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Proposals To Evolve The Player Development Pathway Consultation Meeting. Outcomes of Today. Clarify the proposals for a revised player development structure Explain the rationale & need for change Listen to feedback Add feedback to a national consultation document for consideration.
Proposals To EvolveThe Player Development PathwayConsultation Meeting
Outcomes of Today • Clarify the proposals for a revised player development structure • Explain the rationale & need for change • Listen to feedback • Add feedback to a national consultation document for consideration
Player Development Consultation • Background • Preliminary recommendations • Discussion & Feedback
Rationale • RFU Management Board convened a Task Group to examine its player development pathway. • Objective: • Determine the most effective player development pathway covering all age groups to achieve on-going success in elite and community rugby in England.
Player Development Pathway • Keep as many players participating in clubs & schools as possible by providing opportunities • Indentify those that have the potential to progress to the elite level • Deliver specialised training to players of potential to ensure early development of skills and understanding • Provide a “safety net” to catch late developing potential professional players • De-clutter club/school & representative rugby fixtures
Key Principle - 2 Pathways • Performance Pathway: • a high performance elite pathway; • producing full-time professional rugby players; some of whom will achieve full international honours • beginning in earnest during a player’s U16 year.
Key Principle - 2 Pathways • ‘Aspirational’ Pathway: • allows every player to reach his/her potential, • Opportunity to identify late developers for the performance pathway • Safety net for those leaving the performance pathway • raises standards throughout and enriches the game, and, • attracts and retains players, coaches, referees, administrators and medical personnel.
The Pathways in simple terms “Aspirational” Performance England England Counties Saxons England Students Elite Clubs England Counties 20s England 20s Divisional 20s England 18s (26) (32) England Club & Schools 18s England 17s (26) Divisional 18s Regional Academies England 16s Divisional 16s U15s Camp (35) Schools of Rugby SoR U15s 12-a-side CB Squads EPDG U14s Clubs, Schools, FE & HE
Aspirational Pathway • Create programmes that raise standards and enrich the community game in England by providing opportunities to • players, • coaches, • administrators and • medical personnel. • Reduce the conflicting requirement to participate in school rugby, club rugby, and representative rugby • Remove players from clubs and schools for other activity as infrequently as possible. • No longer be the primary vehicle for identifying players for the Performance Pathway • Winning is important, but should no longer be the primary purpose of representative rugby on the Aspirational Pathway. • All activity in this Aspirational Pathway is based on a 1st September birth date.
Clubs, Schools, Further & Higher Education Player Development Pathway– ‘Aspirational’ 23+ 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 England Counties England Students Divisional 20s England Counties 20s Divisional 18s England Clubs & Schools 18s CB Squad Divisional 16s England 16s Schools of Rugby
Under 13 Proposals • Schools of Rugby Commence • CB Led • Supported by Coach & Player Development Officers & Academy staff • Primarily funded by RFU • Talent Identification Processes agreed by the Player Development Committee & published to CBs • First opportunity to identify talented players and athletes
Under 14 Proposals • CB Squads may commence • SoR continues with further recruitment where appropriate • Players in the SoR with the most potential (normally a small number) should be placed into Elite Player Development Groups (EPDGs) • EPDG Player Programmes determined by the Academy Manager in consultation with CBs.
Under 15 Proposals • SoR players (together with other CB players) should participate in at least two CB U15 matches during the Easter school holiday. • Allow England Rugby Regional Academy and CB SoR coaches to watch players in action. • 12-a-side tournament every May for U15s • One Team per England Rugby Regional Academy • Mostly, but not exclusively, be made up of participants in the EPDGs. • From which 35 players identified to participate in an Under 15 development camp in August. CB Run Academy / Elite Run
Under 16 Proposals CB Level • County representative activity would commence from October half term school holiday. • Development sessions and trials would take place during October half term, with possibly (no more than) one match at the end of the half term school holiday. • Development sessions and matches would run from the middle of December to the middle of January. • January should largely be kept clear of county activity as it is a GCSE examination period. • Only a few (5-10) players nationally may be excluded from this pathway Divisional Level • Preparation during February half term school holiday. • Divisional matches during an Easter Festival. • Each Division to play one match v another Division plus two “international” fixtures. • Selection for the England U16 team would only take place at the Festival. England • One England Team • Two games to be organised after the Festival.
Under 17 Proposals • County CB Development squad activity would continue for this age group. • No Divisional or National representative rugby at this age group in the Aspirational Pathway.
Under 18 Proposals • CB, Division and England U18 Clubs & Schools team. • Only players who participate in U18 County representative squads would be eligible for upward selection CB Level • County representative activity would commence at October half term school holiday. • Development sessions and trials would take place during October half term, with possibly (no more than) one match at the end of the half term school holiday. • Development sessions and matches would run from the middle of December to the middle of January. • January should largely be kept clear of county activity as it is a A & AS level examination period. Divisional Level • Preparation would happen during February half term school holiday. • Two Divisional matches would be played during the first part of the Easter School Holidays England • There would be one England U18 Clubs & Schools match during the second part of the Easter School Holidays • Players must come through the CB & Divisional route
U20 Proposals • England Counties U20. • play one fixture per annum towards the end of the season. • selected from the County Championship and the Divisional Festival. • from level 3 in the league structure and below • A single day Divisional Festival • England Counties U20 selectors to attend • Selection also from County U20 matches • England Rugby Regional Academy scholars would not be eligible
The Pathways in simple terms “Aspirational” Performance England England Counties Saxons England Students Elite Clubs England Counties 20s England 20s Divisional 20s England 18s (26) (32) England Club & Schools 18s England 17s (26) Divisional 18s Regional Academies England 16s Divisional 16s U15s Camp (35) Schools of Rugby SoR U15s 12-a-side CB Squads EPDG U14s Clubs, Schools, FE & HE
Performance Pathway • Few players will become professional players • These players need exceptional: • Coaching; • Conditioning; • Nutrition and • Psychological support, from experts in their field. • Rugby is a late maturation sport – • Routes & processes for late developers in to the pathway • Processes to support players leaving the pathway ensuring they are retained in rugby.
Clubs, Schools, Further & Higher Education Player Development Pathway - Performance 23+ 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 England England Saxons Elite Clubs England 20s England 18s AASE Schools England Rugby Academies CB Squads England 17 Devt. Squad Elite Player Development Groups U15 Devt. Camp Academy U15 12-a-side Schools of Rugby
Performance Pathway School of Rugby U13 Rugby Players & Talented athletes CB squads allow ID at U14, U15 & U16 Most Talented recruited to EPDG from U14 upwards EPDG Specialist coaching & mentoring 12-a-side festival every May for U15s – 1 Team per Academy U15s Development Camp 35 players identified to participate in August. U17 Development Squad Announced September 1st Based upon January 1st D.o.B. CB Run Academy / Elite Run
Break & Workshop Feedback In Groups of 4 to 5 • Identify the benefits and limitations of adopting two pathways. • Where limitations or practical difficulties exist, please identify possible solutions • What protocols need to be established between the two pathways:- • To provide a route to the performance pathway for late-developers • To provide an exit route into the community game from the performance pathway. • What practical/scheduling difficulties are caused by the Aspirational Pathway as proposed? • Report and feedback
What next…………..? • All feedback to be formalised & typed • Can be circulated to members • Feedback from all meetings collated and considered • Available on rfu.com • Final Recommendations to Management Board & Council