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How to Make Love to a Cannibal. Van Huynh, Odin Ifrim, Minh Nguyen and Massaer Gaye. CARDINAL RULES OF CANNIBALISM. 1-Predators It’s never too early to start Never pick on someone your own size Ponder the small risk of remaining a virgin.
How to Make Love to a Cannibal Van Huynh, Odin Ifrim, Minh Nguyen and Massaer Gaye
CARDINAL RULES OF CANNIBALISM 1-Predators It’s never too early to start Never pick on someone your own size Ponder the small risk of remaining a virgin
Dear Dr. Tatiana,I’m a European praying mantis, and I’ve noticed I enjoy sex more if I bite my lover’s heads off first. It’s because when I decapitate them they go into the most thrilling spasms. Somehow they seem less inhibited , more urgent-it’s fabulous. Do you find this too? I like ‘Em Headless in Lisbon
European praying mantisStagmantis religiosa • Sexual Cannibalism • Where one mate eats another • Only occurs 5 – 31% • Why? • Large appetite • Ejaculate faster • Brain inhibits sex behavior
Grandmother’s Footstep • Male praying mantis • Pre-mating behavior • Mount from behind • Escape to mate another day Don’t make a false move or it will be your last! • Size • Male vs Female
Accidents Happen • Life in Captivity • Third of cannibalism observed • Means of survival • Been observed in wild and captivity • European praying mantis “I ate my lover by Mistake” • No mistake • Several spiders
Males Deselected from population Passing on his genes Nutritional investment to his offspring Females Meal ticket Getting her eggs fertilized Reduce cost 2 Points of View
Dear Dr. Tatiana,I’m an Australian redback spider, and I’m a failure. I said to my darling, “Take, eat, this is my body,” and I vaulted into her jaws. But she spat me out and told me to get lost. Why did she spurn the ultimate sacrifice? Wretched in the Wilderness
Dying to have sexLatrodectus hasselti • Prolonging intercourse increases the chances that his sperm will fertilize her eggs • Satisfying her urges • Providing nutrition to insure a large batch of eggs
100% sure to be the date and the dinner as well? Then enjoy life for while,
2- Victims • “Never get eaten during foreplay” • Not sure to pass on your genes? • Escape strategies are available Make love on a full stomach Whack your partner Toss her in the air Tie her down Or simply do not approach her
Make Love On A Full Stomach Natalia and Vadim Nephila clavipes
toss your lover and get away Lycosa Rabida give her a few whacks Paruroctonus mesaensis get it done very quickly Hermissenda crassicornis give her something to suck on Argyrodes zonatus
Stay away from other females Other females been caught eating their lovers More than 80 species Emperor Scopions (Pandinus imperator ) Midges (Culicoides impunctatus )
Give her a shoulder to cry on in her time of need (Ovalipes catharus) She’ll reward you with quite the prize Being a Gentleman: Who says Chivalry is Dead?
Gag Her Tetragnatha extensa Bondage Xysticus cristatus Survival of the Kinkiest: When Chivalry Fails
Males don’t eat females during sex. However, after sex, they usually have a craving for a little snack… Nereis caudata Go Make Me a Sandwich
It’s never too early to start! Never pick on someone your own size! So keep in mind that…. The sand shark Amoeba
Bibliography Andrade, Maydianne PhD. The Copulatory Somersault. University of Toronto Zoology. Retrieved from http://www.scar.utoronto.ca/~mandrade/somersault.html. on May 26, 2005. Australian museum online Spiders Retrieved May 27, 2005 fromhttp://www.austmus.gov.au/spiders/ Booth, J.D., Naylor, J.R., Webber, W.R. A guide to offshore crabs found in New Zealand Waters. pg. 14. Shark pic: Doughty, M. (2002, October 19). The Female Praying Mantis: Sexual Predator or Misunderstood. Retrieved May 26, 2005, from http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/biology/b103/f02/web1/mdought.html Judson, Olivia Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation 1st Ed. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC 2002 Persons, Mathew; Uetz, George. 2003. Sexual cannibalism and mate choice decisions in wolf spiders: influence of male size and secondary sexual characters. Animal Behavior, 2005. Vol 69: pg. 83-89. Maxwell, M. R. (n.d.). Sexual cannibalism, mate choice, and sperm competition in praying mantids. Retrieved May 26, 2005, from http://home.sandiego.edu/~maxwellm/sesual%20cannibalism.html Starmer, Frank. Sex and the spider, Nephila clavipes. Medical University of South Carolina. Retrieved from http://monitor.admin.musc.edu/~cfs/nephila_mating/on May 26, 2005. Suttle, K. B. (1999). The evolution of Sexual Cannibalism. Retrieved May 26, 2005, from http://ib.berkeley.edu/courses/ib160/past_papers/suttle.html
Images Slide #4 Fig 1-Praying mantis mating http://www.pbase.com/ericmangl/mantis Slide #5 Fig 1-Praying mantis cannibalism http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/6/1_016_05.html Slide #7 Fig 1-Praying mantis caged http://www.maskedflowerimages.com/photos_mantis.html Fig 2-Redback spider cannibalism http://www.amonline.net.au/spiders/dangerous/redback/ Slide #8 Fig 1-Praying mantis in bed http://www.unleadedjokes.com/html/Facts.html Paddle Crab Pic: Booth, J.D., Naylor, J.R., Webber, W.R. A guide to offshore crabs found in New Zealand Waters. pg. 14. http://www.fish.govt.nz/commercial/info/species/crab-id-guide.pdf Shark pic: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/02hawaii/logs/sep19/sep19.html for Nereis Pic: http://www.mbl.edu/animals/images/nereis.virens.jpg Crab Spider (Xysticus cristatus)info/pic: http://www.uksafari.com/commoncrab.htm Tetragnatha extensa info/pic: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/Spiders/Tetragnatidae/Tetragnathidae.htm