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SPEECH WRITING NOTES. Mrs. Levi. Title I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Getter- Capture the audiences attention (WOW them!) B. Motivational Link- Find a Connection to audience. Why should my audience care? C. Purpose- Explain what your speech is about.
Title I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Getter- Capture the audiences attention (WOW them!) B. Motivational Link- Find a Connection to audience. Why should my audience care? C. Purpose- Explain what your speech is about. D. Preview- List the 3 main points you will be explaining in your speech II. BODY A. Main point 1 1. supporting detail 2. supporting detail Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main pt 1) now I will tell you (main pt 2) B. Main point 2 1. supporting detail 2. supporting detail Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main pt 2) now I will tell you (main pt 3) C. Main Point 3 1. supporting detail 2. supporting detail III. CONCLUSION A. Review Statement- Summarize the 3 main points from the Body B. Call to action- Motivate the audience to do something C. Final appeal- Refer to the Attention Getter and WOW them again!!! Important Notes: Speech Outline
Attention Getters • Shocking/Startling Statement- *researched *cited • Statistics*researched *cited • Story/Narrative- cited or personal or created • Quotation • According to (Author’s name), • (Author) once said, “quote here” • Vivid Description: describe 5 senses (doesn’t have to be all 5) • Reproduce Dialog or Use a Conversation • ****Rhetorical Question (thought-provoking)**** • Multiple answers, or requires thought • Refer to an Event (Historical or Current) • Hypothetical Scenario • What if….. Imagine…. • Definition- cite dictionary Other thoughts • Action- sing, dance, act, play an instrument • Create Your Own Attention Getter • HUMOR • USE A COMBINATION
How to cite sources for public speaking ALWAYS CONVERSATIONAL 1: Quotation (2 ways) 1. According to (the author), “quote” Example: According to Eleanor Roosevelt, “you must do the things you think you cannot do.” 2. (Author) once said, “quote” Example: (Eleanor Roosevelt) once said, ““you must do the things you think you cannot do.” NEVER CITE WIKIPEDIA
Website If the website is; http://www.statehealthfacts.org/profileglance.jsp?rgn=14 Example: According statehealthfacts.org,“there are over 13 thousand people on unemployment in the state of Idaho.”
SHOCKING STATEMENT • Use handout and create attention getter • Check Answer: According to fatfighterTV.com more than 23 million children and teens in the U.S. are obese, which health professionals consider an epidemic.
STATISTIC • Refer to handout and write it out • Check Answer: • One out of every 4 high school students are dropping out across the country, acorrding to statistics by boostup.org.
DEFINITION • Refer to hanout • Check Answer: • According to Merriam Websters dictionary, the defination of communication is, …….
Tricky Sites http://devstu.org/ (not conversational) Go to the webpage and look for the webpage title Example: According to the developmental studies center, “during three school years (2003–04 through 2005–06), Integrity’s students made extraordinary progress on the California Standards Tests.
STORY • Write the shorter version of the story as an Attention Getter
Motivational Link Why should the audience CARE about your topic? Make a connection to the audience. Save Money Increase Health Improve Relationships Make Money Improve Lifestyle Commonality Same Experience Safety EXAMPLES: “This affects you because…..” “You or someone you know will experience this.” “If you want to save money then you’ll …….”
Ways to motivate your audience • Save Money • Increase Health • Improve Relationships • Make Money • Improve Lifestyle • Commonality • Same Experience • Safety • Save Time • Entertainment
C. PURPOSE & D. PREVIEW What is the purpose of your speech? To Inform or to Persuade? Write your own PURPOSE STATEMENT for topic C. “The purpose of my speech is to …….. You must tell the audience where you are going! D. First, I will tell you…. Then, I will…. Last, …… CONGRATULATIONS!! You have written your first Speech Introduction!!
Practice Saying it with MEANING! • Read it • Underline important words • Say it with meaning!