing colonies • Technical criteria for development of eco housing has been drafted • Website set up for information dissemination • Study tours to international eco housing projects have been undertaken. • Awards for eco buildings/industries/ housing/ organisations promoting eco projects have been instituted through local private bodies. • Partners and roles in main streaming eco housing have been formalised.
Focus areas in development of technical criteria • Site selection and impact on biodiversity • Environmental Architecture • Eco friendly construction practices and material • Water conservation, recycle and reuse, rain water harvesting • Decentralized sewage treatment, recycle and reuse. • Solid waste management best practices and technology adopted to achieve zero garbage • Utilization of renewable and energy efficient technology
Site planning • Appropriate site selection • Preservation and protection of soil, plant cover , water table • Provision for basic amenities on site • Appropriate storm water management, erosion control
Lighting energy efficiency can bring about 20% energy savings over conventional systems
Solar water heating system would meet 91% of water heating demand
Energy efficiency at site level • Energy efficient site lighting • Solar lighting • Appropriate planning of services to reduce pumping energy e g gravity sewer • Reduce transportation lengths to reduce vehicular movements
Orientation for solar access/shading to avoid direct radiataion Shading analysis to determine window shading
Daylight integration by appropriate design to cut down on lighting requirements in houses • Embodied energy content to be reduced by using industrial waste as construction material, using recyclable products, using wood substitutes and rapidly renewable materials • Resource recovery from waste
Water consumption Reduction in per capita water consumption by 25 % as compared to BIS standards of 135 l • Use of low flow fixtures and avoiding wastage and losses • Promote use of WC with dual flush system with a flow rate of 3 l and 6 l per flush • Faucets and aerators to be used for maintaining a flow rate of 2 lpm • Encourage installation of water meters and regular monitoring of usage
Water efficient fixtures 30-40% water savings Low Volume Flushing Cistern 6-7 liters /flush Sensor based Flushing Sensor based Wash Basin Taps Pressure Regulating Valve
Efficient water use for gardening • Practice efficient watering and fixed time schedules • Irrigate in the coolest part of the day (early mornings and evenings) to avoid evaporation loss and wind drift. • Reduce the frequency of irrigation during winter • Plan a water efficient landscape which is • A mix of native shrubs and trees that require no watering after establishment, and reduced lawn areas. • Group the plants based on their water needs to minimize water loss • Use efficient irrigation fixtures such as • Drip irrigation for shrubs, vegetables, ornamentals but not for grasses and groundcover. • An autoirrigation system with programmed time schedule, rain shut off device and soil moisture sensor to avoid overwatering
Water harvesting • Achieve optimum mix to recharge and storage • Reuse • Prevention of aquifer contamination
Solid waste management • Segregation at household level • Decentralised system or recycling centre for disposal of the waste with resource recovery for every 500 households • Identification of licensed agents for recyclable materials • Common composting or biomethanation plant for manure and biogas production • Identification of utilisation of compost and fuel
Other criteria • To control air pollution due to construction • Health of construction workers • Handicap access • Mixed income group housing
Longer term Sustainability Of The Project Formation of ECO-HOUSING Entrepreneur cell to work towards achieving the objectives.
Road map to success • Development of Eco-Housing Performance Assessment Tools • Pune municipal corporation to mandate certain criteria • Evolve a financially viable model • Developing a Sustainable Institutional Mechanism • Demonstration Projects • Training and Capacity BuildingPromotion
In conclusion…….. Eco housing solutions are economically viable with minimal environmental footprint which can bring about 30-50%energy savings ,30-40% water savings with reduction in…... • demand on the fossil fuels • emissions • pressure on natural resources e.g water. • waste generation