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KENNETH J. HARVEY COL / AR Concept Development Division Director, CDID, MCoE (w) 706-545-9855

Maneuver Warfighter Conference Concept Implications on BCT Design Workgroup BCT 2020 FDUs Read Ahead 11 September 2014. KENNETH J. HARVEY COL / AR Concept Development Division Director, CDID, MCoE (w) 706-545-9855 (c) 352-580-5288 kenneth.j.harvey4.mil@mail.mil. David Youngblood

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KENNETH J. HARVEY COL / AR Concept Development Division Director, CDID, MCoE (w) 706-545-9855

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Maneuver Warfighter ConferenceConcept Implications on BCT Design Workgroup BCT 2020 FDUs Read Ahead11 September 2014 KENNETH J. HARVEY COL / AR Concept Development DivisionDirector, CDID, MCoE (w) 706-545-9855 (c) 352-580-5288kenneth.j.harvey4.mil@mail.mil David Youngblood LTC / AR Maneuver and BCT OI Organizational Integration Division HQDA, G-3/5/7 (DAMO-FMO)

  2. MCoE Standard 3x36 Scout Platoon FDU No Growth to BCT End Strengths • MISSION: The Cavalry Squadron conducts reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the development of the brigade's situational awareness and knowledge in the area of operations. Squadron operations empower the brigade to anticipate, forestall and dominate threats, ensuring brigade mission accomplishment through decisive action and freedom of maneuver. REQUIREMENT: Redesign BCT Cavalry Squadron and Battalion Scout Platoons to provide the necessary protection, mobility, organizational structure, personnel and equipment to meet mission requirements. IBCT SBCT ABCT What Changed What Changed What Changed From: 3 M3A3 + 5 HMMWV PLT From: 4 X RV PLT From: 6 X HMMWV PLT Cavalry Squadron Scout Platoons To: 6 x M2A3 PLT To: 9 x UAH PLT To: 6 x RV PLT Achieves 9 x 36 Scout PLT Achieves 6 x 36 Scout PLT Achieves 6 x 36 Scout PLT What Changed What Changed What Changed From: 4 X RV PLT From: 8 X HMMWV PLT No Change: 3 M3A3 + 5 HMMWV PLT Battalion Scout Platoons To: 6 x UAH PLT To: 6 x RV PLT Maintain 3 BFV x 5 HMMWV 36 Scout PLT Redesigned to 6 x 21Scout PLT Achieves 6 x 36 Scout PLT Organizational Impact Organizational Impact Organizational Impact • No growth in ABCT End Strength • The personnel bill required for this FDU (72 total spaces) are paid within the ABCT • MARC requires the Forward Support Company (FSC) growth of 8 spaces. • COMPO 2 redesign dependent on anticipated ARNG ABCT force structure decisions. • No growth in IBCT End Strength • No personnel bill required for this FDU • Applies to COMPO 2 redesign dependent on ARNG force structure decisions. • TAA 17-21 GOSC Deferred MCoE Emerging Growth to Achieve 36 Man BN Scout PLT. • No growth in SBCT End Strength • No personnel bill for this FDU • Applies to COMPO 2 redesign dependent on ARNG force structure decisions. Equipment Impact Equipment Impact Equipment Impact • Fills 9 AC ABCTs + Korea set + 2 APS ABC • 216 additional M2A3 required. • 12 additional M978 POL HEMTT required (1 per ABCT) and resourced from Force Reductions • 630 UAH required • 612 UAH Resourced from IBCT reduction • Anticipate Force reductions will fill the UAH requirement • No equipment bill • Redesigned from current SBCT equipment package

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