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Savannah River Operations DOE-SR. A day in the Life of an Organizational Property Management Officer OPMO/PA. The Asset Revitalization Initiative at SRS. Converts excess real and related property into personal property for release through a recognized site Asset Transition Plan.
Savannah River OperationsDOE-SR A day in the Life of an Organizational Property Management Officer OPMO/PA
The Asset Revitalization Initiative at SRS Converts excess real and related property into personal property for release through a recognized site Asset Transition Plan. Program supported by a site integrated process team representative of DOE-SR, M&O, and the community. Uses a real estate license in order to provide the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization (SRSCRO) physical access to the site for asset disassembly. Work plan approval and oversight of activities are performed directly by DOE-SR staff facility and safety representatives. Process incorporates both real and personal property release requirements. Material selection provides for minimum risk to the Department. Removal schedules are developed with some flexibility for extension. Opportunity to reduce site footprint while promoting economic diversification through the SRSCRO. To date DOE-SR has released from its site infrastructure 5.1 million pounds of steam line and accessories, 4.3 million pounds of steel rail and accessories, and 3 mobile trailers (1 SW and 2 DW) to the SRSCRO under this initiative.
SRS Asset Revitalization Initiative in Action Rail Road Track Removal Steam Line Removal
SRS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) Required contractor to develop a specific property plan for managing ARRA assets, to include a disposition path and flowchart in order to show excess path and required authorizations of ARRA funded property. OPMO retention approval prior to use on any operation funded projects. Provided for transaction transparency for all Recovery Act material needs and disposal activities. Deliberately assign an ARRA Property Administrator (PA) with Contracting Officer Representative authority. PA walkthroughs/reviews are conducted on leased and purchased personal property to ensure materials acquired with ARRA funds are used for ARRA projects. Weekly and monthly status reports are generated and discussed. Any issues and recommendations are reported to the contracting officer for follow up actions and contractor response. The PA documents reviews, maintains records and has segregated all ARRA purchase review, facility walk down, and close out records in one central location for audit purposes.
Contract/Grant Close Out Concerns At SRS Lifecycle requirements are weak having no property administrator appointed or oversight plan developed during length of the contract Files difficult to re-build, property and inventory difficult to locate due to time lapse Subcontracts and their requirements are at times not clearly defined under the flow down clause whereby further delaying close out of prime. Property clause in some of the older contracts has been omitted. No property management system developed or in some cases not required. Purchase orders not available to determine acquisition value or date property was acquired. The contractor and federal contract administrator’s knowledge of the instrument is at times unfamiliar with project details and/or historical transaction data. Close out requirements are reassigned from one field office to another adding to the confusion of events.
SRS 35% Vehicle Fleet Reduction Plan In January 27, 2011 the Secretary challenged sites to reduce their vehicle fleet 35% by October 1, 2014. The 35% reduction was applied to the 2005 vehicle fleet baseline. Critical needs vehicles were omitted from the equations used. DOE EM developed a reduction plan that was sent to MA for acceptance. SRS contractors developed reduction plans and submitted to DOE-SR for inclusion into SR site specific reduction plan. Through fiscal year 2012 SRS has reduced their fleet by 172 vehicles with a cost avoidance of over $210,326. Although EM has reported reaching the Secretary’s reduction goals, SRS continues to reduce fleet numbers as outlined in our plan.
The GSA Plug in Electric Vehicle Pilot at SRS SRS has been accepted and will be participating in Phase II of the GSA's electric vehicle pilot program. Supports SRS Strategic Plan GSA provides charging station and pays incremental cost. Site pays installation cost for charging station. Vehicle utilization requires a minimum 8,000 miles per year. DOE-SR is partnering with site M&O on charging station installation cost and vehicle usage. Monthly charge same as a standard sedan. GSA obtains statistical data from charging station.
Canine Disposition and Federal Excess Opportunity When requested canines are donated to their assigned handler or other qualified individual, per 41 CFR 102-36.365. Indemnity agreement required from handler for liability purposes. Donation approval required from OPMO Canine issued to handler via a contractor's Shipping Order form Handlers unable to care for the donated canine will notify DOE-SR for disposition instructions. Recently the ashes of a cremated canine were donated per handler’s request. Recently required trade-in action on a canine that developed bad habits while handler was incapacitated due to a medical condition. Recent availability of excess explosive detection Canines from DOD Fully Immunized, no cost transfer other than transportation from Marine Corp.
Turn-in Canine Replacement for Our Beny, Introducing “Marlon”
SRS Ammunitions and Explosives Disposition Ammo obtained from DoD, (Army ) can be returned to DoD when no longer needed. Return credit for some line items. Ammo obtained from commercial sources (if not returnable to vendor) or damaged is more challenging to dispose of. ATF no longer disposes of ammo for DOE. EOD will dispose of ammo and explosives only in emergencies. No clear disposition path for commercial stock until now SRS new disposal path for commercial ammo (not returnable to vendor) and damaged ammo is Clean Harbors in Louisiana. There is a cost associated with this disposal path.
A typical DOE-SRS Day Ammo/Explosive Disposition Electric Plug in Vehicle
Essential Site Services (ESS) /G&A Personal Property Costing Out Data Reviews Requires deliberate costing out of indirect activities through a roll up work breakdown structure methodology. Personal property, equipment and chemical management, and vehicle fleet support type functions are considered ESS activities. Challenge is to ensure the overhead cost applied to projects/programs reflects actual services received. Clear financial cost accounting, disbursements, and support service functional identification are critical elements in order to validate expenses incurred.
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