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Presentation of the Health & safety at work (HSW) harmonised statistics at EU level. Seminar PHARE project on HSW statistics developed by Eurostat & the EU Member States (MS). HSW EU statistics – Situation. Eurostat together with DG Employment
Presentation of the Health & safety at work (HSW) harmonised statistics at EU level Seminar PHARE project on HSW statistics developed by Eurostat & the EU Member States (MS)
HSW EU statistics – Situation Eurostat together with DG Employment ESAW : European Statistics on Accidents at Work (>= 1993 data) EODS : European Occupational Diseases Statistics (>= 2001 data) Community Labour Force Survey (LFS): 1999 Ad-Hoc Module European Foundation for the improvement of living & working conditions • European Working Conditions Survey
HSW EU statistics – Political bases (1) ESAW : Council Directive 89/391/EEC, Article 9, § c) & d): employer shall keep list of accidents at work > 3 days + report EODS : Commission Recommendation 90/326/EEC :European schedule of occupational diseasesRevised 2002-2003 Council Decision 99/126/EC on Community Statistical Programme 1998-2002: establishment consistent series Commission Communication COM(2002) 118 final and Council Resolution 2002/C 161/01 on the new Community strategy on health & safety at work 2002–2006 COM(2002) 551 final - Structural indicators
HSW EU statistics – Political bases (2) Provide harmonised data for the monitoring of efficiency of regulations (existing Directives) / non-legislative measures in the field of HSW Provide harmonised data to identify targets for new prevention policies New Community Strategy on HSW Main goal : statistics for prevention purposes
HSW EU statistics – Types of source (1) Administrative data : ESAW : Public (e.g. Social security) or private insurance declaration 100% but not all population covered (10 MS ) Declaration to other competent authorities (e.g. Labour Inspectorate) 50% reported (5 MS + NO) EODS Insurance data (national systems : list, open system, mixed), exhaustive on recognised cases but differences in lists & recognition criteria + declaration < 100%
HSW EU statistics – Types of source (2) Surveys : LFS ad-hoc module : survey on 650 000 persons in 11 Member States + Hungary excluded : BE; FR; AUT (NL in 2001, D : partly) EU Working Conditions Survey : 2000 survey on 21 500 persons in all Member States + similar survey in Candidate Countries in 2001
ESAW methodology (3) : reporting level The numbers of the accidents at work declared (more than 3 days’ absence) are corrected on the basis of the reported levels evaluated by each M.S. to compute the ESAW estimated numbers of accidents at work occured.
ESAW methodology (5) : Phase 3 variables, defined with MS, max. compatibility with national systems, not too detailed (for prevention at EU level) Circumstances Workstation & Working environment, Working process & Specific activity + agent Causation • Deviation + agent • Contact (Mode of injury) + agent At least 4 priority variables (according priority rules)
Tools & actions developed to help the ESAW methodology Phase 3 implementation (1) • « Helper » software developed in 2000 by INAIL (Italy) with France & Portugal & participation of Spain, Ireland & UK; available in DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT; possibility of grants to develop other linguistic versions (subject to budget availability and awarding criteria) • Recommendations on the elements with statistical purposes in the declaration form of accidents at work (adopted in 2001 by the ESAW Working Group)
Tools & actions developed to help the ESAW methodology Phase 3 implementation (2) • Training CD-Rom for coders developed in 2001 by Eurogip (France) & INAIL (Italy) with Germany, Portugal & participation of Spain; available in DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT; possibility of grants to develop other linguistic versions (subject to budget availability and awarding criteria) • Implementation in Candidate Countries : Phare project involving experts who participated in phase 3 development in 1997-1999 together with the 10 M.S. institutions (“Eurogip” groups that ensured a feasable & high quality implementation)
HSW EU statistics : EODS methodology (1) (Phase 1 implemented from 2001 onwards in 14 MS - progressively harmonised data)
HSW EU statistics – Strengths & weaknesses (1) Strengths Harmonisation : variables and classifications Periodicity : annual series (since : ESAW 1993; EODS 2001) Pertinence : detailed data including causes (ESAW from 2001-2005; EODS = exposure), consequences (days lost, permanent incapacity, fatality) & diagnostic (EODS) Reliability : high causality Weaknesses Comparability : not exhaustive in all countries, though corrections made (ESAW), differences in insurance schemes Coverage : not complete (self-employed, public sector, etc.) Timeliness : publication >= reference year + 2 years
Number of accidents with > 3 days' absence (all branches) : 1994 : 4 918 066 1999 : 4 786 898 => - 2,7 % 2000 : 4 815 629 => + 0,6 % Related to workers in employment(142,2 million in 2000) : Incidence rate per 100 000 persons in employment 1994 : 4 539 1999 : 4 088 => - 9,9 % 2000 : 4 016 => - 1,8 % ESAW 1994 - 2000 : non-fatal - EU15 – 9 main branches
Number of fatal accidents(all branches) : 1994 : 6 423 1999 : 5 275=> - 17,9 % 2000 : 5 237=> - 0,7 % Incidence rate per 100 000 persons in employment : 1994 : 6,1 1999 : 4,8 => - 21,7 % 2000 : 4,6 => - 4,3 % Excluding road & transport accidents : 1999 fatalities = 3 130 => Incidence rate = 2,8 per 100 000 ESAW 1994 - 2000 : fatal - EU15 – 9 main branches
HSW EU statistics : Evolutions (1) Commission Communication COM(2002) 118 final on the new Community strategy on health & safety at work 2002–2006 “Quantified national objectives should be adopted … measured by reference to indicators using existing methods (ESAW for accidents at work, and EODS for occupational illnesses) ...” “… data must be more precise, more comparable, have fuller coverage and be available earlier ... the Commission and the Member States will have to step up ongoing work on the harmonisation of occupational accident and illness statistics.”
HSW EU statistics : Evolutions (2) Council Resolution 2002/C 161/01 on the new Community strategy on health & safety at work 2002–2006 “Calls on the Commission and the Member States to step up work in hand on harmonisation of statistics on accidents at work and occupational illnesses, so as to have available comparable data from which to make an objective assessment of the impact and effectiveness of the measures taken ...” “… Integrating the candidate countries into Community work on harmonising statistics ...”
HSW EU statistics : Evolutions (3) 1st priority : Consolidation of ESAW & EODS Full implementation of new/last phases : ESAW phase 3 on the causes of the accidents; EODS Phase 1 on occupational diseases recognised during the year & deaths occurred during the year due to recognised occupational diseases Implementation in Candidate countries : current 2003 - mid 2004 PHARE project (10 Phare countries + CY, MT & TR) Improvement : comparability, coverage, timeliness
Presentation of theHSW EU statistics END - THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Seminar PHARE project on HSW statistics developed by Eurostat & the EU Member States (MS)