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Mission – Improve Habitat

Mission – Improve Habitat. Methodology (STRATEGY) People working out of boats. Vision – Improve Habitat. Misson People working out of boats. Vision. What is the Vision of Jesus?. Colossians 1:19-20

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Mission – Improve Habitat

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Materials prepared by Phil Frady - South Roanoke Baptist Association

  2. Mission – Improve Habitat

  3. Methodology (STRATEGY) People working out of boats

  4. Vision – Improve Habitat

  5. Misson People working out of boats

  6. Vision

  7. What is the Vision of Jesus? • Colossians 1:19-20 • For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. A World Reconciled to The Father

  8. What was Jesus’ Mission? “by Him” What was Jesus’ Method? through the blood of His cross

  9. What Then Is the Church’s Vision? The World Reconciled to the Father What is the Church’s mission? Join with Jesus to continue His Mission

  10. The Acts Description • Disciples are being made • The Gospel is being shared leading to conversion • Prayer is being made that is transformational • Worship is happening that is God focused • Acts of service are being done out of love What is a Healthy Church?

  11. The American Church Model


  13. Must be totally YOURS • Must be a vision not a dream • Rarely found without a process • Prayer • Looking around • Listening to God What is that Unifying Vision

  14. The role of the church is to equip the saints- The role of the saints is ministry

  15. In our 7 counties there are 70,000 more unchurched than 7 similar counties elsewhere In our 7 counties there are 400 fewer churches than 7 similar counties elsewhere What is the urgent task

  16. Have at it Create assessing and adjusting practices

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