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Avoiding The Quick Fix. Avoiding The Quick Fix. Genesis 25:27-34. A “Quick Fix” is an activity, even if it is legitimate, that seeks to avoid a real solution to a problem or discomfort. Quick Fixes. Alcohol. Drugs. Gambling. Food. Pornography. Shopping/Credit Cards. Solutions.
A “Quick Fix” is an activity, even if it is legitimate, that seeks to avoid a real solution to a problem or discomfort.
Solutions • Deferred Gratification • Recognize the Deception • Practice Self-Control • Be At Peace • Trust God rather than the “Quick Fix”
STEED’S SERMONS • This PowerPoint based sermon is an example of thePowerPoint material being developed by Tom Steed and being distributed by www.eBibleTeacher.com • Although copyrighted, users may present this material in their own churches. You may remove this page from your slide show prior to your presentation but you MUST reinsert it prior to redistributing it. • This material may be edited but may notbe edited and redistributed. If someone wants a copy you must either give them the original version or send them to the webpage to obtain their own version. • Some notes are included with this presentation. View the presentation in the “Notes mode” to see the notes text. View the presentation in “presentation” mode to see the special transitions. • Visit www.eBibleTeacher.com for resources for Preachers and Sunday School teachers that use the computers & digital projectors to teach. • This slide show is a type of sermon literature and is copyrighted in regards to slide layout, text and arrangement. Some fees were paid to develop this series. See other restrictions in regards to graphics and quotations below as required by agreements with graphics and text providers. RESTRICTIONS: “This product/publication includes images from Corel MegaGallery, Art Explosion, and Corel Gallery 1,000,000 which are protected by the copyright laws of the U.S. Canada and elsewhere. Used under license. These images are for viewing purposes only and may not be saved or downloaded and may only be used for viewing purposes” • No warranty or guarantee is implied. Some scripture quotations taken from: King James version or HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV) 1973, 1978 by the International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible publishers.